Posts by Quorthon

    Keep an eye out between 07.02.20 15:00 CET and 10.02.20 06:00 CET
    for the following items in our weekend Promotion!

    Flawless Ruby

    Original Sin Essence

    Soul Core

    Sun Jewel - Orion

    Advanced Sun Jewel - Orion

    Sun Jewel - Orion Master

    Moon Jewel - Orion

    Advanced Moon Jewel - Orion

    Moon Jewel - Orion Master

    Star Jewel - Orion

    Advanced Star Jewel - Orion

    Star Jewel - Orion Master

    Nebula Jewel

    Advanced Nebula Jewel

    Master's Nebula Jewel

    Daily Quest Ticket

    Goblin Mines Repeat Ticket

    Mirrorworld Ticket

    Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion

    Random Attribute Extraction Stone

    Advanced Bind Lifter

    Bind Lifter

    Big Purified Package

    100 Arcane Transmutor Charges
    Bound Experience Orb (10,000,000 Points)

    Class Maximum Expansion Ticket

    Gender Change (Female)

    Gender Change (Male)

    Race Change (Elf)

    Race Change (Dwarf)

    Race Change (Human)

    Power Up Pill - Level 80
    High Quality Leather Backpack III - VI
    Favorite Meal

    Awakening Potion

    Enhaceent potion

    Powerful Pet Growth potion

    Advanced Pet Experience Charm

    Advanced Pet Training Charm

    Superior Pet Experience Charm
    Pet Metamorphosis Elixirs
    Pet Metamorphosis Elixir Cleaner

    Hello Arcadians!

    I would like to announce that I am now Community Manager.
    This is not going to change my current duties but I will also take care of duties as Community Manager.

    You can still find me within the game and forum, so if you have questions, need help or you want to share your suggestions with me, do not hesitate to do so.

    Best Regards


    Do you have an artistic character? Can't avoid immortalizing the beauty of each place with lots of screenshots and then you don't know what to do with them?

    Well, you're in luck!

    Arcadia is looking for the most refined artists to decorate their loading screens.

    Let your imagination fly and get inspired by the most beautiful corners of Taborea, get a good collection of screenshots that reflect your style and skills, and capture your art with beautiful and magical places. Turn the loading screen into a gallery where they can be displayed for the whole community, who, in addition, will be able to see your name next to each image, and in this way you will get the recognition of all of them for your great talent!

    Don't wait any longer! Make your artistic aspirations come true and go out in search of beautiful places around Taborea, the only limit your imagination!



    • Participants must submit an original screenshot taken on Paradise.
    • ‌Participants must be registered on forum and have a .PlayerNet account.
    • Participants are limited to maximum 10 submissions.
    • Submissions must not infringe copyright.
    • Submissions must not be modified or edited.
    • Screenshot can be taken anywhere.
    • UI, character names and health bars must not be visible in screenshot.
    • Any theme as long as it is not obscene, violent, offensive or of any subject that violates our TOU.
    • Your submission must be submitted as a response to this thread.
    • Only posts with submissions will be accepted.


    Game settings

    • The submission must be borderless or fullscreen mode.
    • The submission must be made with highest graphic settings, you may force antialiasing [nvidia].
    • The image resolution should be minimum 1080p.
    • The image must be made as BMP (Interface settings -> Character information -> Screenshot in BMP).


    • The file format of the uploaded image must be PNG.
      You can use, Paint or other software to convert from BMP to PNG.
    • The image file size must not exceed 10 mb.

    Contest Terms

    • .PlayerNet Employees reserve the right to cancel or change the contest, and/or its rules at any time.
    • .PlayerNet Employees will ensure that all participants comply with the rules of the contest.
    • .PlayerNet Employees reserve the right to exclude anyone who show harmful intentions to the contest.
    • All votes (likes) added by accounts created after this announcement will be omitted from the total.
    • Participants are limited to 10 submissions.
    • Use of multiple forum accounts by the same person(s) to "boost" likes is prohibited and will lead to ban from all future events and potential game account ban.

    Contest Winners

    20 or more total participants:

    • 3 winners decided by .PlayerNet Employees
    • 2 winners decided by "Community Choice"

    50 or more total participants:

    • 5 winners decided by .PlayerNet Employees
    • 5 winners decided by "Community Choice"

    Special mention Category

    Entries which are not winners, but .PlayerNet employees decided to reward it.

