Posts by Exvee

    But 300k wouldnt make a difference @ last boss inferno where i testet ( aldo add also ) . Ill began to scale around 500k .
    Also we have different problems - The only aggroproblem ive got is with a good Wd / scout in long fights with fear or stuns- cause chiron got no aggroreduce and is quite op. - if i get feared / stunned long enough its .. quite difficult ^^ In Trash its not hard to hold aggro from my pov and if it was, i would do it like you do or switchin gear in Trash ( wich i do sometimes - cause in trash u dont need high hp or deff ) ^^

    i see no point why a knight should permanently have 500k+ ( even more for aldo ) atk

    - but okay then, im starting to realize why there are such less knights in endcontend ;)

    That would be quite the opposite of what you say wearing chain u lose lots of your ability to sustain dmg... #parry

    ^^ ur right - knights have no problems with aggro ( except you get permafeared #failedbossdesign ) but lets switch the perspective to a dps. Its easy to burn the bosses - but ill continue building dmg - same for tank - i would love to see a consequent Itemdesign - I appreciate that shielddeffrate but im curious about the physical attkvalues - if the design was consequent for knights, you would have no atkboni on this set and have addet an atkspeedboni for example ( or more deff :love: :love: :love: :love: )

    and aggro is not calculated in patk - its calculated by pdps on knights - so the atk bonus is useless on the set.
    Personal ill going to build the Chainset if they are released this way, because of the lack of %atkspeed.

    Okay, again for the slow one..

    As you might know ( AND AS GROX WROTE ONE POST BEFORE YOU ), there are some buffs, including aldo's, wich reset ther time after ressurecting ( vgl phoenix resu debuff, guild castle etc ). You might noticed it yourself if you got the aldo debuff once .. maybe.

    This really makes me mad. Denouncing players without having any clue what is happening there.
    So please, try to get a better understanding for the game before posting such things.

    so, enough of this, back to the useful part of the discussion.

    @ Devs. If you really want to do it this way ( wich i totaly dissagree ) why didnt you make it an id instance ?? would be way more usefull. Just let it reset with tq minigames etc and its fine. Or do it with the next one this way. This also should prevent the " we didnt got the boss because the highends are farming it " - argument. And also there is no possibility to disturb other guilds / ppl at the boss.


    We don't make changes in order to punish anyone, we just want balance and allow end-game content for most of players if they are unable to cooperate or if it is too hard to get in for new people. Some changes may be not ideal, that's why we listen your opinions, and if it will be needed, we will make adjustements.

    Difficult task in an MMO, especialy if there are such high differences in Skill, activity, gear etc like in ROM. TBH im not a friend of it. Endgame contend should be that difficult that just the peak of the players could acces it. if thats your argument, do it another way like bosses / instances in different modes with different loot ( like "aldo for everyone with 1/4 loot" - "aldo normal for better players 2/4 loot" - and an "really challanging version" with like 4/4 loot - just an example )

    i hope you're trolling and not really that ...
    Grox wrote about it one post before any you .. ahrg, such ppl ..

    holy ure tilting me

    should be banworthy bc of character assassination

    Just remove divinity stats from the drop pool from the boss then maybe we will have a community again and not how it is now

    this just results in not doing this boss. I also won't do it with randoms for obv reasons. I just dont like to get wiped.

    Im also not Happy about the change, it determinates the competitive feeling and also the concept of an worldboss!.

    The Discussion about alts is pointless. There is no Rule or whatever you call out, just a debuff for killing it. If a char dosent have the debuff, why not playing it ?

    In my opinion alts (twinks) are fine, as long as they don't just stay there for the last few percentages while the main chars leave the party. Then it's exploiting and risking a ban for it.

    im with you, we'll see in future who does aldo more than one time a day. But thats stuff for the devs to read the logs right .. well see if they do so.

    I hope the ( at least ) 2 remaining bugs will get fixed soon, grox knows what im talking about ( or i hope so xD )

    Yeah, it should have been done earlier, but it wasn't... better late than never.

    Na.. that is definelty not healthy for a game. Sure, if there is some gamebreaking issue -> fix. But it wasn't here. If we have some ppl feeling molested of the concept of an open worldboss okay, no one cares tbh . If there are some problems with play player behavior -> there are sanctions and agb's for it. But changing the bossconcept after this ? Please, thats to obvious ...