Here all collectibles from Chaos Vortex
Chaos vortex: evil - Вихрь хаоса: зло
And screenshots of 8/9 items (forgot to make screenshot of one item)
Here all collectibles from Chaos Vortex
And screenshots of 8/9 items (forgot to make screenshot of one item)
Fiaso is right about it, becouse everytime (with LivingLegends registered SW) we gets them as opponents for SW
Dear Arcadians and Dev's.
I would like to bring up for consideration one of the well-known problems of Siege Wars (SW) related to the matchmaking of opponents and maybe possible solution. Many guilds (including our - Asterion) existed for a quite long time, during which they had many SW. In the same guilds there were changes in the members list, which led to their strengthening or weakening. So full statistics of SW for many years can provide false information about power of guilds and lead to incorrect matchmaking of opponents.
For example, you can consider the situation with matchmaking of opponents for our guild Asterion in SW. Previously, we often won them, which led to large number of wins in the statistics. But after a while time, many changes was made that changed power of our guild in SW. Then one of the strongest guilds, LivingLegends, also began to join SW, winning numerous victories one after another. As a result over the past few months, current matchmaking system has been pitting us against each other, assuming us equal in powers due to the accounting of old statistics, even though powers was not equal. And this leads to daily defeats without any chances of an equal fight and at least a draw
We make suggestion to increase the influence of the rating or results of last SW (maybe 15-30 wars or by some time period) for matchmaking of opponents, then system will use more relevant information at the moment of matchmaking.
Best regards, Akvo and guild Asterion
Nickname: Akvo
Today is your birthday, Arcadia! You are 8 years old today, and this is a great time, a whole life ahead. So let there be only good and bright events in it, bringing joy and a lot of positivity. Let the memory remains light, cheerful and reckless train of the best moments spent here! The main thing is determination and patience.
Happy holidays to you!
Best Regards, Akvo
Saint Valentine’s Day has come,
For friends and lovers party.
Let life be sweet like sunny palms,
And let all live in beauty.
Sweet hearts and flowers, lovely songs,
And fairy feast is ready.
Let Angels save you from the toss,
And let your dreams be steady.
Greetings, Akvo
I have suggestion regarding card system. Please add the option to extract Soul Stone's and transmute Star Stone's to Etheric, Etheric to Astral. Many people already put their Soul Stone's to Currency List, so now they cant use received earlier Stone's to make Elemental Stone's.
20.12.21 - Third round is ready! Good luck to all of you!
Thanks for event!
Best regards Akvo
1. To get more attributes for your character you can create Zodiac and Draco pets. For more information you can visit NPC [Norah Kalesy] and [Arthomon] on Varanas bridge.
2. You can rent portable Bank, Auction House or Mailbox in [Rental management]. So you can use this functions everywhere.
I think that Wl/Ch have bug with elite skill [Saces' Impulse]. After Class Balance it skill increased effect duration to 300 seconds from 60 seconds. It give buff that must give Intelligence and recovery 4% HP (also bug with description) every second. But it not recovery HP one minute after skill used(screenshot 1). Also it continues recovery my HP for 1 minute if i cancel buff(screenshot 2). I think that it happens becouse HP recovery and Buff not connected.
Cenedril Pets have the same attributes as his summoner. They have damage based only on physical attack(Strength/Dexterity) and HP/defence on Stamina. But magical classes not have enough physical attributes to fully use this pets. So i suggest to add some magical attacks or spells to magical pets(Mystical Mirrorworld Instances) or give them attributes from Intelligence and Wisdom. This will make them more useful.