Would it be possible to increase the chance of eruption on mages or make plasma arrow give more than just 256 crit bonus but make it increase chance of eruption or increase damage by a factor of two or something like that ?
i am not convinced that adding crit will do this.
two things i notice with mages.
1 there is a cap on casting times.
2 there is quite a difference between the p dam on 1 handed hammers and mdam on 1 handed wands.i also dont think that just increasing the damage factor would work.
i say this because of runewakers coding.
i also do not play mage very often -
plasma arrow already gives crit when used lol im saying if it can do more than that and yeah maybe bring it down to 0.333 would help anything lower would be too op
ya just give 100% more crit and 100% more damage to mages and gets this over with lmao. Mage will never equal other classes in damage anyways. How many thread have you made here and on Failforge forums about the same thing?? 20? 30? maybe if we say it together 40 times it will happen!!! oh wait a minute, oh ya Runewaker coding!!!!! hahaha
XD also is it possible to give the buffs more time for a longer burn because I think that would help alot.
I agree that mage is weak when it comes to single target dps compared to most phys classes and w/m but ranged magic dps in general don't do that great. Wl/m Wl/ch D/r M/w do OKAY at best imo for ranged magic dps
I noticed that for insomnia patch the mage fire/wind knowledge mastery skills are 100.8% (at level 50) and for us the level 55 versions are 68.8% so maybe changing that would help a little since it would be like having the Wl/m soul brand buff additionally since the fire dmg support buff helps quite a bit it seems but I think there also may need to be some kind of staff damage mastery skill similar to how rogue, warrior, champ, warden, scout and such all have a weapon damage mastery skill... IMO this goes for not only mage but warlock also for a weap damage mastery type skill
Yes i agree with calo that would help alot.
Just like siege, there is NOTHING wrong with Anything in this game. Leave it alone.
Just like siege, there is NOTHING wrong with Anything in this game. Leave it alone.
I have to agree with Megawarden on this one. the only reason why this server is awesome compared to failforge is that this is how rom was suppose to be. not with broken stuff/bugs. LEAVE THIS GAME ALONE. I REALLY DONT WANT THIS GAME RUINED TO
May I kindly ask, why "Intensification" Buff doesn't work at all on Mage/Druid ??
I have checked several times, but there is no raising of MDmg at all with this buff.
Is it OK, that it works just on few connection of subclasses, eg. M/W ?
May I kindly ask, why "Intensification" Buff doesn't work at all on Mage/Druid ??
I have checked several times, but there is no raising of MDmg at all with this buff.
Is it OK, that it works just on few connection of subclasses, eg. M/W ?
There is no raising of the MDmg but of the dealt magical damage. So if the skill should raise your magical damage by 2000 than you do e.g. 102000 instead of 100000 magical damage on enemies.
One could rather think about changing that skill but actual it works as the skill says (maybe depending on language of the skill description) -
Reads and figures best to drop all M/? characters, and get Scout instead.
Just like 99% of Paradise population.
My main is Druid, but sometimes i like to switch for Mage class. It is a very good stunning mobs class xD and that's it.
You were right, I have checked again yesterday and the damage after this skill is raising only by 4738 damage points.Better would be to raise the Mdmg instead of points
It doesn' raise mdam it raises pure damage like on scrut