I was wondering what skills to lvl and to use in a rotation for the best burn possible ty
you can always try asking in guild chat but you have seen my wl/ch damage and I mostly just throw skills out there until the boss drops dead
I was wondering what skills to lvl and to use in a rotation for the best burn possible ty
you can always try asking in guild chat but you have seen my wl/ch damage and I mostly just throw skills out there until the boss drops dead
Your wrong here about the scouts. Since they nerfed Scouts, there are classes that will now do way more damage than a scout. For instance R/M, W/M (since the last maintenance) .
R/M ? 3rd boss - immune for Enchanted Throw , Pre-Last boss -> you must be without Illusion Blade Dance or may you kill little spiders.
W/M? From 1st boss to 3 he is useless.
We tested ALL classes, and still scout is 1st on scrutinizer. ALWAYS.
Back to Ch3 - RT only for Scouts.
For 1st boss the top dmg is c/r tank that is gearing to make damage while tanking.
Why does everyone think that only range dps can play 2nd boss? The problem is that most tanks dont understand the tactics for this boss and they want to go AFK or they are just straight up lazy meaning that you cant melee this fight and have no choice but to play range for this one. R/m. w/wd, w/s, c/r and most likely now w/m can beat scout on 2nd boss fight
3rd boss again w/wd w/s c/r can out do scout easily just most people stick with scout because he was king for so long.
then after 3rd w/m and r/m will put scout in the dust most of the times with the exception of r/m having to watch the IBD on Ixchel and position right so they dont slaughter the mini spiders.
I know for sure that a DPS c/r can out do scout on 5th and probably last boss also and you are forgetting that w/wd and w/s do really decent dmg too.
I tested w/m in tikal a little yesterday (after 3rd boss ofc) and even with wl/m support(also ofc m/wl d/wd) it did not do as well as I had previously thought it would.
Tried this with a t14 k/m weapon that some have said in this thread "may" be better and also with t13 wand w/talis but was eating dust from r/m + s/wd but prob would have been top if the fights lasted 10 min lol
On trash w/m is really nice doing about 3kk crits on mobs and I am somewhere around 61k int and 245k m.atk unbuffed but mage gear is not as good as it could be for sure.
*edit I dont screen every scrut like wargod so
The post you are quoting is completely outdated information because it was so long ago and looks like was before DN/tikal came out... after this post was made the k/m got a weapon that doubled their magical damage and the scout has been changed multiple (4?) times since
Must be a very special weapon then if W/M cannot(or will not) use it. Otherwise every W/M would be wielding that same weapon instead of their wand+shield or staff to get the same doubling of their magical damage!
w/m should probably be using 1h wand and talisman sine the wand has 2.x attack vs 3.x that the sword has and k/m doesnt have option for wand
Display Morelast post here for me i will just copy/paste the post that DOES mention it
Physical - wd/w, r/m, s/wd, s/warrior
Magical - w/m , k/m, m/wd, m/w
Depends on which instance you run. For example in short fights like in goh scout and m/warden probably outdps everyone.
But when you enter high pdef instance wd/w will outdps any physical dps coz it can reach insane amount of patt and damage, r/m has good sustain damage also.
For magical users they shine in arcadia custom endgame instance because bosses have no mdef and lots of pdef. k/m > all in hos hard atm.
m/warrior is good for short fights and can reach more matt then any other mage combo so its good for instances with abit higher mdef.
it is all here in these forums if you would even bother to read it.
The post you are quoting is completely outdated information because it was so long ago and looks like was before DN/tikal came out... after this post was made the k/m got a weapon that doubled their magical damage and the scout has been changed multiple (4?) times since
I have 2 weapons right now a 1h hammer that I use with champion [I like this for battlemonk for the healbonus] and a 1h axe. I havent gotten to making a shield specifically for this class combo yet but this is how my battlemonk looks unbuffed
after I have BMS and PBU buffs 52.7k pdam and 239k patk before I even start buffing with buff foods and potions
Mind you I do no where near the damage of a FOTM dps combo but I find it a lot of fun to play with my style and with BMS on I can still get about a 45k urgent heal but I tend not to worry about my heals as much as killing my target first since I am also pretty tanky when fully buffed
Priest class skill for the fairy pet 'Conceal' does not make it so fairy receives no damage while not attacking and these fairies die from anything farting basically
#update (int)
fixed with
Nicht nur den Schaden mehr als halbiert, obendrein auch noch 4 Sekunden Cooldown!?
