Posts by Varondil

    I can only agree with Shino on all the points he mentioned but i would have something to add to the list.

    I did just build my own zone and i have to say i would just love to be able to have my own training ground in my own zone where i can lvl my weapons and try out some new rotations.

    That it does not get abused for the cooldown reset thet you get on the Baltons i would love to see a variaty of other pupets out of the custom zones or also of the original dungeons. Without the cooldown feature.



    I have to agree with Captain here i dont really get why we even have the option to use a katana to be honest it has a DEX non stat and is there for a rouge weapon in my eyes.

    In therms of the speer i can not really make up my mind i kind of like the idee of the weapon but we have also have classes like knight/warlock, knight/warden or prist/warrior that use this weapon but right now you have to use the speer as warrior as only really viable weapon as Long Reach is just to strong peared with a DoT-rune in the artefact.

    I kind of like that we have to make a decision if we wear a 1H or 2H weapon with different benefits. But to add 2 other weapon in to the mix is a pure overkill.

    I would like to see some difference with the sup classes if we have to wear a 1H or 2H weapon as of right now there are /rouge and /bard that can make a good use of the 1H weapons maybe you can do a make over for /knight to also need a 1H weapon. I feel like it is a bit waisted to have this combo as a tanking option as there is already the champions existing that can do everything this combination can do just in much better.

    From a tanks pov, i also see chainclasses struggel, especially Warrior. It doesnt have much utility/support that would make up for the lacking damage (i like cyclone as example), and is just getting nerfed over and over again. Of course, the group plays a big role on the class damage numbers from everyone, but if we talk about >fast endcontent runs<, its hard for me to believe that chainclasses need nerfs.

    I have to agree with Shino the warrior is in a really bad state.

    All the past changes made all warrior classes really bad in thearmes of DPS output. Befor the first bleed changes you had warrior/scout and warrior/champion as a good option to play. Yes they were doing a bid to much damage BUT that was only because of the bleed the rest of the skills were not doing to great.

    But why is it like this? Let me explain.


    This classcombination gets all of its damage by his highe stats and can sustain his rage and focus by spending the oposide recouce.

    Now what did go wrong here (in my eyes)?

    We got a huge nerf on bloodarrow (-20.8%(i still dont know how you got to 10.5% in the patchnotes maybe someone can explain it to me)) and you changed Waiting Game to not provide physical attack any more but we gain 5% physical damage. Meand we are missing 12.5% physical attack and 15.8% physical damage now. These changes are huge!!

    And are effecting all of our damage output. Not only our bleed which was to strong.


    Is almost the same as warrior/scout get a huge boost to his stats and does use his HP pool as a recource.

    Now the problem here is that we are forced to play with a 2h-Hammer now means we can not apply a bleed any more.

    So this classcombination is missing out on a lot of "passive" damage. But has to wear a 2H hammer in order to use their non globalcooldown skills. Dont get me wrong here i kind of like the idee here that this class has to wear a 2H hammer as its fits the champion subclass its just that the skills are to weak.

    In general the only problem that almost all the warriors had was the bleed/dot damage and not the damage of their skills as they are not strong at all.

    Now what would i change to make warrior a nice option again in therms of damage?

    Reduce the bleed damage even more i personaly think its not a fun mechanic to play arround and increas the damage of the spells by about 30% for aoe and arround 10% for the single target spells.

    Yes 30% sounds like a lot but keep in mind that we are not able to use only aoe spells in multitarget scenarios we always had heavy hitting aoe with a lot of cooldown. What at least for me made this class unique together with the rage managmen.

    In the state of the warrior as we have him now is the we have to keep as many bleeds up on the targets as we can und fill the spare time where we dont need to apply a bleed with other weaker spells.

    I like the idee of Cosmo as this classcombination is my all time love because of its playstyle with two weapons.

    Right now i was really suprised to see that it recived a nerf on the only skill that makes this combination actualy playable in the endcontend. It had a strong single target burst but that was its, this combination has close to zero aoe damage and is kind of weak in its off burst rotation. I do like to have to play arround your cooldowns and to manage them really good to be able to compeet in the dps race. I would take a slightly different approthe then Cosmo and yould give about 750% damage to the Frenzied Attack BUT would also make it apply on all aoe hits as well. But i would also set Moon Cleave back to the 7 seconds cooldown.

