es schon ein ziemliches durcheinander geworden würde es nicht sinn machen jede Zone in einen eigenen Post zu packen und dann sortiert nach Gebiet Instanz etc.
Posts by Mela
code 1 parent:UIParent call PlayerFrame's OnEvent, line: (null)
code 2 parent:AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBar call AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBarLeftPage's OnClick, line: [string "?"]:188: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)
code 3 parent:AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBar call AddonManagerFramePageAddonsPagingBarRightPage's OnClick, line: [string "?"]:188: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)code 4 parent:UIParent call PlayerFramePetButton's OnEnter, line: [string "?"]:233: attempt to call field 'difftime' (a nil value)
hmm today i had this issue with addon manager v6.0.7 makes me a lot of error messages and buttons not disabeld and some of them just cant disable with the addon. so i removed it again
i will retry again an put inside one by one so i can see which one
yes it is addon porblem sadly
but playing CoA without addons is like drinking beer without alc
so what about? Addonmanager isnt working and even if it would work flawless u cant disable the most of the button and icons #wish a clean UI
Bolinthya Rift u should be abel to always enter with the set skill and be abel do to it
Someone found all in Howling Mountains ? i missing there like 3 and checkt all codinats posted here
Please remember that main zones include also counts of instances on this zone. In future we will add special frame that will allow to see clearly what is missing yet.
i have ffrom the dungen zones all
Is it happening without any addons?
If yes, please send us integrity report.
im not sure if it happens because of addon i can show u my addon list.
Someone found all in Howling Mountains ? i missing there like 3 and checkt all codinats posted here
Someone an Idea why my game fully close always when i try to logg of to the charakter selection
since like 2 or 3 patches my addon isnt working anymore + i see the diff herbs 2x
I have a suggestion and believe these options would be very useful.
Suggestion to Improve Interface Settings
Would it be possible to add an option in the interface settings that allows players to completely hide various buttons and elements, similar to how the Auto UI does when performance drops? However, in this case, the selected elements would remain permanently hidden, such as certain minimap buttons, the experience bar, world event counters (see screenshot), the chat window, whisper window, minimap, etc.
In particular, I would love to hide most of the minimap buttons—I rarely use any of them. Features like the diamond recharge function and the error message button, which are constantly blinking, don’t contribute to a clean and streamlined view. The same goes for the quest tracker, monster/companion collection button, and the raid button, as I don’t use them either.
For those who rely on these features, they could keep them enabled, but I would prefer the option to hide as many elements as possible.
so da ist kein spezifischer Grund dafür ?
I think this problem is already in the base game, and always was. There are not many occasions when so many players gather...
However, it is really paingful.
I did not even see the Boss, the screen just freezes, no movement, no reaction from game client.
might not affect all players, as many player do damage and can play, but it is unplayable for many as well.
You should maybe consider deactivate all effects from skills/char modification, in this specific zone/area.
I think the guild resource orbs also pose a big problem.
I think a really huge performance improvement would be if it were possible to disable the aura effect from other players. When I disable my own, I already get about 15 FPS more, but many people still have theirs active. Even if you have other players disabled, the small ball still has the aura effect (see pic).
RAScrnShot_2024-11-02_07-43-58.bmp -
I think you talking about drop bonus. So yea i like the idea
Ich habe die letzten Tage verbracht alle Waffen auf Max zu bringen.
Nun habe ich eine Frage und würde gerne eine Erklärung für haben.
Warum aus welchen Grund sind manche Waffen um einiges niedriger ?
Ich habe alle Möglichen Klassen Kombis probiert und ich muss auch sagen das ich als M/R doch noch recht häufig verfehle obwohl ich max bin.
Eine Erklärung und Begründung währe recht cool. Vill geht ja doch noch eine Waffe höher und ich habe nur nicht die richte Klassen Kombi gefunden.
Danke schon mal.
Einhandaxt, Zweihandaxt, Zweihandschwert, Stab und Zweihandstab sind die Waffen die nicht auf 285 gehen -
so now randome runs ? everyone should know now how to do stuff
humorous times xD -
Aspect one.
-teammate: buff pls.
Yeah its first what he say. Its true, he can do more dps to kill something. Priest have many buffs, here need a table ranking in this aspect.just a question: do you calculate with orkham weapons? If yes, why is p/r ranked so low in buffs? p/r has by far the strongest attack buff of all priests bcs of 2 weapons with %-wisdom
sure he has but when u have one 1 healer in party an noone playing with /druid is best to pick so u get the dmg druid buff too. But still he hasnt the biggest heal out put