Display MoreIf leather/chain was the proper gear for a battlemonk then why did RuneWaker made the Priest/Warrior the Battlemonk and not the Warrior/Priest??
Imo if the Battlemonk was intended to use leather/chain and not being able to heal than it would be far more logical to make the Warrior/Priest the Battlemonk instead of the Priest/Warrior.
In my experience as a Battlemonk (since 2008) there are 3 types of gameplay for the Battlemonk (or 4 types, depends on your view)
On one end of the scale we have the playerfriendly, talentpoint-friendly, instance-intence pure physical damagedealer, on the other end of the scale we have the player-UNfriendly, Talentpoint-blackhole healing damagedealing Battlemonk (with healergear, just enough meleestats to survive the open world and staff (or wand and shield) and in the middle the pure hybrid (best option for solo-play and SW)
Each version of the Battlemonk plays a bit different, is skilled a bit different than the other versions.
I am not fully disagreeing with you but the elites for P/w to me say damage maker or else they would not increase physical attack (while decreasing healing) or increase the 1h weapon dmg (more than staff) but every single class combo can have multiple play styles.
w/p seems to be built more for support by looking at its elite skills imo
Here you will not have to worry about talent point problems so you will be able to make your battle monk perfect how you like but I'd be curious to see your BM in action after you are all set for curiosity sake since I have always worked my battlemonk style as dmg combo that can heal myself in emergencies. It is nice to see someone else who doesnt only lurk at the FOTM classes
ps. welcome
Nicht nur den Schaden mehr als halbiert, obendrein auch noch 4 Sekunden Cooldown!?
cool down isnt 4 seconds with a ranged weapon on,,,
Are we going to be getting the new cenedrils soon since I notice there are new ones in the backpack menu
being able to use leather or chain makes the battlemonk feel like it should be imo since you should not be healing as a BM. I had played it on other servers in the past but it is gaming changing for the p/w to use the proper gear like it should of been able to from the start.
That's a great guide. I've read so much and have the issue whether it's current or not, and it's good to have a recommended link from someone who knows.
I dunno what guide you got but *most* are a little out dated from what I have ever seen.
1. What's the difference between pdam and patk, as I've been going for pdam because it's on the weapons.
It will more so depend on your gears and how well they are made and your unbuffed stats. If you are doing lower level content then the pdam is usually better. If you are full endgame stat then pdam might be what you want to use in the highest content too but again depends on your unbuffed stas I would say.
2. Does wd/s use a bow or xbow. Each has advantages.
for me personally with wd/s and w/s I went with the bow because of the values you get on a bow(+all attributes) over xbow(+dex) but xbows are much cheaper than bows.
3. Should the (x)bow be statted or tiered.
In my opinion it should be a stat stick
Screenshots of bow + xbow in their non mod version and also my current stat stick bow
4. I'd really like to try siege and joined a guild, but it's rare if anyone's online. Can I join two guilds? May also help trying to get these skills on the items from places.
You can only be in one guild at a time.
5. I like the warden pet, but there's some other pet I've seen at the drill grounds, and they're not wardens. What the ..?
Wd/s only has its 4 pets Oak walker, Spirit of the Oak, Chiron and Nature Crystal. Maybe you are talking about cenedrils because you don't get any extra pets in drill grounds that I remember.
6. Off topic, where can I get the xp crafting "Judge set" without having my own cloth maker crafter.
Your best bet would be asking for an armorcrafter in /y chat but I see the pieces in the auction house right now... 400 diamonds each piece seems steep to me.
If you have more questions I would be happy to answer based on my experience and stuff I know for wd/s or other classes. I played warden, wd/w + wd/s tank/dps for probably 3 ish years before I started playing other classes on Arcadia.
