Fishing [Patch]

    • Official Post


    Your feedback for Patch - Fishing, Flower Festival may be posted within this thread.

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    Please use this thread only for Fishing.

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    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

    You have ideas how to improve Fishing and don't want or can't write in the forum? You can write us your ideas here.

  • Heyho,

    yesterday i finally reached lvl 100 in fishing and wanted to give some feedback from my perspective.

    First of all : it's fishing. I know not all people like the way fishing works but i liked it. It's pretty simple but later on you kinda just spam your fishing rod because of the speed bonusses you get. The xp you get seems kind of low but the increasing speed is a good compensation to that. It's feels like getting half xp but double the fishing speed.

    Also the luck based drop is kind of frustrating. For example: getting your first gold fish at lvl 48 like me^^ I guess it was just bad luck but still.

    Also the fishes have weird sizes. It looks like the size and the weight define how much gold the fish is worth. But thats the reason why the sizes look so weird often. A 6,8 metre shark weighs 25 kg for example(??). The right size would improve the gold value too much ofc - but it looks very weird.

    Cards: the card drop rate feels kind of low but afaik it scales with luck chance and you get more of it the higher level you are (because of bufffood, golden rods, upper body). On the last levels i had way more cards then before (1 card before 50 and like 3 or 4 from 70-100). Also its very nice that they drop with 5 stars already :thumbup: but they all look the same :(

    Content: i was hoping for a few more recipes after lvl 40 because thats where you only get a better upper body every 20 levels and thats it (besides the better baits at lvl 58 from the npc trade). It feels a bit boring to not getting something new after level 60. But the bonuses of the gear itself are enough to make it to 100 in a reasonable time.

    Also the cooking/alch recipes drop now way more often then before. 90% of them are like the already existing bufffood and share a cd with them. You just have to fish for the materials. Most of them are not worth using :S (on the other hand if they wouldnt share a cd it would be kinda op too).

    The golden boxes are a pretty nice addition for the loot. Most of it looks like worldboss loot which contains alot of crap but also some really useful items (with a low drop rate ofc).

    Gold: It was a pretty good gold farm at the beginning but it changed alot since then. Golden fish were nerfed to 10kk from 50kk so it wasnt that worth to trade them in anymore. Also the drop rate of big fishes was hard nerfed it feels a bit unrewarding to use the harpoon now. Lowering the amount of gold of the sunfish would've been better or the general gold of selling big fishes if the generated gold was the problem.

    Farming gold in lvl 98 instance should give more gold but no extra loot or cards like you can get from fishing.

    Bug?: The gold values vary alot from different factors.

    1. Most big fishes have a lower gold value in low level zones. A sunfish you caught on the elven island is worth like 750k gold and when you teleport to syrbal pass the exact same fish is 2,9kk.


    above is elfen island, the ones below are from syrbal pass

    Edit: It is intended. I learned that fishes caught in their "main" or "home" zone are worth less gold inside that zone. Outside of the 2 Zones mentioned on each fish they are worth more :)

    2. The fishing npc takes all of your fishing loot at once for gold. But for a lower price! more expensive fishes get like 80% of their value if you trade them in instead of selling it to an npc. Sunfish

    Lower priced fish (i dont checked every fish but the Catfish for example) are priced higher. i had one which was worth 40k at the normal npc and the fishing npc gave me 130k for it. Also its worth even more when you go to a low level zone and trade it to the vendor. on the left in syrbal at the fishing npc, on the right the normal vendor value and in the middle the elven island vendor price

    Edit: This normal because of the mentioned edit before. Except for the selling all part of the fishing npc

    I dont know if it is intended but i personally lost alot of gold because of that. :/

    kind regards,

    Persil :)

    • Official Post


    A few things I can answer by myself:

    - weird weight/length got task to get fixed for new fishes

    - cards are known to have same model, since we are awaiting for new models creation, then we will add also more furniture for house along with it

    - buff food is mostly alternative way with easier materials, easier access for newbies, I think it had also longer duration

    - as in edits selling fishes outside of "Commonly found" zones for more is intended mechanic

    Rest will need answer of project related people later.


    • Official Post

    Also the fishes have weird sizes. It looks like the size and the weight define how much gold the fish is worth. But thats the reason why the sizes look so weird often. A 6,8 metre shark weighs 25 kg for example(??). The right size would improve the gold value too much ofc - but it looks very weird.

    Fish size logic will be improved; besides that fish length isn't used in price determination directly. Every fish has a max length, but they have slight chance to exceed this limit by luck. Price of such fishes will be 20% more than regular length fishes. Base price is still by weight only.

    Most of them are not worth using

    More fishing related recipes might be added in future.

    Gold: It was a pretty good gold farm at the beginning but it changed alot since then. Golden fish were nerfed to 10kk from 50kk so it wasnt that worth to trade them in anymore.

    Golden Fish drop was supposed to be rarer than it currently is, hence it generated too much gold in too low amount of time serverwide.

    The gold values vary alot from different factors.

    Price of fish depends on;
    - Weight

    - Higher price if fish is "Long" (over its predefined maximum length); there is no visual indicator for this in game currently.
    - Lower price if sale zone is same as origin zone of the fish; you can see this information on fish tooltip

    So it is best to sell fishes in another zone instead of same zone as your loot mostly will be origin zone fishes.

