A level 100 Belrog from a pdps player (rogue/warden) does similar damage compared to M/S pet.
so you mean using m/s pet makes no sense? because my cenedril is always doing similar damage either as mdps or pdps. (approx. 400-600kk in a 70 min run)
A level 100 Belrog from a pdps player (rogue/warden) does similar damage compared to M/S pet.
so you mean using m/s pet makes no sense? because my cenedril is always doing similar damage either as mdps or pdps. (approx. 400-600kk in a 70 min run)
Yes Reve, stop trolling xD
that was just my thoughts which i find reasonable
I just experienced great dissbalance between mdps(mages) and pdps(rogue) in rofl. (T13 gear XIII runes t16/t14 weapon) experienced rogue could not even compete with lower geared mage classes (m/d, m/ch, m/s) and those differences were at the level of i think abou at least 4 - 5 tiers in eq.
Maybe consider lowering mages another % value like it was done few pathes ago with all classes?
i agree, please buff rogues or nerf mages or do both together
edit: i suggest removal of elemental knowledge passive
r/p is strongest rogue atm and he is rly behind mages champs or warden
r/p might be strongest rogue and if thats true, it will stay as strongest rogue. but let me disagree with you on the second sentence.
random no r/ch r/d r/wrl r/wd r/m no scouts
if they are good why ppl dont wanna play them
it is unfortunately not my problem that players are picking mage over rogue for some reason.
im mainly playing rogue since the beginning of balance and playing other classes too time by time, and can say that rogue was never weaker than other classes - except than champs in some patches - by all combos compared and i always had a combo to play with when a one falls behind. but currently i don't see a big difference between mage and rogues in pug runs as long as we have a w/p or k/m in party that is preventing the rogue from death.
rogue soon will end like scout
scout in pt? hmm only support or u must make EQ like Lutine or Cruvor
Display MoreDisplay Morei don't understand what you both are talking about.
i never played r/p since long time but as i see even people who cant deal half of their damage as any other rogue are performing ok with this class in runs, and i don't see a nerf in change list whatsoever. you are losing 15% pdmg (17-18%~ since pdmg is working weird with flat damage buffs) and gaining 10% more aoe damage against 6 target, gaining 120% more aoe damage against 15 target.
there are few problematic combo of rogue, my opinion about rogues generally is:
rogue/mage is one of these problematic combos in my opinion which is relying on physical attack boosters ALOT more compared to other classes due to having lowest physical attack among other classes even with end game equipment, and it is also most expensive rogue combo to deal its maximum potential damage i believe in end content.
other one is rogue/warlock which is performing mediocre/ok due to missing aoe damage, but it again depends on playstyle of the tank.
rogue/druid: best duo for rogue/mage -- is a bit uncomfortable to play due to needing to change your location alot for sustain aoe, but does decent damage
rogue/champion: best support for balton lovers, after m/wl ofc -- imo a weak class due to losing alot in terms of damage comparison with others in raid, in exchange to buff party slightly (not buffing mdps alot however)
rogue/warrior: slowest rogue, but highest burst potential (not comparing with r/p because i don't know how it is for burst), it overperfoms in slow runs / easily outperforms any mage i met in any type of run
rogue/warden: i didn't play recently, but it was feeling quite weak in slow runs due to missing sustained damage
rogue/scout: i didn't play recently
and have to mention that i don't care about damage of these classes in balton while writing these opinions, everything is about overall damage, not just single target burst.
loosing 15% pdmg for rogue results in ~22% damage loss (for me^^)
One additional point: I don't think rogue/warrior has highest burst potential. For AOE yes, but single target not. My r/s, r/p, r/wrd, r/wl, r/m and r/ch dealing more single target burst (balton) than r/w. (didn't played r/d for a while)
But r/w is, as you said, probably the best rogue for slow runs and has the best AOE of rogues for me, but the class is even worse than a good mage (let it be mage/ch or mage/s or any other good mage as good as those two) in overall rofl. Maybe the single target burst potential of r/w is better than other rogues, if there are other rogues of which you can leech the bleedings, but this are my experiences and r/w wasn't changed a long time.
