NPC to sell unneeded itemshop-items

  • Hello,

    over the time and with the big wordlboss changes, you have itemshop-items, which you dont really need anymore. Some examples:

    - same mount from wheel of fortune

    - level up pill from worldboss

    - old furniture

    - accidently bough the wrong item in IS

    - ...

    It would be nice to have a NPC, which buys itemshop-items from you for a certain amount of its original price (maybe 20%). Of course, some items should be excluded, e.g. encyclopediae.

    If this idea is not wanted, then maybe think about some changes for wb-loot. It kinda sucks to finally recieve a "rare" item and it is something you dont need. Why should someone with all classes at lvl 105 need a level up pill. It is kinda frustrating and if you can sell it for a low amount to a NPC, you at least get something out of it instead of throwing it away.

    Also open to any suggestions to improve this idea.

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    Approved the thread.
  • Hello.

    I also felt it was a bit wasteful to receive duplicate items.

    When I started this game, I learned all the races and classes early on, and as a reward for defeating the world boss, I’ve already received the 'Race and Gender - Collector's Package' three times. Of course, it’s a valuable item, and there are people who would want it, so I don’t want it removed from the rewards.

    I have a suggestion:

    What if IS items were classified by rank or price range, and we could choose a certain number of similar items to exchange for items of the same rank?

    If we were to exchange items with the same quantity, it might cause issues from a revenue perspective for the management, and from the user's side, it might be disappointing if expensive items could be exchanged for cheaper ones.

  • I highly support this suggestion, though i don't think selling those items for a percentage of it's original cost would be healthy for the game. I'd be happy for the option to disenchant those items and receive maybe a purified stone for each 100dias of the original price. That way it would be less frustrating to get "rare" wb loot that i have no use for