Make Fishing More Useful With New Item Sets

  • Hello everyone, fishing has got some changes in last patch and it became so useless for some players. People cant farm their gold fish and unknown box from fishing because of low chances.

    I have some ideas to make it easier for everyone.

    First of all you should increase golden fish and treasure box chance to their previous values.

    You should add many fishing clothes to fishing NPCs. Not just upper body but pants, belt, hands, boots, capes, head and shoulders.

    Of course there should be different fishing gears for different goals.

    1 - If we want to farm golden fish and treasure box, we should make a fishing gear with treasure chance

    2 - If we just want to level up faster, we should use fishing speed bonus gear

    3 - If we want to collect more fish and sell them, we should use a gear with gathering chance

    And maybe you can add some other builds for fishing. But please consider my suggestion to make fishing fun and easier for everyone.

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    Thanks for your suggestion.
    As of Golden Fish/Treasure Box chances, their rate will be adjusted alongside other adjustments for fishing treasure.
    There is no plans to implement any further gear related to fishing.
