In order to offer our players the best quality of game services possible, we have decided to soon open the Paradise Test Realm where participants will be able to test the "New Custom Instance" in its beta stage.
We are accepting group applications for parties that wish to participate in the testing of this instance.
The participants character and items will be copied over to the Test Realm onto a completely different live game server for the purpose of this testing.
There will be a maximum of 3 groups selected to participate.
- Groups must be minimum 8 players and maximum 12
- Groups must consist of 8-12 real players (no twink characters allowed)
- Group members must be "Tikal Ready" and have completed Tikal Instance.
The Paradise Test Realm Opening and Ending dates will be announced near the end of November 2016.
How to Apply:
- The group leader must send a PM to Thor with the group list of participating players.