Cause in Tikal u are using normally MattFood because you´ll do much more dmg with mattfood.
Sounds like you are buffing wrong then for sure because magic damage food is much better. If you are "endgame" and magic attack starved there may be a problem with your stating or maybe you are not using things like DL amulet for the m.atk
Would be great if you edit this Bufffood, so that it gives ALSO magical attack! Ty
It is annoying when hot stew gets rid of your food as a healer or mage but this would be completely useless because magic dps should always be using magic damage food for endgame and hot stew overrides magic dmg food... but that is just my opinion.
I forgot to mention Magic Lute(+25% attack Speed) and Magic Tambourine(+15% phsical dmg) these are very useful buffs too for soloing harder bosses and something you must have for a party running instances.
I know some might disagree or have a better attack skill rotation but I personally use my attacks in this order when soloing a boss:
Snipe, Autoshot (toggle it on during Snipe Cast), Charged Chop, Shot (spam shot... boss should be dead soon since Snipe + CC are your 2 powerhouse skills if both crit and you have cool downs running) Combo shot sounds nice with the target crit resist but Shot is more powerful than casting combo shot now after combo shot got nerfed.
Trying to look into how I can shoot with a bow much quicker. There's a housemaid buff called clear thought. I don't know if that helps with bows or if it's a magic class buff only. Curse X can't be embedded in a bow (he says after purchasing!!!)
How can I shoot faster?
Most of the other skills compared to Shot are really weak now for scout besides Snipe and Charged Chop. Hidden Peril is nice for the chance of a 1 second cast Snipe but my personal preference is to cast snipe at the start of my rotation while solo. Some will disagree with this but as you saw in my screenshot I use a curse xii in my main hand stat stick which is +18% cast speed and I also use Arcane Potion(+15% casting speed for 20 seconds. can be bought for Ancient Mementos by HOS) which brings my snipe cast speed to about 1.9 seconds iirc correctly versus 3 seconds if someone does not use curse xii + Arcane Pot.
When in a raid for a high end instance my rotation slightly varies depending on what support is in party.
Does natural care skill (to improve healing) apply to potions or only to healers that heal?
To me personally this skill is more for the +5.4% Ranged Weapon dmg you get when the skill is leveled to 55 but the +10.9% healing applied to healer skills and not your potions.
Haven't got all my tp yet. I did the Hall of Survivals on easy and normal with it. Woohoo! There's a boss I can't do though with a horse and cart for the archery set there and that warden skill to call up a pet quicker which would be useful. I don't know how to make it work. I'll find out one day I think.
The specific boss you are talking about requires 5 players to do the boss events or else you kill the boss and get no loot/can't go on to last boss.
I remember getting my level 60 skill but don't know where the level 70 is.
I am not sure if you completed the 60 elite skill quest or just bought the book from item shop? If you have your 60 elite you can buy another Proof of Progress book from the item shop to get your 70 elite for 450 diamonds... but I would not say the 70 elite is game breaking for you at this stage(Forest Guidance/70 elite makes your Snipe cause a target to take 10.8% more phys damage for 10 sec)
If you rather do the 70 elite quests I think it starts in Chrysalia zone in the Sanctuary area but you have to be careful if you did not do the main quest lines because the fairy there will kill you as soon as you come near them.
Glad to hear some of the information helped. Maybe if I find the time there will be some full in-depth guides in the future
I would say if you want to be a damage doer then s/wd would be your best pick for sure. There is not much online in terms of guides that are up to date and helpful but I can do my best to give some pointers towards s/wd from a DPS standpoint that are based on my opinions and experience as a s/wd.
- weapon (type, whether to tier or stat, what runes, etc). I think I should get a high tiered bow and a statted 1h sword, right?
Ranged weapon you want a bow tiered to the highest tier that you can afford without breaking the bank.
Stat stick you want to go with a dagger because it will give you the best in slot attributes and could also be used later as an offhand for rogue.
Screenshots of my current bow & stat stick.
- equipment (what stats, runes) - for the rogue, I'd say dexterity, for the warden probably strength, but the scout/warden?
The beauty of this game is you can kind of do what you want when it comes to your gears.
