Scout/Warden, Warden and Rogue/Mage skill bugs

  • 1. Warden pets issues
    Okay. So Warden have skill to make his pets immune for ALL AoE skills.
    So why pet dying instantly on 2nd boss on tikal when we just enter the chamber?
    I cant finish my buff when he is dead already. On 1st boss with Arrow and Explosion Tactic (AoE) he standing all time.
    But on this 2nd boss dying all the time.

    2. Scout/Warden Hidden Peril annoying bug
    The 2nd issue which I found.
    When you cast your Hidden Peril skill, you have chance to get buff named same as skill "Hidden Peril"
    This buff makes your Snipe "not-yet-instant" (our guildmates idea to name it :) ) it mean you can cast snipe with only
    0.5s not 3s. But when you use other skill, instant for example, you will lost this buff. So for. e.g. If I'm using KittyCombo
    with conditions to cast Snipe ONLY when this buff appear, sometimes I will lost this buff bc my next skill will be used
    before Kitty find this buff. And If Im playing manually (spamming Shot and other skills clicked by mouse (combo: Shot + other skill, Shot + the next skill, etc) this buff disapear.
    So this is a bug bc Hidden Peril don't make other skills to cast 0.5s so why he disapear ?

    3.Rogue/Mage vs Yaotl (3rd boss on tikal)
    Enchanted Throw - Good skill for Rogue, yeah?
    Not for this boss. His throws are treated as magic dmg. But damage from this skill is taked from projectiles dps.
    So all throws from enchanted throw dont working on Yaotl (immune all time)


    All Points you have listed are not Bugs.

    1st point is not a bug? This skill could work for ALL AoE. On 2nd boss on tikal dont work.

    2nd point removable buff if you use other skill ? NOT A BUG?

    3rd point - Throws are PHYSICAL. Enchanted Throw taking dmg from PROJECTILES. THIS LANDING AS MAGIC DMG SO THIS IS A BUG.

    Khira, If you don't have any experience in this game, left your position bc this what are you doing is useless.
    That's like you told few weeks ago to Tank on Champion without Shield form xDD

    Funny. :D

  • totally agree with gjiara and khira. this points are bull... xD sorry about that

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  • You got a point but it can be countered r/m secondary is mage skilled is called enchanted throw enchant has to do with magic.
    Also I don't think the tentacles popping out the ground can be considered an aoe.
    I know nothing about s/wrd but if the skill you use give you a 0,5 cast for next attack instants shouldn't affect it but they can easily say why are you using an instant skill and not a cast one.

    • Official Post

    Okay now feedback from developer side:

    • #1 This is not an AOE, it is a kill command for exploiter's pets. Sorry but kill commands can't be avoided by a fancy buff.
    • #2 Please find out how to play the correct rotation for your class. Lazyness won't be rewarded so if you want to use this skill you need to watch out when it appears.
    • #3 You are totally wrong. This Rogue/MAGE elite skill is supposed to do MAGICAL damage.