ı cannot say for sure that this or that should be done i am player not a gm
what i want to say knight-mage and knight-scout ı don't see it as the best option to play.
ı asked them to make these classes playable
Note : In short, they should keep track of which classes are played and which classes are not and change the ones that are not played.
you know that gms/devs are not always the best persons to have ideas about good changes? mostly the players, who plays such classes can do the best suggestions.
Don't playing a class does not mean it is not playable. it's mostly about the circumstances (6 ppl instances) or personal preferences. I can talk about myself: I played knight/mage soooooo many months/years (thx for meta) that I don't want to play that class for a long time. That does not mean it is not playable (except this 1 useless elite with mana shield).
I mean, knight/mage can afk tank worldboss btw xD and knight/scout is, in my opinion, the best choice for ppl with aggro problems or want a tank that have range aggro.
I prefer warden tanks, if they are playable which aren't they in necro for example bcs of knights threaten but thats ok. Also in big pulls warden tanks are not so good, some more some less.
So what do I play? Knight/druid if needed (only priest heal in group - bcs cruvor is too noobish to play druid xD) or I play Knight/bard for example, bcs I love this range aggro it has and the playstyle with channel aggro. I would rather play knight/rouge or knight/priest, but these classes are really bad in AOE aggro as you know.... so yeah. Knight/mage is a good tank (many interrupt skills btw too), but maybe some others thinking the same like me? that they played it too often?
Dont know, but in my opinion aggro is good and if they would change manashield finally, maybe some more would play this class again (I would test it how it feels at least)
In summary: It is always good (also for the team that is responsible for the balancing) to make suggestions or at least, what you feel about what exactly is not good. In this case, the designer/gms/devs can think about your problem and what could be the reason for it and maybe how to make it better 