For scout you want to use Leather gears. For the stats as a DPS it is best to go with dexterity/phys attack and strength/phys attack. Again here I say you don't exactly have to break the bank... use the best stats and items which you can afford when you are just starting out. For the runes I will post another screenshot of the runes I use for both scout and warrior / warden I use same runes for the best p.atk and values in my opinion.
I would say just ignore my stating because it is full endgame / hardcore stating lol
Also tier x runes are 100% fine there is not much need for xii... maybe xi at most if your gear is perfect stated
- what buffs to use (this is very new to me) - I've seen different foods, potions, recipes, and don't know what to use.
There are a lot of buff foods ... I will give a list of ones used normally for scout dps
Item shop foods - Featured Cuisine Delicacy(+4% all attributes), Soulmate Mixed Dessert(+7% Str & Dex + 3% P.atk & Crit dmg), Aged Realgar Wine(+30% Attack Power M.atk & P.atk), Hot Stew(+30% P.atk)
Crafter foods - Hero Potion(+20% all attributes), Caviar Sandwich(+10% crit hit dmg) these can be crafted and gotten from your housekeeper, An optional potion - Touch of the Unicorn(+20% maximum Health points)
Those are all longer term buff potions/foods but here are some short duration ones that are ~30 seconds are less time.
Strong Stimulant(+25% attack speed), Extinction Potion(+650 crit hit rate), Laor Forest Tart(6 seconds immune to physical damage), Serenstum(6 seconds immune to physical damage),
There are tons of buff foods and things in this game that you need later for the high content but they also helpful all around. Seems like a ton but you will get the hang of it I am sure!
- what skills are best to combine with different combats, and can they be grouped together into one click/macro
First the macro question... My opinion is I prefer to play scout manually with out any kind of combat engine or macro choosing my skills because there is always situational things that an addon will not know.
Your main damage skills for s/wd are Charged Chop, Hidden Peril, Snipe, Shot, and Autoshot
if you are doing AOE (Area of effect /multiple target) damage then it is good to use Gryphon Bash, Reflected Shot, Piercing Arrow.
If you are just questing or dealing with easy mobs you can stick with using Charged Chop & Shot mostly to kill fast.
Here is a list of skills I would recommend that you get to maximum level and I will try to prioritize them from most important to least important. (Will start from Scout general skills to warden general skills and then go into scout specific skills and this will be assuming that you have obtained all of your elite skills for s/wd)
Scout General Skills:
Blood Arrow, Shot, Swiftness, Speed Shooting
Warden General Skills:
Charged Chop, Savage Power, Briar Shield, Enhanced Accuracy
Scout Specific Skills:
Ranged Weapon Mastery, Natural Care, Snipe, Forest Guidance, Eagle Eyes, Target Area, Concentration, Hidden Peril, and then if you still have talent pts left over maybe max Gryphon Bash, Piercing Arrow, and Reflected Shot.
If you do not have enough TP to max all of these skills I would not worry... it is easy to TP farm! just make sure you do goblin games every day with some + talent point buffs.
- are there any item set skills that I should get, and, do they ever sell on the auction house?
The most impacting ones:
Archers Glory - Comes from Hall of Survivors Normalmode (Sacrifices movement advantage in exchange for faster attack speed and greater attack power. For 20.0 seconds, increases Ranged Weapon Attack Speed by 10.0% and Ranged Weapon Damage by 8.0%, but lowers Movement Speed by 80.0%.)
Hunter's Advantage - Comes from Grafu Castle Hardmode (Permanently raises your Critical Physical Damage by 3.0%, but also raises the aggro you cause by 5.0%.)
Other scout ISS:
Keen Will is okay but not game breaking and is really a free set skill since it is easy to get- Comes from the Ancient Memento vendor in Dalanis (Received Physical Damage reduced by 5.0%.)
Focus Enhancement is also a decent set skill to reduce focus cost for Hidden peril- Comes from Sardo Castle Normalmode (Permanently reduces all your skills' required focus by 10%.)
Shatterstar Storm is an AOE skill but it is extremely weak - comes from Hall of the Demon Lord Normalmode(A hail of arrows rains down from the sky, inflicting 5 x 150.0% ranged weapon DPS to multiple targets within a range of 80.)
