Posts by Heccs


    today I tried arcane forge again. I use warden/rouge and usually just spam Power of the Wood Spirit while running in circles. After like 2 min I got my first backport and then it kinda needs 30-60sec for the next one (while beeing unable to do anything for 20sec before the backport finally happens, but enemies dont get any dmg).

    With the stuff Tarsq and Ikaria said recently, I tried to not spam PotWS all the time, but click, wait 2 sec, click again, which resulted in no backports for 10min. After that I tried the spamming method again and after like 2min, I've got backports again as long as I keep spamming it.

    I am not sure, if you (Devs) are aware of it (maybe) beeing caused by too much spams/requests, but maybe this information can help you.

    Edit: And I had a normal ping and fps, but was loosing one package all the time. Not sure, if that is normal, seems to be since latest patch.


    over the time and with the big wordlboss changes, you have itemshop-items, which you dont really need anymore. Some examples:

    - same mount from wheel of fortune

    - level up pill from worldboss

    - old furniture

    - accidently bough the wrong item in IS

    - ...

    It would be nice to have a NPC, which buys itemshop-items from you for a certain amount of its original price (maybe 20%). Of course, some items should be excluded, e.g. encyclopediae.

    If this idea is not wanted, then maybe think about some changes for wb-loot. It kinda sucks to finally recieve a "rare" item and it is something you dont need. Why should someone with all classes at lvl 105 need a level up pill. It is kinda frustrating and if you can sell it for a low amount to a NPC, you at least get something out of it instead of throwing it away.

    Also open to any suggestions to improve this idea.

    That are a lot of questions. :D
    I try to answer a few, but keep in mind, it is only my opinion/advice.

    1. It is possible to get endgame gear as f2p, you just need to invest more time or concentrate it on endgame. I did finance most of my gear at the start with farming gold and selling it in auction house for dias. With those dias, I bough gear. After some new upgrades, I was able to do certain inis with my guild and able to farm new gear.

    2. No guild is really thinking, that you will be dead weight, only if you behave like it. As long as you show motivation and try to farm and play together with your mates, they will appreciate it. This is a MMORP and you need to play with others to achieve the highest inis. There are a lot of support combos. Most of them can be played with a low gear (as long as you have enough HP to survive certain attacks), because you will buff your mates or debuff enemies.
    Some supps and how good they are in my opinion:

    - Best supps: wl/d, wl/p, s/p

    - good supp: wd/p, w/p, ch/d

    Keep in mind, in some inis/situations, certain supports are more needed than others. There are also other good supports, but I cant comment on them (e.g. b/p).

    3. Try to "hunt" one in auction house, sometimes you can get one very cheap, but you need dias for that. As long as you are not "good" enough to be a dps, you dont need a endgame weapon.

    4. I am a main tank and only using golden repair hammer. Over the time, you have enough, if you grab your free stuff dayli.

    5. Ehm, no idea tbh. Just get one set and build it to farm anything like gold.

    6. In the end you always want your main stat doubled, but like I said in 5., your first gear is only for farming. You can use crap stats too.

    7. If you want an only support gear, go for cloth and just use crap stats. You need HP to not die everytime. When I play supp, I often use my tank gear, because my accessoire gives me enough HP. Focus on a farming gear first and play a support, which is needed and maybe isnt played in your guild.

    8. Permanten aoe-auras are good, but as you already said: wd and just spam power of the wood spirit. You may lack enough dmg at first. Wd/r is good, because it deals kinda double dmg (b/wd too, I think).

    9. It is needed, when you want to go higher inis, but it shouldnt have a priority now. Just do it, when you are free e.g. afk or on a weekend.

    10. sry no idea

    11. I think character, but again, sry no idea.

    12. You can get buffs for 2hours: droprate, exp, tp. There are some guys outside atlas. Use it to farm gold or level classes. Otherwise do WB, it gives arcadia coins, which can be converted into mems, which can be converted into dias.

    13. I think even r/k as tank is played with plate, because of the base armor you recieve. But you should focus on one gear at first.

    14. "crap gear" like second gear for support or for newbies. In the end you will have as much as you can of your main attribute, like i said before.

    15. Have fun, I guess? :D

    I had it at different times and zones:

    - knight/druid in grafu awakened (around 8pm), 2-3 times in one run

    - warden/rouge in some mirror worlds (2-3pm on a weekend a few weeks ago)

    - wl/d in IDK

    - knight/ch in IDK

    It also seems to affect only few ppl at the same time in the ini, often only 1 person. Ping stays the same, just backports and no skill is coming out until you are ported back. Seems like a short disconnect/asynch between client and server.

    The most time I was able to recreate this, is when a white hit is overlapping in milliseconds with a GCD skill. Hope this can help to analyze the problem and maybe give an answer if it is inteded or not.

    Kinda not true. This combo has one specific 2h-hammer skill (whirlwind), one standard aoe skill which requires 2h-hammer (rather new skill of warrior, opposite of moon cleave but for 2h-hammer, ID: 1492578), standard warrior skill zyklon, standard warrior ISS Crecent Moon Cleave and ofc champion skill shock strike (with a 2 sec CD).

