Hi all! We ask you to return the number of Arcadia coins for world bosses. It is already very difficult for newcomers to the game to develop and dress, with a decrease in the number of coins it will become even more difficult! Beginners already go to world bosses all day long to make a daily exchange for 250 diamonds. I wonder what they should do now? How to develop and earn money?

Arcadia Coins
- Other
- Catherine
- Closed
Approved the thread. -
We exactly returned them to original intended state. Previous higher values were bug, as stated in Post Patch Notes on website.
World Bosses aren't big effort to get high Arcadia Coins for it. Newbies already have dozens of ways to get AC, gear and so on in special instances like Tikal easy mode. Wiki and Codecks have some tips how to earn diamonds too.
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Suggestions to forum Declined Suggestions.