ID: 1244053 (Hayat Kroniği) : The features he said when purchasing are visible, but when they buy and use them, the features they give are unclear. "Tüm grubun Maksimum CP Değeri (Buff0-0)" the feature it gives is unclear.
Posts by Xeae
ID: 204514 (PERFUME PET) We can collect boxes by pressing . Although this perfume is printed, PET does not collect "MYSTERIOUS BAG" ID: 107445-107446-107447-107448-107449-107450-107451. We can suggest this "MYSTERIOUS BAG" collection with PET Perfume printed?
It gives ID: 205814 (Malatina Event Repeat Ticket) for VIP daily rewards. Instead of giving 2 of these items, what if he gives 1 of them as ID: 1243987 (Goblin Mine Replay Ticket)?
Or, what if ID: 1243987 (Goblin Mine Replay Ticket) was added to VIP Daily rewards?
Thank you.
ID: 200776 (Mezarlık Pastası) The translation part is missing or incorrect. It's unclear what characteristics gave
A + S + D + W is not working when I click on Mirrorworld Interface. I can only move with the Mouse.
Hello, Yes, I know that, but the items he said do not fall from the creatures he said.
I continue to progress by doing all the missions on the maps.
The name of the map I was on was Sarlo, and I talked to NPC Nate Manrold and took part. Name of the mission (Aillic's Stranger)
He wants 3 pieces from me for the mission.
I know these pieces must fall from the creatures? But even though I killed all the creatures on the map, these items aren't coming?
- ID: 493029 (Ateş Gülü Patlaması) : The description part is corrupt. (Byff3-Time) (Buff3-Dot) writing.
- ID: 491343 (Ateş Gülü) : The description part is corrupt. (Buff3-Time) (Buff3-Dot) writing.
- ID: 242219 (Energy Drink) : This item right click (Sys859930_name)
- ID: I do not know (Hidden Danger) : This quest broken SC_426426_00, SC_426426_01 such articles are passing
- ID: I do not know (Warning of the Devine Messenger) Hidden Danger is the post that comes after his mission. SC_426427_01 is also mentioned in the content of this task.
- ID: I do not know (Becoming a Pro Negotiator) : This is the Morrok Mission. Talk Morrok :SC_NPC122590SPEAK_00
- ID: 203282 (Lolipop) : The explanation part is ambiguous. How much HP it gives is unknown
- ID: 203281 (Çikolata) : The explanation part is ambiguous. How much HP it gives is unknown
I don't know if I play the game in Turkish, but when I enter Mirrorworld Instances
- Dynamic Mirror Shrine (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Steadfast Mirror Heart of the Ocean (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Mystical Mirror Water Cave (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Dynamic Mirror Altar (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Steadfast Mirror Ruins (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Mystical Mirror Tower (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and We want Turkish language support for this map.
- Dynamic Mirror Corridor (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and The name of the exit door is Sys120300_name
- Steedfast Mirror Shrine (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like) and The name of the exit door is Sys120300_name
- Mystical Mirror Nest (Press the M, Chinese, Japanese and so on. It looks like)
- This map is in English. We also want a Turkish language option.
- Steadfast Mirror Dreamworld (This map is in English. We also want a Turkish language option) and The name of the exit door is Sys120283_name
- Mystical Mirror Pirate Ship (This map is in English. We also want a Turkish language option) and The name of the exit door is Sys120283_name
I play the game in Turkish. Thank you for this service.
1-) Juice Festival We have difficulties because some translations are incomplete or incorrect. I will happily share them with you.
Location: Varanas Central Plaza, NPC Name: Shobot Glan (111707
When we take the task, we give the NPC next to it.
NPC Says: Move! but it says ALT + 1 Şerefe (494152) does not match each other. Software or translation error?
NPC Says: Golden Juice ALT + 2 Golden Juice (494153) no problem awesome
NPC Says: A Glass of Apple Juice ALT + 3 (494154) no problem great
2-) Location: Varanas Bridge, NPC Name: Lobt Kayen (121334)
NPC Options and game is not in Turkish.
