Posts by Thoooor

    Здравствуйте, хочу предложить, чтобы бафы приста и друида и ID: 501631 после смерти цендрила или питомца Wd появлялись автоматически :палец вверх:

    как и раньше ID: 1500231, ID: 1500232

    ID: 505184

    Hello, I would like to suggest that buffs prist and druid and ID: 501631 after the death of a cenedril or pet Wd appear automatically

    I think that in order for the Warlock to become a decent class in dps again, the following changes need to be made: skill ID = 497959 to make instant but slightly reduce damage, skill set ID = 490342 to increase the cooldown to 60 seconds, and skill set ID = 490444 to act as a mage Id 490243, setskill = 490449 to remove caste time, I think this will make the class much stronger and more enjoyable