my observations are made under a raid which is poorly supported by patk boosters (noone except wlm i guess), thatswhy rogue/warrior is performing better in my party i believe, due to having insanely higher patk than other classes without supports, and r/wd comes after that, however r/ch was quite weaker than other physical classes for me no matter what raid setting we have, maybe t16 dagger is increasing my damage by 30% compared to t15 hammer
Display Morejust delete all leather class bcs this nerf all the time is not funny
magic class are stronger than all leather class but u nerf leather class
GJ more nerf good way if u wanna less ppl here do it more GJ
nice +1
wtt full gold leather gear for equal cloth bcs im done with this idiot balance
ps. if someone wanna waste money make leather eq
Now R can be only buffer xd
Many ppl may be fell disappointed....
i don't understand what you both are talking about.
i never played r/p since long time but as i see even people who cant deal half of their damage as any other rogue are performing ok with this class in runs, and i don't see a nerf in change list whatsoever. you are losing 15% pdmg (17-18%~ since pdmg is working weird with flat damage buffs) and gaining 10% more aoe damage against 6 target, gaining 120% more aoe damage against 15 target.
there are few problematic combo of rogue, my opinion about rogues generally is:
rogue/mage is one of these problematic combos in my opinion which is relying on physical attack boosters ALOT more compared to other classes due to having lowest physical attack among other classes even with end game equipment, and it is also most expensive rogue combo to deal its maximum potential damage i believe in end content.
other one is rogue/warlock which is performing mediocre/ok due to missing aoe damage, but it again depends on playstyle of the tank.
rogue/druid: best duo for rogue/mage -- is a bit uncomfortable to play due to needing to change your location alot for sustain aoe, but does decent damage
rogue/champion: best support for balton lovers, after m/wl ofc -- imo a weak class due to losing alot in terms of damage comparison with others in raid, in exchange to buff party slightly (not buffing mdps alot however)
rogue/warrior: slowest rogue, but highest burst potential (not comparing with r/p because i don't know how it is for burst), it overperfoms in slow runs / easily outperforms any mage i met in any type of run
rogue/warden: i didn't play recently, but it was feeling quite weak in slow runs due to missing sustained damage
rogue/scout: i didn't play recently
and have to mention that i don't care about damage of these classes in balton while writing these opinions, everything is about overall damage, not just single target burst.
try doing rofl with GORGE RED GEAR now
this isn't even something hard to achieve. rofl runs was taking around 1 hour before nerf for my guild, and its taking 1hrs and 20 mins now more or less, even though i was testing a weaker class compared to my other main damage dealers.
you are complaining not because gorge equipment can't run rofl, but because people who have no idea about damage dealing and can't breach the dps check of instance at b4 and b5.
every single person who cleared rofl before class balance knows that this instance was alot harder when we had only 2 class to use before balance. warrior/mage was top single target damage dealer just with its white hits, now its white hits are just 10-20% of total damage and its one of the weakest damage dealers in my opinion.
another example; i was dealing 40% damage to organs as r/m with no damage reduction, now with much higher defense + much higher damage reduction, its almost taking 110-130% damage instead. both are enough to prove the devastating boost on classes. (don't even dare to say "you have golden gear now", instance has been nerfed 73% since then, 0.7 damage vs 0.19 damage according to this )
there was plenty of time for those damage dealers(!) to improve themselves, but they chose to leech runs instead.
i don't think d/r has aoes the scout has
uhhmmm.... Scout and AOE? You mean Piercing Arrow and Reflected Shot? Because Hurricane Downpour has 1 min cd. D/R has an AOE which can be used permanently and can hit all targets (no limit). Scouts Reflected Shot is strongly limited to few mobs and Piercing Arrow.... pls don't call this as an AOE if you did. Piercing Arrow cannot really hit many targets because of the crap area/stone/flower in the way. I guess the most amount of mobs I had hit with Piercing Arrow was 9 or 10 at B2 after all mobs were pulled to the tank on the same place. In trash it often hits only 1 target, even if 20 mobs there (mantis after b2 for example).
