1. Download latest data.fdb and repleace it
2. Download latest manual patch, place it in game directory and execute as admin
Let me know if it helped.
Thank you very much Int, worked like a charm
1. Download latest data.fdb and repleace it
2. Download latest manual patch, place it in game directory and execute as admin
Let me know if it helped.
Thank you very much Int, worked like a charm
Please DONT USE data.fdb from another publishers and go offlne!
You can lose your items and other things from your character.
I will send you soon newest data.fdb so you can repleace it.
Ohhh, sorry but I had hoped that I could at least play with the other data.fdb, luckily I don't have that many items on Lethodus
Thanks in advance for the replacement data.fdb. Hope that that will solve the issue.
Snapshot is here.
data.fdb is the file I copied from the other publisher, but although I can start the game normally I don't see my character
data_old.fdb is the original arcadia fdb file after I installed the latest patch, I notice now that the date is way back in the past, even before I downloaded and installed the Arcadia game?
After the patch has been downloaded and installed (anit-virus and such all deactivated) I cannot play the game anymore?
After pressing the Startbutton it starts normally but right before I would get the secondary password it goes black with the errormessage: "ObjectDataClass [Init] LoadFile Failed = data\ImageObject.DB", after clicking ok I get an critical error.
I remember that the data-file in the FDB-folder was normally around 400MB (like the other publishers), but in the Arcadia folder of RoM/rdb it shows at only 12mb???
Is there a easy solution for this, hopefully without downloading the client and patches again due to ISP fair use policy?
Rom-welten is in error with regards to the % base, I don't see that % when I have cast Soul Poisoned Fang on a boss.
I do notice that if I cast more SPF on a mob/boss my Dark Damage skills do have an increase in hitdamage.
You say:
The elite soul poisoned fang doesn't seem to be working as it says, its
either that or bosses dont have elemental resist so that would make the
skill pointless i could be wrong tho
Could you be more specific as to why it doesn't seem to be working?
Hey all Arcadia's,
I just noticed something which need to be clarified.
My mage has several capped skills, like i.e.: the skill Fire Knowledge which states it is capped at level 50, but ... I can level it higher. Likewise with the skill Electrostatic Charge, this too can be levelled higher than level 50, although it also states that the skill can be levelled till level 50.
So my question is: Is this intentional or is it a bug?
Thank for your reply's.
Hello all,
I'm Lethodus, an old player (by age of 50) and an old player from RoM (started in Ch 2 up to Ch 4 then I left RoM due to RL, now the kids have grown, my job is atm non-excisting and because a friend of mine pointed me to this and the Insomnia server I thought, well, let's give it a try (I know I was very irritated by the way things were handled by the other publishers (can't write their names) and I hope things are looking better here than there.
New server, new toon, so instead of going the melee-route I've decided to be magical here, If you want more info than ask me here or ingame (or even a pm ) I will tell you everything (except my bankcode that is
Cya ingame,