I already posted a short version of my idea inside the discord but since it can get lost there pretty easily i through it would be better to Post it here again .
To give some information to this post:
Grox said on Discord that the dev team will try to be pretty gently in terms of new gear from new Inis since every new gear is increasing the gap between new and old players. Furthermore with new gear old content gets more and more obsolete because of the power spikes. He also said that any suggestions/ approaches to "solve" this problem are welcome so I wanted to sort of give a idea with this post.
This post is not meant to start a discussion, but instead i would prefer if other people would also write some ideas as well. That way devs can read through this posts and collect some ideas from Community and maybe some of OUR ideas could make it into the game
So for my opinion about future core instance gear:
About weapons:
Since I don't know how long it will take from now on until instance release I won't say that it is a bad idea to bring new weps completely but if it would come out before end of the year I would highly be against new weps.
This mainly is because the new system for weapons Is very expensive. Before the system got into the game there wasn't the need of crafting several weapons for one class but now we need to craft so many different weapons to stay competitive that it is questionable if it would make sense to keep the new weapon come out with every new core ini.
Instead every second core ini would make more sense now eventually. That way people will have more time to build different weapons and don't need to fear that they soon will need to build 16 new weapons ( no joke I know of many players that have that amount rn ).
About new armor:
Since last core ini was lower set I highly expect next core ini to be upper set.
Also corruption system and a special item (like gloves from lower set ) is most likely about to happen.
About the idea to not have old content getting more and more obsolete and therefore making it harder for new people to get runs:
I think instead of new weps that would most likely be expensive and give a bit of higher stats like old ones a system to unlock bonus stats on the new armor could make sense.
So new armor would have corruption and 2-3 locked attributes that players would need to unlock on every pice of new armor that they get.
The unlock condition would basically be running of old dungeons and could unlock after completing them for a few times (15-30 runs depending on the stat increase ?)
The result that this would have/ I would hope for would be that players would run old instances again and therefore revive the old content and because the content won't be that hard anymore with the current gear it's also easier to take new players through those instances aswell so they would gain the equipment and stuff they need as well to further progress. I also assume there will be more random runs as a consequence since the older content isn't that hard anymore.
Greetings Miraiyu