Now im out. I said my opinion
im talking about s/ch, s/r, s/m, s/wd, i didn't play other scouts frequently, and yes, i still believe these classes have somewhat aoe sustain and burst.
aoe damage of d/r was really low compared to other skills of the class in overall in my runs, i don't know how it makes it "good" just by being able to spam it, idk, people often do such mistakes, i mean using aoe skill when there are 3-4 mobs by thinking it would be better because its a "crowd", but in reality single target skill is dealing more damage for certain classes as i mentioned on previous message, yet im not sure about d/r.
but to be honest its been a few weeks since i didn't run, maybe things changed
I believe, that druid/rogue IS op in some way. this class has full burst (except siege war title) every 90 seconds
this is almost same for rogue/warlock and literally any warlock though, anyway;
So you are doing every 5 minutes your maximum damage, which is really extremly higher than the damage you can do every 90 seconds with a scout.
i don't think d/r has aoes the scout has
That is not manipulate from me, only oversight
that is more than oversight, this change is more effective than all of your list combined together.
rogue/warlock was favorite of slow runs because it was a good option if other players can't destroy crowds in seconds, but it was never best rogue except for a few days/weeks in certain patches, like its initial rework
rogue/warden was best rogue class for a very long time, until r/m rework appeared, but not many player was able to play r/wd properly back in time which i believe was the reason why it didn't get any change/nerf for that long time. even myself noticed its existence after few months of initial change of the class, because i never saw anyone playing it around my runs and never wanted to try it because it kinda felt boring just by reading skills, but in fact it was better than any other rogue, not slightly, but far better.
I don't know what you want say with that. R/s in this moment still is the strongest rogue. In my raids i dont have many supports
and r/wrl is totally medium, r/ch r/w r/m eat him and r/s eat all rogues.
r/w r/ch r/m are best rogues as i remember from a few months ago (idk about current state of r/s) but im comparing r/wl with other classes, not with strongest rogues. if you still think its weak against other classes such as mages, wardens or champs, maybe you need to change your rotation, the class don't need aoe to be good, single hit dtpeals around 20-40kk depending on party which is more than enough to handle narrow places even without aoe, this is same for some wardens (wd/s iirc) for example in some situations, single target > aoe for some classes in certain situations
but class has very little physical attack, which makes it unusable for low tiered/statted equipments or parties with bad warlock/mage supports, - i think i had lowest patk among other rogues as this class.
Druid/rogue is op because is OP
druid/rogue is op because it is playable even by a potato and it has no chance to do mistakes with that unless you are a literal potato
bad side of the class is, even if you play perfect, there won't be much difference between you and those little potatoes due to being easy to play + higher than usual magical attack, this reminds me old w/m.
also i believe only difference between strong warlocks and d/r is, warlock is harder to play and has aoe power as result of this difficulty. i also think d/r is like somehow r/wl either since both has very high sustain, high single target burst but no/low aoe.
i don't like how you manipulate the rogue/warlock changes by not listing everything.
you are just listing buffs and trying to say "they are buffing classes that is already strong" as i understand, but you aren't showing this big nerf to main hits of the class.
To sum up, at this point r / wrl is average dps, it is neither very weak not very strong, it just is and is able to do some result on the instance. However, if you compare it to the r / wrl at the beginning of the balance, when it was totally OP, it is a lot stronger in this moment. Really much stronger. Since then he was nerfed because he was too powerful, then he got boosts, which made him much stronger than he was at the beginning, and yet the current balance is just average, I'll risk a statement that something went wrong.
except against some classes like; r/s ( i didn't play it after last nerf, but it was quite op before that ), wl/s, wl/wd, s/ch, i disagree with this. r/wl is very strong class in regular raids without many supports, eventhough it has no aoes, being on top of scrut even when it get beaten on aoe parts of instance
Display More...Balance idea...:
1) Find the strongest combination of the class and give him nerf
2) Find the weakest / weak combination and give him a big boost
3) Leave the already weakened and often unplayable combination from the first point
4) Give two medium nerfs for a reinforced combination even though it requires two very large nerfs
5) Repeat steps 2-4 for each class: mage, rogue, warrior etc, and set a new power threshold for the party.
6) Go to the second point
if they start to nerf each combination one by one like you proposed, it will destroy entire process of class balance done up to now. every class combo should be in same line first, then nerf/buff general skills of the class, more likely passive damage skills, to get general class be in same line as other classes.
Nowadays it's the druid/rogue and warlock/scout which are most overpovered (imo)
i believe druid/rogue looks op because it is very easy class to play and there is lesser diversity among the players unlike many other dps classes that 80% of community cries that they are too weak and 20% which knows how to play it thinks they are fine compared to other classes
for example; if anyone can't deal more damage in overall as m/ch than d/r, that means d/r is created for that player, keep playing it
This topic is about how the fast draw skill works,
And I see an attack on my person by other players.
