Posts by Niirtii

    Vor fast tausend Jahren gab es eine Gruppe von Helden, die dabei halfen den Frieden zu wahren. Morrok Wallinder und seine Familie waren ein Teil davon. Er, sein Vater Kafarg Duran und seine Halbbrüder Zhargos und Phargos wurden von ihren Gegnerm sehr gefürchtet.

    Es war einer der Ritter, der Wallinder gewarnt hat, das ein Attentat auf die Gruppe geschehen soll. Die Kundschafter hatten die Gerüchte im Dorf gehört.

    Doch Morrok, damals noch jung und arrogant, war sicher das es keiner mit ihnen aufnehmen konnte. So nahm das Unglück seinen Lauf.

    Beim nächsten großen Gefecht wurden seine Brüder verflucht und das Böse übernahm sie.

    Damit die beiden nicht eine Spur der Verwüstung durch Taborea ziehen konnten, bündelten alle Gefährten ihre Magie und verbannten die beiden für tausend Jahre in einem Portal.

    Seit dieser Zeit sucht Morrok nach einem Gegenzauber um seine Brüder zu retten.

    Almost a thousand years ago, there was a group of heroes who helped keep the peace. Morrok Wallinder and his family were a part of it. He, his father Kafarg Duran and his half-brothers Zhargos and Phargos were greatly feared by their enemies.

    It was one of the knights who warned Wallinder that an assassination attempt would be made on the group. The scouts had heard the rumors in the village.

    But Morrok, young and arrogant at the time, was sure that no one could take them on. So the misfortune took its course.

    At the next big battle, his brothers were cursed and evil took them over.

    To prevent the two from leaving a trail of devastation through Taborea, all the companions pooled their magic and banished the two to a portal for a thousand years.

    Since that time, Morrok has been searching for a counter-spell to save his brothers.

    Translated with (free version)

    by Niirtii


    In my opinion the new priest item set skill is useless. There is already a surplus of movement speed on the priest from other sources and classes.

    I would suggest to change it to enable a raid-wide usage of Group Heal for like 15 seconds with a 5 minutes cooldown. That would make much more sense. Or let it passively change the Soul Source to a raid hitting skill.

    Bei mir hat vActionbar extreme lags verursacht. Meine sowieso geringen 60fps waren damit in Atlas zwichen 0 un 15 fps.

    Ini war so nicht spielbar.

    VActionbar caused extreme lags for me. My already low 60fps were between 0 and 15 fps in Atlas.

    Ini was not playable like this.


    es wäre schön wenn die Auren und Cenedrils der anderen Spieler ausgeblendet werden könnten. Ich habe zur Zeit in den Inis, meist weniger als 20 fps und hoffe das es damit wieder mehr werden könnte.

    Gruß Niirttii


    it would be nice if the auras and cenedrils of the other players could be hidden. I have at the moment in Inis, mostly less than 20 fps and hope that it could be more again.

    Greeting Niirttii

    Wenn es schon darum geht ,das Mdds nicht mehr Buffs bekommen dürfen als die Pdds, dann sollte aber auch sofort der Heiße Eintopf geändert werden und auch den magischen Angriff erhöhen. Weil ,oh meinGott, sonst hat der Pdd ja einen Buff mehr.........

    Translation by Google Translate:

    If it is about Mdds not being allowed to get more buffs than the Pdds, then the hot stew should be changed immediately and the magical attack increased. Because, oh my god, otherwise the Pdd has one more buff .........

    As stated below and already before by Quorthon, please only post your comments in English!

    Ich finde das die Heiler, Druiden und Priester, ihre Individualität verloren haben.

    Jeder Priester & Druide gibt jetzt einen Matt/Pattbuff , egal welche Kombi man spielt. Die Skills, die die einzelnen Klassenkombis ausgemacht haben, haben keinen Wert mehr.

    Einfach nur schade.

    I think that the healers, druids and priests, have lost their individuality.

    Every priest & druid now gives a matt/pattbuff, no matter which combination you play. The skills that the individual class combos have made up have no value anymore.

    Just a pity. (Tranlated with deepl)


    Like every time the current Ini gets too old, it also gets quieter on the server. Also random one often has problems to get a group together, because everything is 12 man inis. Why can not you do that as before, take turns doing 6/12.

    6s Ini = subset

    12er ini = upper set

    6 players are more likely to get together and many may not become inactive because you can do something else.

    But sitting here for hours in front of the computer, waiting for a party to get out of the car, stops them and makes many of them say goodbye to the next Ini.

    I think smaller Inis would do the server a good job and increase player activity.

    Greeting Niirtii

    Customtitle- Snowflakefest

    1. Punisher of the Evil Phirius Homes - 50 lost gifts to Phirius Oheim Mark on the town square

    2. collect presents at the snowflake festival - collect snowflake presents under the Christmas trees

    3. pyromaniac - Raise the Buff to 7 by Nina Berluco

    4. bank guard - prevent the attack on the bank in Varanas and catch at least 6 Goblins

    5. Snowman Courier - Finish the quest "Gift of Snow" /NPC- Mahar /Khazors Watchtower

    6. reindeer herder - at the reindeer herd in Dalanis stack the buff on 5

    7-9 - For Andrew Dell's 3 Quest ahead of Varanas there is one title each

    Translated with

    A big thank you to the team.

    The implementation of some suggestions from this thread is great, thanks again.

    I think the other changes like title level 5 and the new pet abilities are great.

    All in all a great patch :)

    I still think that with the first boss, the freeze should be made cleanable, as for example with the turtle in the shrine of Kalin. We were already with 3 healers in it + druids/rogues as emergency healers and yet all four were frozen in 5 second intervals.

    Playing event doesn't mean waiting for the debuffs to come and see if everyone will survive if all healers are frozen as so often.

    It would be much nicer if for example there were torches spawning somewhere in the boss room, with which you can defrost the players.

    And even in trash is much too little cleanable, what do the healers have their skills for, if they can hardly be used. After the first boss there is nothing cleanable, that should be changed in my opinion.

    To the ostrich caravan one must still note that all ostriches must be brought to Varanas.

    Custom titles are available for the following events:

    1. complete the Event "Ostrich Caravan" from Lorence Hollow

    2. complete the quest "Lost Ostrich Eggs" from George Makow

    3. complete the provisioning courier with at least 45 points

    4.collect more than 60 eggs at the event "Egg Chief" of Kardly Auck

    5. finish the event with 30 points with the ostrich nurse

    6. play through the quest series starting at Anoraf Laiken on the town square until the end of the quest series

    7.for 100 cinnamon leaves there is a title at Fez William.

    With the first 6 titles there is always only the chance to get it.

    Translated with

    I see it the same way, I haven't even gotten the buff yet and already taken the potion several times, I had the debuff on it and the monsters were there, but never got a buff. that can't be what I wanted.
    It's not just unemployed people who can be on 24/7 waiting for hours for a debuff. ?( ?( ?(

    Is it feasible that every bufffood is made stackable to 99?
    Many are only stackable to 30 and some are even only stackable to 10, so that the backpack is half full only with bufffood.
    When you go farming, the backpack is full much too fast. ;(
    Alternatively, you could also help more backpack sides.
    It would be nice if you could do something :)

    The mdds and healers are constantly overpowered by the hot stew (id: 501631).

    Unfortunately, the groups can't always be pushed in such a way that the pdds are for themselves, and the magic classes have a much higher consumption of bufffood as a result.

    Would be nice if that could be changed.

    Happy Birthday Arcadia to the 4th anniversary :)

    and many thanks for the good work of the community management,
    the player care team and last but not least the development team. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: