Posts by Nghty
I had the same problem since last night. What fixed it for me was launching the game as Administator. After doing that everything worked out fine for me.
Hope this can help you.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
I would like to like to see Arcane Charges in Happy Hour tomorrow.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
While I go along with making other healer classes more attractive, I wouldn't do it with buffs in my opinion.
There is a reason why 80% maybe even 90% of all healer in this server play D/P, D/S, D/M, P/S or P/D and that's because of the abnormal high HoTs the classes have in addition to their good support and I would propose to nerf the overall heal from (mostly) HoTs.
While I agree with that the Camellia Flower is not worth to use in comparison to other classes I would only give it a higher range but lower the healing output of it.
As it is currently, you do with classes like them about 400k+ healing every second just with HoTs which is, in my opinion, one of the most broken things in game at the moment.
I know rofl is currently for no role a challenge but the fact that you can heal a complete raid solo throughout the whole run only with HoTs is just messed up.
At the same time you have other classes that are healing too much in other aspects than HoTs. For example the P/WD pet heals so much that you have nothing much to do yourself because your pet can almost heal everything alone. Other classes have some great heal output that comes with good teamplay. I.e. the P/CH "Healing Diamond Light" can be even permanently active if you actually try to and the other healer gives you mana on cooldown which lets this class be a very strong healer too.
I would suggest to make other healer combinations more attractive I would:
- Fix some bugs, which got reported months ago, for the i.e. D/K or D/CH which would let them be played more smoothly and fluently (and more often) or- look at older combinations which haven't really changed since the beginning i.e. P/M or P/R and make them playable. Both of my examples have heal & dps elite-skills.
The P/S got already changed to be a decent dps to the great healer he can play and I think reworking older combinations would expand the variety of healers you see right now a lot.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
Stories are one of the things that keep us Taboreans in a strong bond. I will tell you today a story about the feared dragons Zhargos and Phargos.
It all happened after defeating Astaroth and his fellowship of the forgotten Legends - the citizens of Taborea lived in peace for over a year afterwards.
When suddenly attacks started to hit the Holy City in Tasuq! An army of soulless creatures and Demons arised and started to attack the people of Taborea. Again, the peace of Taborea was disturbed.
A lot of questions were raised from the people. Where is this army coming from? Who is their leader and why are they attacking us?
Not only the people but also the knights and wizards, which are defending the attacks of the soulless for several weeks now, were scared because the attacks have already brought a lot victims with them and no one knew how long the situation will stay like this.At the same time the Eye of Wisdom performed several experiments onto opening portals to different locations to find out from where the soulless are coming from. Weeks pass by and Kerley Hill, Runic Head of the Eye of Wisdom, was exhausted and close to giving up because they haven’t found any solution.
He said to himself:” I can’t let the people down – they need us!” as he started opening another portal and was immediately attacked by soulless creatures coming through it.
After defeating the intruders, he said: “This is the one! This is the place where they come from!”. He looked through the portal and saw nothing but dusty wasteland and seas full of lava. He looked into the books the Eye of Wisdom was accumulating from the past centuries to see if anything matched with what he has seen. After looking through books all night he found an isle matching the description – the soulless creatures are coming from Chassizz. But the Ancient manuscripts never mentioned any creatures living there - something can’t be right.
Kerley Hill gathered all the bravest knights, wizards and researchers together to go to Chassizz and fight of the soulless to find out where they are coming from. Under his banner were also leaders like Arlya, Ailic’s Community’s Factotum and Aydan Highlander, Honorary Chairman of the Silvershadow Adventurers’ Guild.All together they went to Chassizz and crossed a lot of soulless creatures, demons and other abnormal beings attacking them. After several days of crossing the entire island, they saw a huge construction of metal, almost looking like a Pantheon. And on the construction, there were a lot of banners with a symbol on it.
“That symbol looks familiar.”, Aydan says, “It’s the Circle of the indestructible!”
After looking further into the tower they found writings about how the Naga helped them to bring some of the deadliest creatures back to life. Like Lady Timata, Medusa’s little sister or Nekdar, one of Androlier’s Ancestors.
The people of Taborea started to get more scared and scared when they heard about what horrible and deadly creatures are living there in near close range to them. In this moment, Kerley Hill, Aydan Highlander and Arlya started to gather the bravest knights and wizards, which defeated Astaroth, together to help the people of Taborea again. They started to fight themselves through all the deadly creatures and demons in the Pantheon till they found themselves on a big platform with nothing in sight. Suddenly a ghost summons looking deadlier, scarier than anything one could imagine. His eyes red like lava, his wings wider than the port of Atlantis and his voice spreads more fear around the world than Astaroth did.