I showed screenshots of how it works on weaker eq, weaker does not mean crap eq!
I think personal attacks are not a constructive opinion on this topic, and gm is asleep as I can see.
please use accuracy rune / druid buff on yourself before testing this, and not with your unbuffed dexterity or low gun level, noone is attacking you, just you don't want to understand what is wrong in your tests.
also as i said you can always use 300% accuracy badge if you think this skill is very important even to lose some damage in order to make it hit with 100% chance.
I'm referring to a badly nerfed skill
topic about this skill has answered 2 times by a dev, but you are saying other classes don't have this issue, what is logic of this question? just read skill description which clearly says skill is supposed to miss. it wasn't missing at all on first rework patch so it was obvious that something was wrong, therefore its fixed, not nerfed. also when you miss, you are gaining 20 focus, which makes you use more joint blow during sustain, which may compensate some of damage loss from miss in longer term.
this kind of changes providing variety, and different mechanics to game and imo a skill that requires alot accuracy is unique and forces the player to use accuracy runes, or lose some damage by using accuracy badge, which means more options rather than boring similar class skill contents.
Simply put, you have made a skill for pro players.
you have 5 other dps combo to play with dagger if you think just this skill is making the class unusable, yet this skill is just 12-14% of overall damage of class if you have 90% hit rate. it is like saying "so you created r/ch for hammer owners, was it hard to make it usable with daggers?"
theoretically every class is made for "pro players", because the ones with low equipment/skill are complaining whole day that their class isn't dealing damage as much as others and requesting nonsese buffs.
That's how you finally destroyed the Warlock/Warden, because at this point it's already a totally unplayed combination.
i played wl/wd with severed consciousness instead of ruthless judgment, its still overpowered, don't worry
By how much was it on top? It would be cool to see some raw data on this, as in our runs it was that anything burst the wl/wd was on top, but sustained damage the class kinda sucked.
~ Midan
- one argument was saying 2 dps isn't a good example, but having more dps would usually make the burst classes stronger than class being alone, if wl/wd sustain feels bad for you, (example: warden/warrior sucks on sustain, but it is quite strong class if your party is crowded because it has good burst and you don't need to use your sustained damage if raid is fast enough) because you won't have much time to use your sustained damage, mobs will die too fast anyways
- with 3-4 (good) dps, you can't see the max potential of class, you can see only quickness of the class and the player which is being like whoever-attacks-first-wins-scrut, same issue applies for mage vs pdps comparison. 2 mage can clear rofl in 50 minutes, 2 pdps can clear rofl in 50 minutes, 1 mage and 1 pdps can clear it in 50 minutes too but mage can't win against pdps because class itself is slow.
you wouldn't need much sustain if your class is destroying entire crowd alone during burst without needing a 2nd dps, yet scrut example of sacred is using most of "sustain" of the class and that proves that either wl/wd has better sustain than s/w or bursts of class is incredibly broken and compensating the lack(no :D) of its sustain
mathematically, more player = lesser gap between damage of each person = whoever burst first, gets most benefit out of it and rest will share the damage of rest of creatures unless you order your burst instead of wasting it at same mob crowd with your entire raid.
my opinion is; if wl/wd wasn't incredibly strong in your crowded parties, that might mean this;
state: your dps in raid are playing dps just to destroy damage of other damage dealers instead of trying to run faster by bursting in order.
reason: the player who is playing the class is not trying, or being unsuccessful due to being slow, to "win" destroying damage of others.
come on, it was taking 5 seconds to kill 80% of b2 mobs alone and this burst has 90 sec cooldown, why would you need sustain (eventhough im still saying it don't have bad sustain) with such low cooldowns XD
please, if you aren't playing the class by yourself, don't comment on class by comparing players in your raid because you have no idea how people are playing their classes and what kind of mistakes they are making. anyways scrut example of sacred doesn't give any reliable info about mentioned classes because it don't have details of each part of instance.
wl/s has always same damage until you lose a buff, thats what i mean by sustained burst
Yeah, that's how buffs work...? Your point doesnt make much sense. Damage his higher with buffs. Do you mean that those buffs are too frequent?
rj: ruthless judgment
cc: charged chop
rj cc rj cc rj cc recover psi rj cc rj cc rj (the part it starts to slow the burst down) cc cc rj cc cc rj cc cc rj cc ...
i don't think i can explain simplier, if you actually play the class, you would understand it better i believe.