    I think your request is kinda against the idea why they changed Moon Cleave and added a second skill for different weapon types. This class combo has good single target dps, aoe dmg is ok, but buffing it would definetly making it too strong and you can still use a lot of shock strike.

    Hello there,

    currently I can't get a new Green Quest for the Title System:

    I talk with Poli Leighton and it says in the chat "Go to the green board nr II and get the quest", but the corresponding board is empty. I also tested every other board and they are empty too. Waiting for another day didn't solve it, I have this problem now a few days.

    Hello there,

    can a dev elaborate more about the new Warrior/Knight skill "Unwavering" (ID: 491334) and its buff (ID: 1500548). Descriptions says, you are immune to Stun, Root and Slow. Are you supposed to be immune all the time or for a specific duration or does it only affect specific debuffs?

    I have the buff active, but still getting slowed:

    Currently for me this skills feels very useless, either it doesn't work as intended or you can't really controll when cc-immunity is really active. Would love to hear some feedback of a dev or other players.

    Hello there,

    today I achieved level 5 in my Prestige-Pass and was able to recieve 3x of Wildfire Element Fruit Cordial for my 90 Minute reward. The problem now is (at least for me in the german version), the item differs from the ones before. Up to level 4 I got "Wildfire Element Fruit Cordial" (English name, but I play in the german version) with ID: 1249363.

    At level 5 the item is now translated with the name "Fruchtlikör des Wildfeuer-Elements" and has a complete different ID (1250502).

    Is this intended or just a minor bug? I would like to stack them up together. :D

    Hello there,

    Knight/Mage-Skill "Holy Light Domain" (ID: 491628) and its buff (sry, forgot to research ID) won't be active while beeing in combat and inside the zone of entity chamber/world boss. When the boss is immune to damage and my white hits are missing target, it will deactivate after some seconds. Can you enable it to be perma active while beeing in this zone or when boss is active?

    Best regards.

    Great Salvation is usable while having friendly member or enemy in target. But I have just tested it, while using it on an enemy it only heals yourself. I can understand what you mean and have done there, but it kinda feels wierd. Maybe adjust this skill to be not usable on enemy target or improve description?

    Is it not wanted to add more skills to this boss fight pool?

    Edit: Also description is not accurate. As far as I see it, either it heals your target OR yourself, but not both.

    Hello there,

    last boss in Necro Awakened always needs a priest in group to cleanse the negative effect. We also had a warlock/priest in our group and realized, the skill "Great Salvation" (ID: 499858) has nearly the same description as "Cleanse" (ID: 491175) of priest. The only difference is, cleanse can be used successfully, but Great Salvation has no effect.

    Is this intended, not updated description, buggy or can you give some hints, if only cleanse is able to be used there and why? :D

    Here are some screenshots of the two skills, copied from website "Game Info -> skills", but description is the same ingame:

    Thank you very much for clarification.

    Hello there,

    I want to report some things about exchanging crystals in the current festival and make sure, if it is intended or not.

    Accordingly to the wiki page (https://wiki.chroniclesofarcad…stivals/crafting-festival), you can exchange "10 Artisanal Crystals and 10 Essence Crystals" for 9 random items.

    My first problem would be, that I now need 10 Purified Crystals and 10 Artisanal Crystal and 0 Essence Crystals for the exchange. That makes Essence Crystals kinda useless and we need way more Purified, because you need them to craft lvl 60 recipes. Is this intended or got something mixed up?

    The second problem is about getting randomly one of those items. I dont mind that, but to be honest, I dont need 2x ring of potential. :D Can you adjust it to only get items you dont already have? Especially with the first problem, you will need A LOT of Purified Crystalls.

    Best regards.

    Hello there,

    I recently started to play some Visdun Fortress and kinda enjoy it, but there is just one thing that really annoys me. The preparation time (60 seconds before first wave, you can already set up some turrets) starts directly with the entrance of the first player! That means, the second player will always have a shorter preparation time, especially if he was doing some stuff while beeing in queue. A good example is: I enter queue and kill some mobs for Prestige-Pass, after a while (it can take up to hours if no one is queueing) the notification appears "Enter Visdun Fortress". But I am killing mobs and currently in combat, I need to wait a few seconds before I can finally enter it. Combined with loadingscreen, sometimes I enter Visdun and only have 30 seconds left for preparation. That is really a big disadvantage compared to the other player. Can you please synchronize the preparation time, e.g. wait for both players to enter, then start a short countdown BEFORE preparation time starts?

    Thank you very much.

    Hello there,

    since last patch and the change of fast swapping cards, you also implemented another change.

    While hovering over a card in your bag, you can see if you have already obtained it or it is still missing (red text) in your compendium:

    But if you post a card in a chat (for example guild chat), there is no more a red text for "missing in your compendium":

    Is this an intentionally change or just a bug? Should it be the last one, please give us a hotfix. :)

    Also if I missed some new configuration to get the red text back, it would take some hints. :)