    2. The fishing npc takes all of your fishing loot at once for gold. But for a lower price! more expensive fishes get like 80% of their value if you trade them in instead of selling it to an npc.

    This was due to gold reduction applied to fisherman sell all script earlier, but will be reverted soon along with few other adjustments.


  • Hello,

    i am near to level 100 and am fishing with harpune, pruple lure an d level 80 chest and fishsalad (buffood).

    Do you have lowered fishing speed this evening? Atm i am fishing way slower than in the afternoon and i can´t see any reason.


  • Hi, it would be cool if you could increase the drop rate of fishing cards. It is really really bad. I just reached lvl 100 today, it took hours of farming, I mostly used the gold rod + fish salad food most of the time and I only got 2 (TWO) cards. Are we suppose to spend a year at fishing to get the 24 cards ? And don't tell me that we can buy them in AH blablabla, by spending that amount of time fishing, you should get more than 2 cards even tough it 5 stars cards..

    • Official Post

    Hi, it would be cool if you could increase the drop rate of fishing cards. It is really really bad. I just reached lvl 100 today, it took hours of farming, I mostly used the gold rod + fish salad food most of the time and I only got 2 (TWO) cards. Are we suppose to spend a year at fishing to get the 24 cards ? And don't tell me that we can buy them in AH blablabla, by spending that amount of time fishing, you should get more than 2 cards even tough it 5 stars cards..


    Fishing is not meant to be content consumed within one week, hence we are not planning such change currently.


  • Hello,

    When I talk to NPC's for Fishing, only the location 129754 [Jean-Luc Orange] appears on my screen from the NPC's names. I think it would be nice to see the locations of other NPC's here?

  • Hello,

    The description of materials obtained from fishing says "Cannot use in custom Arcadia dungeons." These seem to consist of the following. I tried to use 1250817 [Dried Herring] while I was at home, but the game doesn't allow it. When I use it outside of my home, the 1504311 [Dried Herring] buff is applied to me, but if I enter my home, it is removed from me.

    In this case, I guess either the description is incorrect, or this item should be added as an exception inside the house? Thank you.

    • [Cyclops Lair (Awakened)]
    • [Hall of Survivors (Awakened)]
    • [Hall of the Demon Lord (Awakened)]
    • [Heart of the Ocean (Awakened)]
    • [Kalin Shrine (Awakened)]
    • [Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened)]
    • [Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Awakened)]
    • [Forsaken Abbey (Awakened)]
    • [Necropolis of Mirrors (Awakened)]
    • [Grafu Castle (Awakened)]
    • [Dalanis Nightmare]
    • [Secret Temple of Tikal]
    • [Inferno of Divinity]
    • [Gorge of the Ice Giants]
    • [Realm of Forgotten Legends]
    • [Dark Core]
    • [Orkham]

  • why the drop rate is low or non existent. since patch i've fished for hours and only drop is scroll in bottle x24 and nothing else. i saw others in world saying the ssame thing.

    is there a purpose after lvl 100 because i cant find one.

  • Kann ich nur bestätigen. Seit der Wartung gestern habe ich ca. 1000 Fische gefangen, ca. 20 Flaschenpost, 2 Karten, Etliches an Schnürsenkeln etc. Aber kein einziger goldener Fisch oder eine Truhe. Ich habe immer Fischsalat oder Tel Koi am laufen und die LvL 80 Robe, lila Köder, verschiedene Angeln ausprobiert, die meiste Flaschenpost hatte ich mit dem goldenen Angel.

    Hatte gestern lvl 80 erreicht und muss jetzt für die Quest den goldenen Fisch aus der Strömungszone fangen.

    Ich kann den Entwicklern nur sagen, so macht es keinen Spaß, weil so gar keine Hoffnung besteht, diese Quest in kürzerer Zeit zu erledigen bei dieser unterirdischen Droprate

    03.03.2025 - Update 1500 Köder später: etliches an Flaschenpost, 1 Truhe, kein goldener Fisch

  • Is there someone that already got a blue or purple card from sacrifice ? I've did 5+ sacrifice with many heavy fishes in bag and still got none. I've only drop green cards so far. Would be nice to get the droprate to get blue/purple cards from sacrifice :D

  • Merhaba,

    Benim 1250817 [Dried Herring] ihtiyacım var. Bunun için 1250705 [Ringa] elde etmem gerekiyor. Bu eşya ise 750030 [Kashaylan] veya 750023 [Chrysalia] haritalarından elde edildiği bilgisi yazıyor.

    Yaklaşık olarak 15 dakika boyunca ve bu haritalarda da balık tutuyorum. İhtiyacım olan malzeme 1250705 [Ringa] hiç gelmedi. Son gelen yama öncesinde bunu buradan rahatlıkla elde edebiliyorken şuan bunu yapamıyorum.

    Sorun nedir?


    I need 1250817 [Dried Herring]. For this, I need to obtain 1250705 [Ringa] . It says that this item is obtained from maps 750030 [Kashaylan] or 750023 [Chrysalia].

    I have been fishing for about 15 minutes and on these maps. The material I need, 1250705 [Ringa] , never arrived. Before the latest patch, I could easily obtain it from here, but now I can't. What's the problem?