Morrok questline / clash of good and evil + dawn of war - sys_name errors and better translation suggestion (german translation)

  • continuing on my journey through the morrok questline. some names are missing and a suggestion for a translation change.

    1.jill uses a skill where a name is missing (the price to pay quest)

    2.Questtask has a missing name (Diffuse memory quest from kargath duran)

    3.the part where panilor is mentioned as brother read a bit strange in german. it usally means family relations and the short sentence does not help to suggest otherwise especially with loub mentioned right before (who is the brother of jill in the story and mentioned as such multiple times). the meaning of the sentence should be sth like brother-in-arms, but the delivered context does not give that impression even tho brother can be used as such in german too, so it just reads wrong overall. with both loub and panilor not there the following sentence fits for both too in the german translation, so that does not help either. the english version i found on the wiki, which suggests a meaning like brother-in-arms:

    Now the dragons have finally gone mad and what of my brother Panilor? No one can get him back...

    so a better german translation of "brother" here would be sth like "Gefährte"(aka more in the sense of companion/comrade) or to take the brother-in-arms directly "Waffenbruder" or "Kampfgefährte". "Gefährte" flows better in the sentence and is short - so my favorite, but all would fit there to better deliver the information.