    I hope it was not to much to read and i can just hope that the Dev and Balancing Team will make the warrior great again.

    Greetings Varondil

    So, I just want to say something now about the whole balancing thing that are going on. First off, all, I have a question to you all. For me it seems like you all do like one run with a curtained combo and if you’re not on top of the scrut your class is to weak and needs a buff. So, am I right about this one?

    It is not possible to do a real balancing in the actual state of the game. Yes, you can have comparable gear but pls than compare your gear and classes in gorge and not in rofl. You can’t compare your classes with in rofl without a full ultimate set!! All the stats from mobs in rofl are higher the one in gorge and you have a lot of classes with deferent scaling. So, if you want to do a real compare go to gorge with 12 ppl with equal gear and compare your dmg. The outcome will be much more accurate then a rofl run.

    In terms of pa issue - what I observe is rogues tend to do VERY VERY well at lower pd instances - the way they set up was always more about speed and less pa. I suspect if pa is buffed, rogues will be new master race hands down. Scouts before the patch were top burst class no idea how they are now, since as I said we don't have a scout in a run.

    But in general since scout is range and thus "safer" distance away than melee, I always thought it makes sense for range classes (includes any range classes like mage too for example) to do less damage, but this is ofc my personal opinion :)

    Yes!! Thats my point scouts and rogues do scale extreamly with patt they get the highest attackspeeds and critchances /crit dmg so thats why you should be carefule with changes i dont have a finished gear yet but as i sad i notice every single point of patt. lets just look at gorge, in gorge a full equiped scout could do the same dmg as a champ. Now ofc if you go in to rofl with full gorge gear classes that have a higher patt will do more dmg but they also dont scale that crazy like a leather wearer is.

    Logic? :D

    If its easier with other classes to deal most dmg, why are they not 1. place in scrut then?

    And as long as you say its "easier" with other classes, Lutines point is proven I would say.

    No thats not true. Its alot to explane but for example the old champ did not need to time his spells and cd well to do top dps. But if you timeed your spells and cd right you could get near the old champ as scout (well not over the champ but rly close). And there is a lot more that come on top of the skill and cd useage.

    Same it is now if you just use your spells and spamm your makro a lot of classes will outdeal you but if you know what you have to use were it is "easy" to outdpas every other class. And this is what i meant with it is easyer with other classes.

    To close the gap because scouts and rogues are lacking of physical attack atm if you compare with other classes and damage of other classes in several situations (many targets, single target, off-burst, full-burst)

    I did many rofl runs since the class balancing and every day after every patch. the main problem of a scout and rogue (except rogue/warlock because of his strong dark-damage boost) is the low physical attack

    well we have done some runs aswell and i did run with a lot of diffrent classes. it is easy to be on first place in scrut as scout. well maybe not that easy as it is with other classes but it is also the to hard to do. rogues and scouts dont buff them self up to a lot of patt they get crit and attackspeed. And thats also why the extreamly scale with patt and pdmg. i dont know your gear right now but last time if have seen you you did not have a single ultimate pice. so i can say that your dmg will increass by a lot if you start building the first items. i did see the diffrence on my equipment. And to get more patt i think it would be better to just set the scaling for bouth classes to 1.5 patt from str and dex as it is as my last informations from a dev were 1.2 dex and 1.3 str for scout and 1.3 dex and 1.2 str for rogue.

    I am all for increasing pa from dex BUT then need to have 0 pa from str - that would indeed force leather users to use dex only with things like deftness useable. However, the problem is now all end game leather classes use dex and str stats - how would you fix that? only way is to set up some kind of trade option or compensation, but idk how to do that in an efficient way.

    totally agree with that.

    Changing in right now is no problem. Why? Because if you have 3/3 str/dex stats, then you have nearly the same physical attack (a bit lower, sure) buffed than before. That means, nearly same damage in instances and no problem to clear everything like before.

