Dear team,
I would like to share a few ideas. Things that I have noticed and partly a bit annoying.
1. visual adjustments of skills whose range have been changed or are just wrong.
e.g. Druid bard swampland, warlock mind barrier.
2. I would wish for the warlock he could change his status without restrictions, was also already explained by others in more detail
3. the current change that druids can use seeds without nature power, the druid rogue could already before, could you change the elite skill and replace it with something useful? maybe a healing skill that makes him more interesting?
also it would be nice if you would adjust the stonestorm wasteland elite skill, because 2000 crit resi points are not very much.
4. adjustments of skill descriptions. eg druid bard body vitality still has 12 seconds runtime there stand although it is 24 seconds thanks to elite skill
5. could one vllt the schattenzorn buff of the priest rogue adjust? the makes only 288 crit for all, that seems to me also very little. generally I would like to see a revision of this class
thanks for your time and effort