    Duration of the Contest

    The contest will start on:‌ 18th ‌January.

    The contest will end on: 10th February at 23:59 CET.

    On 13th February voting for Community Choice ends at 23:59 CET.

    On 14th February the winners will be announced and prizes will be sent out.


    All applicable participants will receive a "Board Contest Gift Package".

    in addition to the display of screenshots on loading screens, the winners also will receive:


    • 1.000 x Badges of the Trial
    • 175 x Transformation Potions of your choice
    • 20 x Big Purified Package
    • 100 x 100 Arcane Transmutor Charges
    • 200 x Random Attribute Extraction Stone‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌
    • 1x Pair of Golden Wings
    • 20x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Armor
    • 20x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Accessories
    • 20x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Weapons
    • Unique title "The master of the Gallery"
    • 3000 Diamonds
    • Card - Athelis

    Special mention Category

    • 250 x Badges of the Trial
    • 50 x Transformation Potions of your choice
    • 10 x Big Purified Package
    • 20 x 100 Arcane Transmutor Charges
    • 50 x Random Attribute Extraction Stone‌
    • 2x Skin Packages of your choice
    • 5x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Armor
    • 5x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Accessories
    • 5x Perfect Titanium Hammer for Weapons
    • Unique title "The master of the Gallery"
    • 500 Diamonds

    Hola de nuevo.
    Intentaré pasar tu solicitud a algunos jugadores hispanos por si tal vez tuvieran un huequecito para ti en sus gremios.
    ¡Un saludo!

    Hola Deathxjoe,

    Sé bienvenido al servidor :)

    Espero que disfrutes y te diviertas mucho en Paradise. Para cualquier duda o consulta siéntete libre de contactar en el juego conmigo, o con cualquier miembro del equipo. Estaremos encantados de ayudar en lo posible.

    ¡Suerte con la búsqueda!



    If i am gm i would like to exprience the skills they have so its not a chage but would like to see it from their perspective one shoot gorge bosses pff..To see how it looks to have 3kk dias in ur bp :D Or top gear in game.. I would change that Varanas texture not to crash my god.. I would change raid 12man raid if u crash u dont get out u,get bk where u was..I would make atlanis as A Circus :D And ppl as clowns Happy New Year! Nubs

    Yeah!, I would also like to do that as GM 8o

    No hay de qué :)

    well i am trying to follow the directions to PM Thor but i can not find in the edit profile the ranks to change to allow me to do this so i guess i might not even get the "thank you for trying" rewards. Not sure if i am looking in wrong spot or if it isnt there i scrolled to bottom of all the different areas looking for it.

    Make sure you have the 20 points required so you can get the option to change your User Rank


    para que entiendas mejor como funciona te traduzco el mensaje acerca de los requisitos minimos para poder enviar MP en el foro. Espero que te sirva de ayuda.

    Saludos Arcadianos,

    Existen algunos requisitos establecidos para las nuevas cuentas del foro.
    Un nuevo usuario comenzará con el rango de "Bloody Newbie".
    Este grupo de usuarios no puede acceder a la función de mensajería privada en los foros.

    ¿Cómo mejora su rango y elimina esta restricción?
    Debes alcanzar 20 puntos en nuestro sistema de clasificación.
    1 post en el foro = 5 puntos
    1 hilo creado = 10 puntos

    Una vez que haya cumplido el requisito de 20 puntos, la restricción de mensajes privados se eliminará automáticamente y podrá cambiar su rango de usuario si lo desea desde "Bloody Newbie" a "Arcadian"

    Para cambiar tu Rango de Usuario:
    Mientras está logeado en el foro, haga clic en "editar perfil" en el menú ubicado en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla.
    Desplácese hasta la parte inferior de la página "Editar perfil" y cambie su clasificación a "Arcadian" y, a continuación, haga clic en Enviar.

    Hey guys, what's up?

    My name is Quorthon, i am a new GM.
    I have been playing Runes of Magic for many years and also other MMORPG and other types of games on multiple consoles.

    I hope to be of help to solve your problems and doubts.

    Thanks to the team for giving me this great opportunity, for me it is a great
    honor to be a part of them and i will try to give the best of me.

    See you soon Arcadian! :thumbup: