Hi, i have some suggestions to make for a few Rogue classes.
Rogue in general:
-Remove Energy costs of Sprint (ID: 490341), it´s only 8% compared to the ring and i don´t see the point why it should cost us ressources, it´s a class specific skill and should be viable
-Change Enlivened Blade (ID: 491180) to not be a ground target AOE Skill anymore. The skill doesnt work that smooth and the class feels very unpleasant to play like this (at least for me)
Rogue/Knight (as DPS):
This class is lacking Single Target damage so i would do something like:
-Add light damage to every Skill
-Increase damage buff from the Perfect Slice stacks (ID: 1503810 and ID: 1503811)
-Increase damage of Wound Attack (ID: 1492414)
-Allow Low Blow( ID:490323) to provide a buff that increases your light damage (would need balance for the tank though)
The next suggestions are for more survivability.
-Change Wound Patch( ID:494921) to not have any downtime and trigger for every hit you get (maybe even increase the heal of it)
-Change Quick Light Protection(ID:494924) to only heal yourself for like 30-50%~
-Change Erosion(ID:499568) to also improve Mother Earth´s Protection(ID:493533) - increase the buffs duration from 10 to 30 seconds
-Change Skill(ID:492921) to allow "Patience" (ID:1501423) to stack up with offensive skills as well
-Change Sinister Methods(ID:493020) to heal you for ~1% for each target you hit with the buff(ID:503265)
All these changes should help Rogues to be able to farm things solo/in smaller groups more efficiently. Feel free to add some more ideas. Looking forward to see some of these (if not all) for the future.