He says with a crackling in his voice: “The end of the mankind will come soon to an end!” as he starts to attack Kerley Hill.
After several hours of fighting, Kerley and his fellowship have defeated the Ghost, as he disintegrates into ash, and were celebrating the victory. But that wasn’t for long till a cold shiver ran through every person and the same voice said: “Zhargos and Phargos will come for you and you have no chance to win.”
Everyone is looking confused around but nobody seems to know what was going on. Suddenly Aydan looked at Kerley and got pale like the marbles in the palace of Dalanis. Kerley comes up to Aydan and wonders what Aydan could remember that he got that pale.
“Zhargos and Phargos…”, Aydan says, “I only read legends about them but I never could’ve imagined they were real… If they managed to bring them to life like they did with other creatures, our world is doomed. Zhargos and Phargos were once, a long time ago, 2 dragons which had the power to travel through space and time and they destroyed every living world they found when they suddenly disappeared during their attack on Varanas. No one has seen them since then – we have to stop them immediately!”
They all looked at the manuscripts in the Pantheon to find anything about the dragons and where they could be. They found out that the Naga build a hidden laboratory at the lava reservoir in Chassizz. When they got there, they heard 2 big roars that even mountains started to shake and shatter.
Aydan raises his voice to his fellowship: “It looks like Zhargos and Phargos are already awake – we have to stop them now!”
The fellowship took all their power and courage and went into the Entity Chamber to defeat Zhargos and Phargos. But will they defeat them? That’s a story for another time.Charname: Nghty
Couple things regarding Wl/P:
I was playing this class from time to time in the past weeks and, in my opinion, this class and it's elite skill are somewhat confusing. You have elite skills for healing, some for supporting and even some for doing damage.
And in my opinion this class can't do anything of it good enough to make it viable at the current moment.
Overall the healing output is a bit low comparing to other healing combinations.
The Skill "Divine Assistance" ID: 498668 gives you 16% mdmg and healing. But that's pretty much it what you get.
The 12% increased healing you can get from Psychic Arrows is quite ok. But considering you have to stop healing to do a maybe 1s cast in trash to get the buff makes it for me redundant to use.
At the same time you could get the buff with Rising Tide and it's an instant which would make up for it. But for getting the buff with Rising Tide you have to land a critical hit which is for healers a more or less gambling considering you don't have this much critical hit rate as a heal.
At the same time the skill "Great Salvation" ID: 499858 doesn't work properly as it should be.
I tested it with a guild mate and he had 3 different negative effects on him but the healing amount got not increased. It stayed the same as with 0 negative effects. Simultaneously you are not restoring HP to the caster too.
Furthermore the aoe skill "Ring of Comfort" ID: 498641 is doing a good amount of healing. The only thing that feels kinda squishy about the skill is that is has a ~3s animation and the healing numbers only appear at the end of the animation but the healing is happening instant. For me it made it feel like that sometimes there where no healing at all coming from this skill.
Looking at the Support:
You have your "Regenerate" ID: 1490339 which gives 10% int and wis which is a nice support for mdd's and heal.
"Soul Englightenment" ID: 498649 is also a quite good support. You can almost permanent give your group 51% more HP which makes the dps in trash more steadfast but that's pretty much all of the good support looking at the elite skills..
The stronger "Defense Net" ID: 498777 which gives 10% pdef additionally is obsolete in my opinion because tanks have enough pdef already. Heals are able stand mobs hits quite easily and even at least 1 boss hit they could tank so therefore they won't really need it. And using it on dps... Well the 10% won't make much of a difference^^The skill "Spreading Pain" ID: 499856 got for supporting pretty much useless since the changes of the Wl/R where he doesn't take any profit anymore from debuffs from other warlocks in the group.
The Elite Skills for Damage:
(Note: Since I don't play mdps at all I was consulting it with a guildmate and based my opinion mostly on his experience)
You actually have 2 Elite skills which affect your damage.1st: "Spreading Pain": You can get permanently 25% crit damage and 18% matk. The permanent matk gain should be quite nice.
