Posts by Blaxx


    I would like to ask why Champs can use a skill which allowed them to stay at B3 in rofl 2 times more longer when they are in stomach boss than the others classes? It seems not fair at all for what i remember iss and skills for others classes don t work in anymore so why champs can? Will be fair if it will be the same for all.


    I don’t know if you know Champ Classes? But they have only a small burst. Not like Other Classes like rouge or scout for example. they Deal way more dmg in A few seconds then Champion. We Need to Stay long to make the Same dmg inside. Mage/Knight for example too. Have still a lot sustain after his Nerf and can Deal the Same dmg inside then My Champ/wl and i stay way longer inside. This is our only 5min skill and i think this is ok we have that.

    I suggest you read my post again, I don’t talk about Aoe or buffs I just talk about pure single target dmg against to other classes 😉 Maybe I do something wrong, but when I have all buffs on cd for example the single target dmg do nothing against the dmg from Rouges or Champions.

    Hi, for me I like the idea to wear Chain on r/ch, I think you will not deal the same dmg like a player with leather gear who has dex too, but I think it will be fine with the new changes on r/ch. And now I want to talk about Warden 😉 I love that class but depence on other classes, his Single target dmg is a little bit to weak. I Liked to see Warden/Druid with pdd gear. But now he got patched and deals normal Warden/pdd dmg. I would share Warden need a little bit buffed too. Btw Ciron got Aggro reduce, Oak Walker need that too.
    Gratz Blaxx

    Idk from wich Champion combo you Talk about Eneler but Champion/rouge seems for me good balanced now. I played it before and also want a nerf on him, all chain using player just played Champion before, becaurse it’s was just to op. Now it’s still have good Aoe and also good Single target Dmg. If you know how to play, you still one of the top dps in ini.