Posts by grox


    At first it is worth to mention that trash loot was disabled temporary until we can find some solution to don't make Kalin not worth to run after a few days. It means loot will be more likely restored in same or similar way soon. Comparing it to some other "sad servers" where instances were disabled for months sounds quite fair.

    I want to dement gossips about giving some information for certain guilds. We do not do that. If we find out someone is giving some information to others, we clarify and confirm it and it is usually not the case anymore. We have a serious approach regarding sharing not expected changes. Moreover, most of changes are discussed in real time making it impossible to spread it a few days before.

    We receive many suggestions, but quite part of them doesn't contain actual arguments or solution ideas, making it post noted since we are not able to handle everything at once. Some are also delayed as we are not sure if something is technically possible and do not want to make a hope if it would appear to be impossible.

    It is worth to mention that if someone asks if something is designed to be easier accessible than it should and receiving a few answers that it is not, continuing to use it like that, is clearly overusing. But lack of public statements makes it not possible to result in any kind of punishments. However sometimes it happens that by misunderstanding or lack of good details exchange, it may end different. Our will is not to punish anyone just because they are better or weaker. Intention is to make equal chances to everyone.

    Actually such kind of conversations move our focus on reading and handling them instead making an actual work, which connected already with recent DDOS-related issues and its results in today's ping issues, delays everything. We also own private life and instead focusing on actual changes, improvements, fixes and new content we are distracted by long discussions.

    We started to grow our team in order to provide more content in shorter time, but it is clear that some team members need to learn technical and balance aspects. Short and pithy suggestions are more valuable than bunch of text that doesn't help them a lot. It is worth to remember that if something is accessible too quickly, making new content makes no sense if it takes a few times longer to prepare. Moreover, for players with limited amount of time there are almost always ways to trade with players who have got more time. That gives them all equal chances to obtain certain element with considering their real life possibilities.

    All of us are fans of this game. Let it become better by cooperation instead fighting each other. Our will is that it will live as long as possible, it requires far thinking and good mood between community and team. We have a lot of further ideas and want to introduce many of your suggestions when it is time possible. Please give us possibility to improve and solve issues. Enjoy game and have fun!



    There is no strict amount needed for exchange, you can give any amount you want, it is up to gameplay to find out which value is the best for your case.

    Can you please give some examples about things that you are mentioning? It is kind of hard to understand to what aspects are you referring to.



    We have already some ideas gathered and waiting for free time to implement them.

    But any detailed suggestions are welcome, so maybe can improve our list.


    Quick question:

    Is it intended that the Terpsichore card doen't have any values?


    Will be fixed with next client patch for newly looted cards, and previously looted cards will be fixed during next maintenance.



    Your feedback for Patch - Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode), Festival of Fire may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode).

    For class balance please use Class Balance [Patch] & Bard thread.

    For reworked monster cards please use Reworked Monster Cards [Patch] thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

    Would you like to participate and give your opinion but it's not your thing to do so in the forum thread? Click to use the Survey and send us your feedback!


    We are not planning to add such item shop section since they are directly related to game merchants.

    What do you mean by expansions? Increasing duration of Arcadia Coins food and similar? Can you give any examples?


    If you have 100 junk items and put it in to disenchant, you get 1 item in return. If you split all 100 and disenchant, you get 100 items in return. Splitting 100 junk items is time consuming.

    You mean frame where you also convert cards to currency?

    What kind of stacking items you mean?



    Cenedril parts are already allowing bulk merge, your amounts must be just dividable by needed amounts.

    It is impossible to merge different items at once if they are not related to result.

    If you meant something else please explain bestly in some image or exact item names.


    There may be possible issue with getting cores from bumps in some end game instances for some players, related to technical changes. We will verify it. If such issue happen to you, please ask team leader to send one ticket for entire group to support with nicknames of players who did not get core and screenshot/nicknames of all team party members. If we confirm issue, we will give all cores to players who miss them.

    Update: Issue should be fixed now. We will return missing cores later by mailbox.

    We started server with some technical changes. Server should be now more resistant for future attacks. We will continue to do next improvements in next days.

    Battlegrounds are temporary unavailable.

    Both patches have no Patch Notes.

    Weekend promotions will be prolonged.

    We will inform you about compensations soon.
    We are aware of ping size changes.