On the other hand the 2nd skill "Touch of Faith" ID: 498662 is the complete opposite to the 1st one. At level 104 the skill has a base damage of 29.8 + 0.01 x Int as a DoT. I think everyone reading this should instantly know that this is nothing at all^^
It can reset your Rising Tide cooldown and with every DoT hit there is a chance to let your Psychic Arrows be an instant so maybe this could be use to fill in a gap between using other skills? Maybe someone else has tried once the Wl/P as a dps and give his opinion to it. Consulting it with my guildmate: we came to the conclusion that this class is not viable at all as a dps.
Overall I have to say that this class tries to be something like a hybrid but unfortunately, in my opinion, it can do pretty much close to nothing other than a quite good support. But since there are a lot support classes out nowadays they would get picked first because they can support better and are more viable.
I think this class balancing should be here to make all classes fun to play and make them viable in somewhat way. But this class is one of the kind which is not viable at all looking at the competition between supports/heals and having a mixture of every category in elite skills makes it not very pleasant and fun to play either.
In my opinion this class would need an almost complete rework in some elite skills to actually make it viable for using it in a group.
Maybe making a Warlock that is using Physical Dark Damage
King Regards -
As far as I know the debuff only gets applied when there are no Soul Brand stacks from the wl/m on it. If the wl/m already put his stacks on it, you can't get the Soulfang debuff on the target.
When you put Soulfang on it first, then the Soul Brand stacks will replace the Debuff.
Kind Regards
Nghtybut I'm trying have debuff but dosent working
That's because you tried it on a target which already has the Soul Brand stacks on it. As I stated above: You can only apply your debuff on the mob if there are NO Soul Brand stacks on it.
If the target has already the stacks on it like in your screenshot: You deal the designed damage with this skill but don't apply the debuff.
Kind Regards
Nghty - " WL/R Elite skill" sometimes it doesn't have on the target debuff effect
As far as I know the debuff only gets applied when there are no Soul Brand stacks from the wl/m on it. If the wl/m already put his stacks on it, you can't get the Soulfang debuff on the target.
When you put Soulfang on it first, then the Soul Brand stacks will replace the Debuff.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
The current cards which have high attribute values will remain unchanged, only new zones will include these categories.
I guess the cards released until now will have old system, all cards with max atributes and you pick what you want to improve.
I guess I just read over this point xD Then a couple of my questions have answered themselves^^
But I still agree with you. The improves in reducing the costs are good. But in exchange loosing this much in Values is not very understandable for me.
And for me personally as a healer the new divide of the cards in these categories will take away my "fun" for farming and trying to get higher and higher values on every card. These new changes are really bad for healer. If they add the wisdom attribute to defense cards like I stated above it will be fine for healers imo, but at the current state of planned changes healers will get away worst xD -
Whilst seeing the Planned Change Log for the Monstercard-System - I am a bit divided.
I like it quiet well to reduce especially the gold costs for the stones. Currently you would have to spend a fortune on Gold for the stones which is, looking at all cards, way too much in total. But this is a good step in the right direction in term of gold costs in my opinion.
Secondly the changes on the divide to Physical, Magic & Defense cards are interesting..
Whilst lowering the max values for main attributes on green cards get capped at 20%. The attributes like atk, def, etc. get capped at 50% of the current max value. Why reducing one for 20% and the one for 50%? Is there any reason behind it?
Next question would be: What happenes to the cards we currently have rolled? I, for example, have some green cards from Howling Mountains with: 10 wis, 10 stam & around 28 HP
Will they get reduced automatically in the next patch and will they get changed into one of the new categories?
Which brings me to my next question:
For healers, or for me personally, I use on my cards wisdom, stamina, HP & pdef.
This won't be possible after the next patch because the highest wisdom value I get on a Magic Card and the highest stamina, pdef and HP value I get from Defense cards.
It would be nice to take in count the healers which would make now no profit at all out of the system because the best attributes in my opinion you get from 2 different categories.
So please make a change there to let Defense Cards give you a maximum of 8 wisdom too.
Other Question would be:
How are the 3 new categories intended? Like every mobs has a 33,3% chance to drop one of them and you have to be lucky to get the correct one or has every zone each specific mobs which drop only physical, magic or defense cards? Some more clarification would be nice.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
The skill "Natures Blessing" (ID: 494930) from the Druid/Warrior can be applied on friendly targets even though the description states it will affect your physical damage.