- wl/s has more reliable sustained burst, wl/wd losing burst after you waste your all burst psi (6+4 seconds) but its still alot stronger than wl/s in terms of burst, especially in aoe
Would you be so kind to clarify what you mean with "sustained burst"? Those are two mutually exclusive things. Do you mean short cooldown burst?
wl/s has always same damage until you lose a buff, thats what i mean by sustained burst
wl/wd is using 3 skills immediately in first second, then using 3 + 2 (3 if you have 104lv iss) ruthless judgment and it starts to slowdown due to wait time of 2 psi regeneration while wl/s is doing 1.5 sec channel always which is enough time to gain required psi for next cast which is reason i call it more reliable (more likely stable)
played wl/s again and also tried wl/wd
- wl/wd has slightly lower sustain compared to wl/s but alot more aoe burst (i can't say single target burst on mobs is alot stronger somehow, while 1 severed consciousness is enough to kill a mob during burst for wl/s, i needed to use a few skills to kill single mob as wl/wd)
- wl/s needs some preparation time for 1-2 seconds before starting its aoe burst while wl/wd don't need it since your main hit is already your preparation skill
- wl/s has rare focus issues, wl/wd has no issues except lack of psi
- wl/s has more reliable sustained burst, wl/wd losing burst after you waste your all burst psi (6+4 seconds) but its still alot stronger than wl/s in terms of burst, especially in aoe
- wl/s has more fluent skill order, wl/wd has boring and easier skill order which is making it easier to play/manage your sources
- wl/wd has quite high matk so its stronger than wl/s in many aspects if raid don't have -%defense support stuff
- wl/s has still more burst than mage/scout and druid/warlock even without ironblood will (20% more damage) and wl/wd has EVEN more burst potential
as result; i can say wl/s has sustain of warden/mage, burst of scout/rogue, aoe of rogue/priest
wl/wd has sustain of rogue/mage, burst of scout/champion, aoe (mostly burst) of scout/mage
Display MoreRegarding upcoming death to Wl/wd,
If u want to change something, just do little steps not something like that:
- Reduced Charged Chop damage to 2720 from 3200.
First u want to nerf the Magical Attack, after that u want to nerf the Damage of the Main damage skill... just pointless.
That looks more like: We hit it with the hammer until the class is dead, and not like a real plan how to balance a class
Please do me a favor, if you want to make things worse, do it in small steps and look how it goes. Such things lead to the fact, that the players no longer have any desire to give thier feedback, or that class to play becaus it is death anyway.
Gratz Itzamna
how come 15% nerf to "main" skill - which will not be main skill after psi recover change - is being destroying the class which is clearly overpowering in every state? 15% is a small change compared to nerfs/buffs other classes were getting in past, and class will still be broken imo.
Quote"if you want to make things worse"
there is nothing bad yet you are talking like they are nerfing a bad class to be even worse, thats just wrong, these changes are literally making an op class to be still op but in different way.
i didn't play wl/wd yet so can't comment about it, but played wl/s and i can say that it is too strong in all aspects except aoe burst
- 140kk per severed consciousness in balton while just 50kk puzzlement
- 5-6kk constant sustain dps, 15-20kk burst on single targets every 90 sec
- too easy to enter willpower state as long as you manage your skills well, it has perfect rotation to enter wpb, its so fluent.
it has a bit weaker aoe than some wardens for sure and thats literally only weakness of the class, yet it doesn't change the fact that this class is too strong when its alone and destroying everything with no sweat, with just 2 buffs which has just 90 sec cooldown, you can delete your target with 1 spell which is taking 1.5 to cast and spammable ( it took 8-12 seconds to clear spider cave room with just using severed consciousness )
my guild mate is saying wl/wd is way stronger than wl/s, with the fact that i don't know if it is correct, if that is correct i can't imagine how strong wl/wd is.
im thinking wl/s is better than most of the physical dps i played for these reasons
I don't know why the person dealing with this balance has been gradually weakening mages for a long time, taking their magic attack, replacing it with magic damage
Damage whether physical or magical is of no use to making better results on instances if we don't have enough matt/patt.
