Thanks for trying something to fix broken siege war. But this made OP players more OP. Basically they can still 1 shot average players but have become nearly impossible to kill.. I know this idea would get shut down by all the players that have paid ALOT of money to make honor gear but if you really want to fix siege war you should make everyone have like a base gear and scale hp/attacks. Also adjust guards. Make it so skill and class knowledge matter. Thanks for trying though
PvP damage adjustment.
- Megaswarden
- Closed
Thank you for the Feedback about our PvP adjustment. I hope we can gather more Feedback to improve the PvP-adventure on the Server.
No we do not need another AA if ppl made honor gear they should be fine others shouldn't be penalized for others lack of gear
Sadly for me to have rogues go in and out of hide at will in siege and basically no cool down since they are all using Diyce and bypass cool downs by doing so. All class should be able to have fun in siege, not just one class, since hide is only useful in siege war and not really anywhere else in game, they should have a 10 minute cool down and have all hide skills share the same cool downs too.
One shot fest is so boring in siege and just no fun no matter what, spend money, time to upgrade buildings that serves no purpose when everyone gets one shot.
I don't really see anything wrong with SW to be honest. Everyone has the same opportunity to make nice gear, everyone has the same opportunity to make SW gear if they so choose. I don't think that anyone should be penalized either just because they have spent the time and money to make nice gear.
I think the only problem is this sadly
, not all guilds sign up for SW at the same time. SO the guilds with more players or more SW points get paired with lesser guilds. Not all of the guilds even bother with SW so this creates an issue and makes people rant when it seems impossible for them to win. I would like to see more guilds signing up for SW and for the pairings to be close to each other in SW points. Making adjustments to the current SW structure is pointless in my opinion. Making everyone wear the same gear, is an OK suggestion I suppose, although I would find that rather boring myself, I don't think it would solve the problem when some guilds have a lot of players going into SW and others have only a few.
I think hide in rogues its fine, you just need how to play against that. What you need to change its the healling recive, now with the changes a good tank with heal its more impossible to kill.
No we do not need another AA if ppl made honor gear they should be fine others shouldn't be penalized for others lack of gear
this is funny to me.
aa is not like a sw at all. so why should players with lack of gear be penalized for 1 hour a day siege war?
you want a bigger population make siege fair across the board. have all players in same gear with no stats.
this will create a siege war that requires skill and teamwork. players would have to actually use skills not just be an op 1 skill kill player.
the only other way to achieve this is to re code sw entirely and adjust specific skills for pvp only.
do you really want them to change skills like full attack flame etc etc etc?
i remember when p/s was op in sw and hardly any players used pvp gear (most only had gloves) the QQ was so great that they slapped a 3 sec cd on ice blade.PRO TIP......... make pvp gear with stam/hp stam/def use hoe accessories statted for the combo you play.
run out with 700 -900 k hp note this works quite well before there was a damage reduction.
i can say at least they are trying to make it better. Mad Props to the team for this. -
Like ppl have said sw is fine as is just put the time into the gear you can't go sw in adventure gear and expect to not get 1 hitted.
Also making everyone have same gear is exactly like AA and that is dull and boring i dI'd nit sat sw is lIke aa atm.
Also with sw as it is now you can still win against stronger guilds with strategy and team work I have done it b4.
Just gear and make it good don't try to take away what ppl put hardwork in. -
I recently made T9 honor gear and heaps on buffs including damage resistance. I saw no difference between that and adventure gear without many of the buffs. And I hit like a child in honor gear lol. I don't use DIYCE as I want to do it myself and not run on autopilot then say "I did it". I'd rather not use it and rely on increasing my skill, even if I die a thousand deaths. I assume here that DIYCE is an allowed addon and not against Clause 1(c)(ii) of the EULA . Perhaps PlayerNet should make a determination on that if players are complaining about it.
The good thing about fighting a guild significantly better than yours is you're constantly learning and trying to evolve your game. Yesterday I learned there's a skill on the honor glove to free from movement impairment- I didn't know that! I'd rather fight those I can't beat instead of those I know I can. I do think there's an expense against those who make honor gear where the server has implemented damage reduction.
Better guild pairing will certainly benefit all registrant guilds. If a guild is constantly paired with another, and one is constantly winning or one is constantly losing, the algorithm for pairing should identify this and pair the guild(s) with different guild(s) for that time.
Despite constantly being one-shotted and the guild losing, I do like siege other than at times, a big waiting between obtaining all towers and finally getting the crystal. My first siege was frustrating. All towers were taken and the opposition simply ran around killing us. I see no fun in that for the losing side and they may be prone to either not sieging at all, or registering at alternative times. Imagine being on the losing side and for 45 minutes all you do is run out of a castle and die. Perhaps this is why not many guilds are signing up at our particular time slot.
I'd say using "one-size-fits-all" gear is a big no, as I see some players have spent a lot on their honor gear, and there's be no profit or commercial value for PlayerNet for siege wars.
Rogues are a problem with hide. Scouts have a limited detect skill, but they're not unbeatable. A skill cooldown would balance it more instead of removing it entirely. AOE's could reveal them but some classes AOE's cooldown are too long.
My suggestions therefore:
- rollback server damage reduction
- do not implement a 'one gear fits all'
- do not re-balance classes, but consider rogue hide cooldown time for siege only
- review guild pairing upon registration per other comments in this thread
- Crystal to be taken within x minutes of all towers being taken (this needs fleshing out but may include penalties such as, if not taken within say 10 minutes: (a) all towers are reset; (b) team not taking crystal forfeits; (c) war ends in a draw
- DIYCE is fine for those who choose or know how to use it. Opposing players must therefore seek a way around it to win which may include using DIYCE themselves
- determine whether cross-server siege war with Paradise v Insomnia guilds is possible as this will increase the amount of potential guilds to be paired
- determine whether DIYCE falls under the EULAJust throwing my opinions and some suggestions out there.
As someone who plays with honor gear I can def notice that I hit way weaker against a player who is actually geared. It is hard to say for sure in siege since our time slot opponents are not end game geared and most arent even buffing. My only other comment is you wouldnt bring a BMX bike to a Moto cross race so of course someone who is not geared fully for the activity compared to the guys who are will be way worse off.
For rogue hide... Electrics towers + eyes are your best friend and for DIYCE... you dont even need it unless you are PVE warden warrior or champion.
Lol.. Everyone promote people having to spend more money here as they did on fail forge servers. That's why the populations on every runes of magic server is so high. (Sarcasm)............ Thanks for trying to make siege more enjoyable for the masses developers.
You don't have to spend money. It's a personal choice. I don't think it's right to complain others are better because they have gear they've invested in. Our guild isn't co-ordinated in siege and no siege leadership. I think more strategy is needed as well as good players who know what they're doing.
Closed the thread. -
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Suggestions to forum Closed Discussions.