I don't think this is intended and should be fixed. Otherwise a change of the description would be nice.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
I had with this version some problems too. But for me it all got fixed after downloading one of the new versions which are adapted to arcadia and all its new stuff like the new card system, new currencies etc..
You can find the download here: XBar Fix
Kind Regards
Nghty -
Regarding p/s from a healer perspective:
This class has still all of his elite skills which made it a class with a very strong heal output. If you would adjust the current damage skills he has to make it a viable mdps class this class is still a very strong healer with only 1 equipmentslot switch.
A lot of people complained about the ch/d beeing this viable in support, heal (basically everything). I don't know if this class is currently viable with it's skills or not because 1st: I don't play mdps and 2nd: I think no one tested it by now in rofl so therefore there is no feedback in here. But if it's viable we would have kind of the same problem as with the ch/d which would be suboptimal for the class balancing.
I would suggest, if this class should be a mdps to change for example:
"Saint's Blessing" (ID: 493039) to let Shot, Joint Blow and Vampire Arrow's to deal mdmg to have more skills to rely on?
"Curing Shot" (ID: 492636) to an aoe or another single target skill with maybe more basecast to have better burst dmg?
These are only examples from my healer perspective. Maybe the active mdps players could interfere here with me but I don't like the changes about having a viable dps and with 1 equip switch a strong healer.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
I am personally against it. Every elite skill, except the lvl 15, are build for healing on the priest/champ. And I don't think this class is useless at the moment. Maybe the lvl 70 elite skill yes but that's only because the single target dmg in rofl is very low. But otherwise this class has very good healing skills. Yes they cost lots of mana or rage but that's just a way to adapt your own playstyle. Even with some support you could hold the "Healing Diamond Light", which cost 7% mana every second, almost permanently up. If they would change something on it I would suggest to let the "Chain of Light" to regenerate some more rage than how it is now with 3 rage/hit. Otherwise this class has great healing skills and an interesting support in your "Tower of Vitality".
Kind Regards NghtyThe class is just redundant. It would need a rework or rebalance anyway to be a good option. I fully agree though that it's playstyle is cool, but what it offers to the raid is harder to achieve at a higher expense. Especially the tower of life is sadly not as nice as it sounds - since you put it down under yourself, the group will quickly move on and be out of range. Then it's on cooldown for a while. Cool for bosses, but not much else.
That isn't even a unique ability, as the p/wls level 70 Elieskill es does the same job, but better. The class doesn't have a foot to stand on at the moment.
I'm not against the class being a healer, at all. I would find a priest heal with a significantly different playstyle really nice. And heal versatility is fun. Perhaps the chain of light could get the p/k treatment and work as aoe, but instead on all your allies in range, healing them in the process? The multiple hits could also generate more rage, fixing the afformentioned issue.
Have a blessed day,
MidanI don't think it needs a rework. And neither it is redundant. Maybe in the current content it is a bit because you can't just be afk clicking HoT's every 20 seconds and call it done like on the current broken healing classes. This class was always more focused on single target heal. Looking at all priests it has, with all his buffs, one of the best and maybe even the best single target heal. On top with all the mana support you can get from your group the class got even better in group healing. If they would rework the class it looses it's purpose to be a very very good single target heal/support. I know in the current content that single target heal is more or less useless but hopefully it will change in the next content that you can't just tank the whole ini as for example: a rogue/priest with leather gear and tank accessoire. Then this class would be a lot more viable and the versatility is still there.
Another thing: Yes you may have to do more to support your raid but currently as a healer you do nothing so having a bit of work wouldn't hurt anyone imo xD. You have some nice extra support with this combination in your champion skills - You can interrupt/stun for a few seconds which of you can never have enough and, if you have no champ in your group, you even get some more pdef reduction.At the same time you are very contradictory with yourself. You say that the tower is useless and not unique because the p/wl has a better one but you want the chain of light to be the same like the p/s one? That way the p/s chain of light would loose it unique style. If they would change it there would be another topic open why one chain is better than the other one and make this class superior.
Yes the tower gives less attributes and doesn't heal the group like the p/wl one. But the p/wl one has a higher cd. Even if it's just a bit, but less cd means you can put it more often --> more support for the raid. The only reason why the towers are useless at the moment is, again, because of content where you just can run through the mobs with even 2 dps like they are just there for decoration and because of that everyone runs to fast out of them.If they let you regenerate some more rage with your chain this class is very viable for it's purposes. Maybe it's not useful at the moment but it can be useful in the future content with it's purpose of beeing a great single target heal/support with a good group heal/support on the side.
