Hi, I have a few suggestions regarding inis and its difficulty, especially for “newbies” who need it most urgently.
As we all know, there aren't many newbies and/or newcomers and of the few that are there, many drop out quite early because it's relatively difficult to get a foothold and many don't want to invest huge amounts of money at the beginning to be able to “play” at all.
There are a few things that could be made a little “easier” in the early stages to get the first real gear.
There are only a few small things, but also small guilds like us, which are mainly concerned with guiding newcomers and/or newcomers back into the game and gradually supporting the “small” ini to show how to get the first reasonable gear.
The “improvement” suggestions are mainly about some core inis to be exact about DF, Tikal and Rofl because in my view these are 3 of the 5 main inis you need as a beginner to get into the game to make the game fun.
DF is in and of itself a very good beginner ini the loot is not too op so that you are not suddenly the biggest dd but you will not get too rich in and of itself.
The only problem with the ini is that it is very rarely run randomly, which means that hardly any lowi can get the stats or cores.
From my point of view, only the final boss would have to be adapted so that you don't necessarily need mdd and pdd for it, i.e. that both bosses can get damage from both mdd and pdd.
Tikal is like DF in the loot not too blatant event in itself also very flexible and a good colorful mix only unfortunately this ini is also very rarely only run.
So far I have only heard here and there that the newcomers are only helped with the tikal quest series, which is very good, but newcomers have to go through it much more often to get the tikal stats and cores again.
Here, too, my suggestion would be that it is not a prerequisite to have a pdd and an mdd.
With the inis mentioned above, the suggestions are only aimed at what would have to be different so that I can run them more often with newcomers and returning players.
Yes ROFL is such a thing until about 6-8 weeks ago still quite often randomly feasible even for newcomers and re-entrants but some have probably lost the fun of the ini.
But ROFL is pretty much the most important ini's of all for a newcomer/re-entrant as it contains the very first usable gear.
Here and there there are still people who randomly search for ROFL groups, but in most cases, even if a few people come together who would be able to do it in the group strength, there are still too few in the end because unfortunately you need at least 6 people for B2.
In the awakened mode I find 6 or maybe a few more fully in order because it should still be a challenge and is also well rewarded but in the hard mode I find 6 people too much because unfortunately it rarely leads to a group that can actually run it.
This makes it super hard for a lot of people to even get the first gear to get a foothold in the game.
Here are a few thoughts from me on how to make it a little easier for some newcomers/returners to gain a foothold in the game and to awaken the fun and ambition in everyone.
Yours sincerely