- anything important I missed?
Elite Skills are an absolute MUST HAVE in Runes of Magic.
I will try to fill in more here later as this has already turned into a textbook
I think the best advice that I can give you is to be patient because there is a lot to learn in ROM just like any other game, but this server is great and there are a lot of knowledgeable players here as well. I'd also say to be patient when you are searching for a guild because nobody knows who you are yet so you might have to do a little work and put some time in to find a decent guild to join.
Don't forget to just have fun too! The whole process of gearing up and running instances is a lot of fun. Don't try to rush that too fast to make crazy gears right away unless that is really what you want.
If you have more questions my IGN is "Calo" and there are some helpful guys who lurk the forums here too.
I take that back it seems like the initial hit the mobs are doing is much higher now. IIRC I had like 1,4kk pdef on ch/r tank.
I dont think I ever noticed this playing champ or knight whether I am pdd or tank but usually I have more pdef than you said but some of the mobs get that frenzy buff or whatever it is called and they do more damage.
I hate to get "off topic" myself but I think this really should include Warlock since it is the only other true magic dps caster and it is really weak like the mage but of course just changing the amount of MDAM on the staff would help the few of us who enjoy playing Warlock besides just being a buff slave XD
On M/w if you are decently geared it is easy to be doing 15kk + flames(speaking of 3 magic boss) with a bunch of support (probably including K/p, Ch/p or Wd/s, Wl/m, Titles, SIGIL) but if all of that is taken away then mage is really only good for being a secondary class...
At the current state of the game on physical classes like r/wl and s/m I can hit harder magical attacks than an actual magic dps can on bosses
The hybrid weapons actually have more damage than the weapon for a normal class...
On my potatoe tube account I uploaded a video not long after tikal first came out of me playing r/wl to damage the magic boss for 3rd...
Had 11kk damage hit without a bunch of supporters and my clean t11 stat HOS dagger without even having tikal gears finished yet... can even see that Iron Blood Will did not go off either
Maybe I will have to try r/wl on that boss again now with tikal gears and weapon and see what happens.
welcome back!!!!!
Does anyone really even go past level 5 for the relationsships because the % is so low anyways to even bother imo
I do not think that it is just mage which is weak... it is the REAL magic dps combinations in general... Mage and Warlock dps just sucks XD
[-off topic snip by Thor-]
I only play on Paradise so Ill give a little info on that server.
Our level cap is 102 and there are some custom instances on this server.
We got Cyclops hm which is level 93 also Hall of survivors hm which is level 100.
Dalanis Nightmare is a level 100 version of Varanas Nightmare with newer accessory pieces to replace the Hall of Earth ones and the newest instance being Tikal that is level 102.
There is some npc that give some free items every day too that is nice.
I think the quest exp is 15x and tp is 10x? Could be wrong but you level pretty fast on top of that Npc boost dude that gets you to level 80.
Also the drop rate is nice here too. As for the item shop I made a video on my YouTube skimming through all of the sections of the item shop.
I got some other videos on YouTube too from runs on Paradise if you have any interest in seeing some of the content.
Must also agree with Izii the Gms are active and the support is pretty fast from my personal experiences. The Gms are pretty responsive with our ideas... I know a few that I had suggested on forum were looked at and actually made happen
If you have any other questions I can answer in PM or here.
I was able to farm the 100 kills twice in the past 2 weeks and dn was open for a long time both days... maybe it is the time that you are able to be around in the game.
there are already a lot of rings/sets from dn out there so it is not really THAT hard to farm the 25 stones
Calo, it has nothing to do with experience per Mobb - only the amount of Mobs in a certain level range related to your actual level
Of course we gain no experience from those mobs.
more experience towards the relationships over the snails we had before
I meant exactly what I said... more experience points toward the relation ship... not player gained experience...
i think mdncItaj just wants to sit there and not have to move around XD so yeah it seems much less mobs in here since you have to move more than 2 steps... maybe if I see Gjiara on in guild later I'll ask him to count the mobs in here xD