Kind Regards Nghty -
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can just make 2 magic priests. I also think that the priest / rouge is well suited for this role. Lots of offensive skills that need a little tweaking
If there would be a second magic DPS-Priest, I would recommend the p/ch.
It's a class that's useless right now so it wouldn't interfere with a rework even - and a priest built around magic light damage is what the class is already supposed to be with it's enhanced chain of light!
I am personally against it. Every elite skill, except the lvl 15, are build for healing on the priest/champ. And I don't think this class is useless at the moment. Maybe the lvl 70 elite skill yes but that's only because the single target dmg in rofl is very low. But otherwise this class has very good healing skills. Yes they cost lots of mana or rage but that's just a way to adapt your own playstyle. Even with some support you could hold the "Healing Diamond Light", which cost 7% mana every second, almost permanently up. If they would change something on it I would suggest to let the "Chain of Light" to regenerate some more rage than how it is now with 3 rage/hit. Otherwise this class has great healing skills and an interesting support in your "Tower of Vitality".
On the other hand the priest/rogue would be well suited for an mdps priest, as Mistika and Mrugal suggested. This class has almost only offensive elite skills. Even the "Wraith Halo" gives you 10% matk, so why not use this combination as a second priest mdps?They could just for example adjust the damage from these skills and maybe change "Snake Spirit" to not give you mana but changes "Holy Blessing" to give you % dark damage instead. That way they just need to adapt the base damage of the skills and maybe let "Shadowstab" or "Throw" to be magical too that you would have more skills to use and this class could be great mdps in my opinion.
Kind Regards Nghty -
I would love to see "Badge of the Worldwide Fame" in next Happy Hour.
Kind Regards -
Essentially i like the basic principle of the new Card System.
But after trying out the new Card System / Rerolling and farming Cards,
there is 1 Major Things that bothers me about the System.
The Overall Randomness/for my taste too much RNG with the Shop/NPC where u can buy Upgrade Stones for Cards.
Super nice Idea to offer Players a way to Upgrade their Cards even more with extra Stones that you get for disenchanting bad rolled Cards .
Big Big thing that bothers me is that there are around 160 Different Stones (correct me if im wrong) but the Shop offers only 20 Different Stones at a Time and if you want more /different Stones you either have to wait 6 Hours! for a restock or 24h for a refill with new Random Stones and random count each Time . And waiting those times does not even guarantee you that you get the stones you want or guarantee you even that you get any stones at all because everyone has access to the same Stones. What i have witnessed over the last days is people camping infront of the NPC and waiting for a restock/refill and just buying all stones out nearly instantly.The only thing to avoid this is to have your own "personal" NPC by restocking the Merchant, costing 250 Diamonds. But then again you only have a choice of 20 different stones with a different count each time. So theoretically(!) you would have to spend 2.000 Diamonds too see each stone atleast once or wait a horrendous amount of time with Luck on your Side.
My Suggestion to improve this would be at first , Make the Shop personal nevertheless if you wait for restocks or buy the refresh/restock.
Another Suggestion from my Side would be to either remove the Diamonds Costs for refreshing the shop completly and add the option to refresh the Shop for Green or Blue (maybe even Purple?) SoulStones . For example currently 1000-2000 Green SoulStones for a refresh and when new zones come out who naturally drop cards better (e.g the Islands Korris Vortis etc) increase the priece of the refresh accordingly or Change the NPC too have all Stones at all Times available for everyone but adjust the priece accordingly (e.g Change the Green from 100 too 1000 or 2000) .
( The Values are not part of the Suggestions , they are just here to give a better view for my suggestion and should be obviously changed accordingly what the Team would see fit)
I totally agree with Cruvor here. Seeing in the past days every time the shop refills/restocks about 5-10 people standing there. If you aren't fast enough to buy stones, or as some friends of mine experienced that after a refill/restock they had longer loading times for the new stones than other players (which only took maybe 3 seconds longer but 3 seconds are enough that everything is completely sold out in terms of stones for the green value) you kind of are forced to pay to diamonds to refresh the store for yourself in order to get some stones.
I support the suggestion to make the shop personal big time!
I am also a big fan of refreshing the store with these different values from disenchanting bad rolled cards. Experiencing now only my time I have farmed in Howling Mountains and seeing the amount of green value I already gained I only support the suggestion!
