This is a follow-on discussion to the thread Good links and info for warden/scout?
I'm having quite some difficulty increasing the damage on my character. To benchmark, I use the same mobs in mirrorworld and the level 9 boars etc outside Varanas and keep an eye on what kind of damage I do. I don't think it's much, but perhaps someone can let me know if I'm wrong or how to substantially improve.
It's been a big learning experience and I've tested lots of things out. Generally, my character has the following equipment, attributes, buffs, etc. I don't want to use El Chuaj gear as Furious gives a lot of strength:
- Two Aoths, no ring although I understand this includes 10% extra strength and 6% extra damage
- T12+20 Forest Anihilator Fatal XII, Wrath XII, Raid XII, Recon XII
- Acupuncture of Plight T10 statted str patk Fatal XII Wrath XII Tyrant XI Recon XII
- Tikal T9+20 str patk, Tyrant, Enigma Assassin Massacre all XI
- Furious T8 T9 str sta Tyrant, Enigma Assassin Massacre all X
- Aoth nocturnal cape T9 str patk XI like Tikal
- Wings str patk XI like Tikal
- Aoth nocturnal attack neck and ear T8 T9 str patk
- Ring of Cruelty T8 mostly str sta patk, XI like Tikal
- Fanatic Ring T8 str sta patk, X like furious
- Forensa +2073str
- Mayi +6867 patk, +1602 dodge
- Weapon skills maxed, unarmed almost maxed
- 60k pdam
- 206k patk
- 46k str
- Crit 82%
I hit for about a million, most recently up to 1.4million with charged chop, but I don't know if that is sustainable yet.
Is this damage about right? With all buffs, the best I've got is about 2.5m. The buffs I use are:
- Transformation potion Ayam Priest
- Soulmate Mixed Desert
- Honey Ribs
- Featured cuisine delicacy
- Grassland mix
- Aged Realgar Wine
- Hero Potion
- Touch of the Unicorn
- Scarlet love
- Unbridled Enthusiasm
- Caviar Sandwich
- Power of the Oak
- Savage Power
- Morale Boost
- Energy Absorb
- Strong Stimulant
- Potion of Anihilation
- Strike cape
- Edit: Housemaid buff 6% patk + ?forgot
- Oak Walker (Warden pet)
- Pet (Errant cat increases it slightly (level 75: +1309 str, 1294dex, 1294sta, 23int, 36wis)
My Summoning Stone pets were on cooldown, but their buffs are:
+6% str
+4% str
Today, without Summoning stone pets, my str was 67k, pdam 100, patk 500k. Although I crit often, I get the feeling I should be hitting much harder.
I'd love to be able to increase the damage I do. Per above, it's based just on charged chop.
If you have suggestions to improve damage, I'm all ears but if 2.5m is actually good for what I have, then it would be nice to hear it. All my diamonds are almost gone building this character, as I thought better equipment and better buffs would've been an improvement.
Any suggestions will be real nice as I truly feel I'm missing some big things I don't know about!!
Thanks anyone for your time.