if you don't have enough matk, that means you aren't ready to deal decent damage in the instance, get better gear to be better in that instance or accept the fact that you aren't supposed to deal damage as much as other people who made those high tier equipments.
sure we can talk about some other classes, Knight/warden for example, on dummies he is one of the best classes i have ever tried there. Thruth shield bash, hit over 20kk without buffing up. In rofl this class is non existant, way to less patk i did not try knight/warlock long time ago, but think he still have same problem. Warrior/druid, if you read skills he looks really nice. But he is Also non existant in rofl. Warrior/priest even slash and open flank hit double, he is far away from Warrior/champ or w/rouge. yes he have nice supports, so no need to be a meta class and is even funny to play. We can even talk about champ/ Warrior we have way better Tank combos in this game, so why is there no change you can play this class as dps too? And yes you will always see just meta classes in pugs, And I know rouge/mage are strong I saw it 1-2 times but then the guy leave our guild 😅 Also scouts always get balanced again and again I never played that class, but I still see people with full red gear do really good dmg in rofl and I see posts in forum from people who have full gold or close to be full gold and say scouts can not compare to other dps!? yes I would not say mages are weak, there are still good mage combos Our Mage/rouge is still the best burst Aoe class at adds after bosses but in sustain he lose then. But then the Mage/Warden are way better. but I also never played cloth dps and tbh I will never do so I don’t know much about mages.
w/p is one of the best supports in game in terms of keeping party alive especially for short range squishy classes like rogue, m/r, m/ch, s/ch etc + squishy tanks for bosses, 18% damage loss for bosses is making huge difference and its permanent. so i don't see a reason to turn it into a dps to compete with other classes
i don't know why you want k/wd to compete with other pdps either, it is bulky offtank class 1.3kk hp and 1.5kk defense with dps equipment (it can be even more if you use tank buffs instead of dps) and is almost impossible to die as long as you have a regular tank, im against to make it compete with other dps as long as it keeps this survivality.
also warrior/druid got 5-10% buff with recent patch (check difference between physical damage and damage dealt), i don't know why you think they aren't changing it to be viable.
Display MoreDisplay Morei don't think they can help you while you are laughing instead of giving an actual feedback after change log is released, they were on site for like 4-5 days
im also tired of reading "i was in tikal once ..." nonsenses, its not different than comparing classes in 90 level instance or in weapon levelling dummies.
unless they change every class to have equal physical attack in same circumstance, this balance will never end because always someone will cry in the corner saying "my class is weak with this gear - my class is weak in tikal ..."
warden is weak with low patk in rofl while you can play champ with higher efficiency even with low patk due to higher patk satisfies boss defense. warden is strong in rofl only when you have enough equipment and proper warlock who have an idea about how to support their burst with patk buffs, now they eliminated this issue partially and nerfed strongest wardens, yet there are still people crying like warden got huge buff and champs are unusable now, stop it.
There are still unplayable combos who nobody care about.
can you tell me which classes they are? not everyone is chasing meta to play only strongest dps every patch, but playing fun classes sometimes. useless =/= not strong
if you want to talk for rogues, im still saying r/m (maybe after r/w, because r/w is lesser dependent of good warlock support than other rogues due to high patk) is best rogue for overall yet there is not enough data in server to prove it because no r/m can play it properly in pugs i joined. and i can also say that rogue doesn't feel more overpowered than any chain i played ( t16 weapon + t14/13 leather vs t15 weapon + t12 chain )
only thing i would agree is 90% of classes known as pdps can beat 90% of mdps classes in current state with equal skill, rest is just about playstyle of your raid
I was just laughing by myself and didn’t want to ask something about that.
i don't think they can help you while you are laughing instead of giving an actual feedback after change log is released, they were on site for like 4-5 days
im also tired of reading "i was in tikal once ..." nonsenses, its not different than comparing classes in 90 level instance or in weapon levelling dummies.
unless they change every class to have equal physical attack in same circumstance, this balance will never end because always someone will cry in the corner saying "my class is weak with this gear - my class is weak in tikal ..."
warden is weak with low patk in rofl while you can play champ with higher efficiency even with low patk due to higher patk satisfies boss defense. warden is strong in rofl only when you have enough equipment and proper warlock who have an idea about how to support their burst with patk buffs, now they eliminated this issue partially and nerfed strongest wardens, yet there are still people crying like warden got huge buff and champs are unusable now, stop it.