With the store beeing refreshed by for example green value and especially for you personal I would have no problem that everytime you only see about 1/10 of all stones there are. Card farming was since the beginning something for players with endurance and these suggestions would give players who farm a lot and have a lot of "bad" cards a great reward instead of standing at the shop and see everything beeing sold out in 5 seconds like it is currently.
Kind Regards -
As far as I know there are no Gathering-Recipes for lvl 63. You have recipes for lvl 61 and the next would be lvl 66.
Kind Regards Nghty -
I would love to see "Badge of the Worldwide Fame" in the next Happy Hour.
Kind Regards Nghty -
I am against the group heal changes too.
Priests where always better in single target heal and for me personally the better group heal than Druids. Yes, Druids are better for raid heal in most situations of the current content but in my opinion thats just because in the current content you don't need that much healing and heals are not even close to beeing pushed at their limits. Group heal is a very good skill to heal your group fast - like Melodic said you can or will be even more effective with group heal than with the Druid Fountain in certain situations that will, hopefully, follow in upcoming patches and new content.
I also agree with Melodic saying that having lots of Wisdom but no health or defense to stay alive in certain situations you are as helpful to your raid as a twink just running after.
I personally think, if they would change a skill, that every priest class has, to a raid heal so that he can heal raids as good as a Druid makes me nervous about the next content that will follow. Currently in Rofl you don't need this much single target heal a Priest can achieve with the current max. gear and is nowhere near beeing pushed at the limit.
What makes me nervous is getting the group heal changed and when next content follows and the Priest will be superior in both single target and raid heal, people will be mad and want a push for the Druid or nerf for the Priest which will bring the balancing never to an end.
If you want another Priest combination with raid heal, you could take a look at the Priest/Warlock.
Currently on this class you have 2, in my opinion, good raid heal skills:
1. "Touch of Revival" with that you can heal raid members in a fan shape area in front of you. But the fan shape area is a bit tricky and you need some time to ajust your position in right way to heal you raid.
2. "Spirit Embodiment" with that you heal for the next 30 seconds with *every* heal-skill you do the raid member with the least hp for a certain amount. With that you can heal your raid very fast up to the top because as priest you can get most or maybe every skill to 0,5 second cast.I have to say - these skills have at the current time a description error that both skills are saying "party members" but they definetly heal raid member - I tested it. Maybe this is something the Dev-team could look at to fix the current description to erase any confusion.
Unfortunately the Priest/Warlock has still a current bug with "Life Surge" ID:499829. It heals your raid fine but no one of the raid except you get the 10% attribute buff. It would be very nice to get this fixed too.
Overall I hope you unterstand my opinion to not change group heal and maybe Priest/Warlock will be a new fun class for you
Kind Regards Nghty -
The "Surge of Awareness" ID:498555 and "Otherworldy Whisper" ID:498551 are cancelling each other out!
OW cancelling SoA:
SoA cancelling OW:
Please fix this bug!
King Regards Nghty -
On Scout/Druid when you have "Focus" ID:494529 buffed and you activate "Boiling Blood" ID:494327 then your physical attack doesn't get increased. But when you activate "Blood Arrow" ID:490434 while having Focus active your physical attack gets increased.
Edit: Maybe it is because boiling blood is increasing your physical dmg and not your ranged weapon damage?
Kind Regards -
Fixed Devotion Halo had 15 minutes of duration.
The Wind Fairy from the Priest/Mage still has the same problem with "Windraider Halo" ID:499970 like before the latest patch. It still loses its buff after 15 minutes.
Please look into that.
Couple questions regarding Priest/Rogue:
I noticed that you have a chance of "Toxic Feedback" ID: 499961 to trigger every time the "Snake Curse" ID:499975 does damage. (every 2 seconds)
Is this intented? If yes it would be nice to get the description of "Snake Curse" changed because currently there is no description at all about the trigger effect listed in "Snake Curse".
Furthermore the German description of "Toxic Feedback" is wrong:The second last word "zu" doesn't need to be there.
Last when the "Toxic Feedback" is triggered. The description of the buff in your buff bar is very misleading. In English and German.(Sorry in advance for the different sizes of the pictures :/)
In both buff descriptions it says that the next healing spell will be instant but it only works for "Heal" ID:499976 how it supposed to be. It would be very nice to change the description of them too.
Kind Regards Nghty