3-) Location: Varanas Gate NPC Name: Meryl Blake (121168)
When speaking with the NPC in Turkish options, in the explanation part, Bill Blake (115819) says go as a task delivery. Bill Blake (Dalanis too), must be Meryl Blake?
4-) Location: Toron Bridge NPC Name: Lejan Doblin (119548)
NPC Options and game is not in Turkish.
5-) Item name: Drinks Package (242091) No Turkish description.
İtem Name: Earth Elements (Material Package) (242520) No Turkish description.
6-) Location: Varanas Central Plaza, NPC Name: Shela Berit (113961)
NPC Options and game is not in Turkish.
You can benefit from many privileges by getting a VIP membership.
You can visit Atlantis for the exchange you want (Mementos, Arcadia Coins, Gold or Diamond).
NPC ID: 120926
Name : Norah Kalesy
When I spoke with this NPC, I saw that the options were in Turkish. We read and bought necessary items from the diamond market and called ID: 242071. Thank you for that.
Yanındaki NPC ID : 112036
Name : Arthomon
When I clicked on this NPC, I saw that there is no Turkish translation. Therefore, I cannot give the items I have obtained from events correctly. I cannot trade. Can you bring a Turkish language option for this NPC, please?
örneğin ADDON gibi olabilir mi?
Sağ alttaki küçük ok ile en azından aşağı doğru büyütebilirsiniz.
Bu özellik üzerinde çalışacağız.
Şimdilik kullanıcı arabirimi boyutunu değiştirmek için bu çerçeveyi de değiştirmeye dikkat edin.
Öneriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Quest ID : 422333
Quest Name (TR) : Zaman Zorluğu
Quest Maps : North Janost Forest
NPC NAME : Jacab Yensen
I gave 30 minutes for this task but couldn't figure it out.
It gives me 10 minutes. He wants me to collect two items. I collect it, I submit it, but it does not accept it. It starts again.
Is this task bug?
i'm waiting excitedly to continue
ID: 493014 Scout 45 main Skill Title Turkish but description in English.
ID: 492949 Mage / Scout 40 Skill Title Turkish but description in English.
ID: 499539 Mage / Scout 60 Skill Title Turkish but description in English.
ID: 499548 Mage / Scout 70 Skill Title Turkish but description in English.
There is no addon on me. I got into the game and when I move the mouse over the item, it becomes as you can see in the video and it throws it out of the game.
It seems like it may be caused by some of your addons which are not compatible with COA anymore.
Are you able to reproduce it without them?
I did as you said and removed all ADDON. The same problem continues to occur when I enter the game again
I think I'm having a problem.
After pressing RUN on some items, I press (B) and hover over my items with the mouse. Later, when I press (C) and look at my stuff, it kicks me out of the game.
- As someone who has played with other publishers for a long time, I can say this;
- According to other broadcasters here have more language options and support,
- There is always a crash problem in the game, but when you report it, they solve it immediately,
- We can save the Addon folder by default from elsewhere,
- Graphics settings supports 4k,
- Diamond market is very large,
- The support team responds very quickly in our own language,
Here I have the opportunity to make my dreams come true
Yesterday I invited 4 more Turkish friends to the game. They all started the game and they have the same problem. Not many tasks can see the place of delivery at M pressure. They complained a lot. I have the same problem, I can't tell them what solution
Could also be an addon (QuestHelper is the first that comes to mind) that's interfering with some stuff
I found that the problem disappeared when I deleted the addon. Thank you.
It is very difficult to do tasks without addon. I could not find what to do as a solution. Can you help me?
Her hesap günde bir kez buff ve hediye alabilir, bu yüzden onları hangi karakterle almak istediğinizi seçmeniz önerilir.
Sorun bu olabilir mi? Tüm karakterleriniz aynı hesaba mı ait yoksa farklı mı?Hi
all accounts are connected the same. I have a VIP membership so I have to enter the game once with all of them to get the rewards. The 6th anniversary gift comes when I enter with all but my character named Usta. There is even a buff, but only Usta has no reward and there is no buf on it.