Posts by Byldi

    For me, the worst thing about leather gear is that it has too little Dexterity to Attack conversion ratio.

    The conversion rate should be such that for the rogue and the scout it would be profitable only to put stats with dexterity. It's a pity that now it is too late for such a change, since people have eq in 3/3 or 4/2 stats.

    I read what you write and it seems to me that we play a different game: D I hope we will meet in one random pt and I will be able to see your dmg :)

    In general rogues cannot compare in whole RoFL with Chain dps or mdps classes. Maybe except rogue/Warrior because of his aoe.

    This is just my opinion based on playstyle of rogues and chain classes in the last days and comparing it with mdps and other chain classes ( I know chain will be nerfed. But longer fights -> worse for rogues xd )

    In my most recent run as Ch/Wl, I have made the exact opposite observation. I could barely hold my ground against a much less geared R/P (t15 weapon, 3x t9 piece, rest t12). I'd say if you take the difference in gear into account, Ch/Wl does approximately 20% less overall damage. I can't say if R/P is too strong or Ch/Wl too weak, but if I just compare those two classes the nerf is absolutely justified.

    Did you also compare yourself to M / S, M / WD, M / CH, CH / M, W / R. In my humble opinion, comparing yourself to one class is not very appropriate.

    My feeling is that when I go on random runs in the Rofl I don't see any rogues at all in the group.

    Because in my opinion, most of them are not able to compete with the magic and chain classes on the same level of equipment.

    R / P who is able to do something, is to be weakened I do not know why, because in my opinion it is not a class that excels above others.

    Please bear with me, my English is poor


    So lately I've been thinking about r / wd and I think it would be a nice option if he could summon wanderers permanently and they would do some damage to the character. Something like warden pets. What do you think about it ?