    In my opinion it woild not be a good change. Yes, it is doable right now but you would lose patt as scout and
    as rogue and no you would no do the same damage as you can notice every single point of patt in rolf and even in gorge. The real question is why do you guys want to change a running system the is in the game since day 1? (with some exceptiones, like rt time)

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to ask if it is possible to show the Bow/X-Box appearance permanently?

    And if it is possible to do it, I would like to suggest it.

    I think that it would be a nice change if you see scouts actually running around with a Bow/X-Bow in their hands. Or even better on their Backs like a 2-Hand Weapon.

    Greetings Varondil

    Hello everyone,

    So, I would like to share my opinion about the whole situation and the state of the game.

    First of all, the new Instance Rofl:

    The design is great, it looks awesome and it’s a nice contrast to the icy region of gorge. But that’s the only positive point on it.

    Let’s talk about the difficulty:

    Trash: So, the trash is something I’m not sure about by now. One of the reasons is the one hits if you’re not a tank class, in my opinion they do way too much dmg to the group and the tank does not even take dmg (ok right at some points even the tank gets dmg but only on a few pulls). When it comes to non-Champion DPS on the first trash mobs in the instance they’re just one hitting if you pull more than 2 ranks. For some reasons even a warden that buffs himself on deff (about 2kk deff) just falls like a mage. And let’s not talk about the trash to the last boss it’s easy to wipe there.

    So as far as we noticed the dmg of the most trash mobs are deff related and my question is why did you not make it percentual-dmg? So, the healers have something to do (and I’m not talking about reviving death players), just like the monkeys after boss 3.

    Bosses: I did like to figure out the different boss mechanics I have to say. But if you’re running the 10th time you just get annoyed by the RNG of the first boss.

    The second boss is well designed but not a real challenge at all but one of the better bosses in this instance.

    As we come to boss 3, I just have to ask: what did you think here DEV-Team? It does require a bit of Teamwork and I really mean a bit. You designed a boss where you need 3 players to play and the rest of the party can go AFK for 10 minutes. The event is more than annoying and not even hard to play.

    Boss 4 is somehow a nice boss but it is just free loot. The mechanic behind him is way too easy and if you really intended to have a DPS check boss there, well I like the idea but this boss is no challenge at all.

    Boss 5 is, in my opinion, the only real boss fight in this instance. You have a nice DMG check with the pigs that spawn and if you don’t kill them fast enough the boss gets really hard for the tank. Also, you have mechanics where you get a hard punishment if you fail them. Overall, the DEV-Team made a good job on this one.

    To say it short, I do not see where or why you needed 2 years to release us this instance. I'M DISAPPOINTED!!

    In my opinion you don’t need to do that much, completely new and complex Instances. No question they are good but for me something like Tikal (old Instance with new Monsters) all 6 to 8 months with either an upper body, lower body or accessory set would be much better.

    So, this is what I think and how I feel about the state of the game right now.

    Greetings, Varondil

    Hello everyone,

    Ultimate Gear

    Over all I like the idea to have a new rarity in game but you did not think good enough about the players and what they really want.

    Please DEV-Team no not only DEV-Team PLEASE PLAYERNET this Game has its origins in Runes of Magic and at least I (but also many others, I think) love how the gear system works. In my opinion it is also the only thing why I play this game, there is no other game that can offer me such kind a of a gearing system. And when it comes to other parts of the game there are other, a lot newer and better running games on the Market.

    So, and again this is my opinion but you guys (and I'm speaking to the whole PLAYERNETTEAM) have made the biggest mistake you could do with the ultimate gear system. THIS DOES NOT FEEL A SINGLE BIT LIKE THE GAME I LOVE. I can understand that you don’t want us get bored fast and crying for new content. But I don’t think that this is the right way to do it. Also, the fact that we don’t get any information from either the NPC or the DEV-Team on the number of cores needed to get the 100% chance of an upgrade is just poor. And the fact that we have to run OLD AND BORING content that we have done multiple times before, does not make the whole situation better.

    I do think that the suggestion of Melamania is a great idea.

    Greetings, Varondil