World Bosses Rework [Patch]

    • Official Post


    Your feedback for Patch - World Bosses Rework, Pumpkin Festival may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

    Its not your type to give public feedback? Give anonymous feedback on your own language here.

    General Information About Content

    Superficial Change Log for Bosses

    Example Reward Distribution


  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “World Boss Revision Feedback Thread” to “World Bosses Rework [Coming Soon]”.
  • If someone whose main class is heal can't get a reward because they can't DPS? That's why even those who enjoy playing HEAL need to have a DPS class. I think it would be nice if an advantage was added for heal.

    • Official Post

    It will probably be possible to inflict enough damage over threshold - as it is not very high - as Druid/Warlock or Priest/Scout with healer equipment.

    Alternatively, we trust many raids will created by community during event to maximize rewards, as it is most logical way since there is no benefit for going as smaller groups.


    • Official Post

    Why are all the changes only focused on DPS?

    This content is not supposed not be more beneficial for damage dealers, but killing a worldboss is associated with damage dealers most of the time, so it will require them for sure, same as other contents.

    This is server-wide event that everyone can participate, alone or as part of a raid and probably most rewarding content we created so far compared to effort given by its players.


  • Well, let's say "nice try".

    but 0.5fpm is the result of players participating. And I am not saying many players like 1k-2k, just maybe 100 ppl, and it is absolutely unplayable.

    I am actually in Wodjin kill raid, and for the last 2.5 minutes the client does not even respond anymore....

    • Official Post

    Well, let's say "nice try".

    but 0.5fpm is the result of players participating. And I am not saying many players like 1k-2k, just maybe 100 ppl, and it is absolutely unplayable.

    I am actually in Wodjin kill raid, and for the last 2.5 minutes the client does not even respond anymore....

    The idea is not bad but it´s literally unplayable. Server can´t handle that amount of players.

    We are working on performance improvements currently for this situation.


  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “World Bosses Rework [Coming Soon]” to “World Bosses Rework [Patch]”.
  • I think a really huge performance improvement would be if it were possible to disable the aura effect from other players. When I disable my own, I already get about 15 FPS more, but many people still have theirs active. Even if you have other players disabled, the small ball still has the aura effect (see pic).


  • I think this problem is already in the base game, and always was. There are not many occasions when so many players gather...

    However, it is really paingful.

    I did not even see the Boss, the screen just freezes, no movement, no reaction from game client.

    might not affect all players, as many player do damage and can play, but it is unplayable for many as well.

    You should maybe consider deactivate all effects from skills/char modification, in this specific zone/area.

  • I think the guild resource orbs also pose a big problem.

    • Official Post

    I think a really huge performance improvement would be if it were possible to disable the aura effect from other players. When I disable my own, I already get about 15 FPS more, but many people still have theirs active. Even if you have other players disabled, the small ball still has the aura effect (see pic).


    Hi, golden aura was already changed to not be forced enabled fx for next client patch. As well as some other client performance increases.


  • Danke erst einmal für den Versuch wieder etwas neues ins Spiel zu bringen. Finde den Ansatz gut, da ja auch kleinere Spieler die Möglichkeit haben an Belohnungen bzw. Mats zu kommen. Das es da bei der Einführung Probleme geben würde war zu erwarten und man sieht ja auch, dass versucht wird diese zu verhindern.

    Da ich kein Profi bin beschäftigt mich ein nur Gedanke: Warum funktioniert es bei Sathkur ohne Probleme?

    Kein Absturz, FPS und MS ohne größere Probleme.

    • Official Post

    Danke erst einmal für den Versuch wieder etwas neues ins Spiel zu bringen. Finde den Ansatz gut, da ja auch kleinere Spieler die Möglichkeit haben an Belohnungen bzw. Mats zu kommen. Das es da bei der Einführung Probleme geben würde war zu erwarten und man sieht ja auch, dass versucht wird diese zu verhindern.

    Da ich kein Profi bin beschäftigt mich ein nur Gedanke: Warum funktioniert es bei Sathkur ohne Probleme?

    Kein Absturz, FPS und MS ohne größere Probleme.

    Thank you for appreciation. Sathkur is only 36 man instance. Worldbosses are having +150 participants which causes it to create massive performance issues with scripts. We are still trying to improve this.


    • Official Post

    With there was big FPS improvement on Client side.

    However due zone issues causing players to disconnect in result of insanely high ping we have decided to shut down Scheduled World Bosses system until we will perform various Zone improvements.

    There is no ETA when system will be enabled again, most likely within a few days or one week.


    • Official Post

    We would like to get you know that we are in advanced state of testing big performance improvements such as:

    • Reduced high Ping greatly in crowded zones.
    • Improved world boss scripts to be lightweight.
    • Improved FPS performance in various instances and events.
    • Changed world boss spawn timers to be client-side for performance.
    • Increased amount of services to handle traffic resulting in lesser load and higher performance of servicing players.

    It allowed to eliminate insanely large ping and crashes to login screen during fight. After changes on our tests with 150 characters on dev server we observe average of 60-200 ping based on specific bosses.

    Due to complexity of changes and planned absence of team member in following days, patch with these and so enabling Scheduled World Bosses again is planned most early in a week around Thursday-Friday.


  • Hi, could you please seperate world boss pull from npc to 2 different items. If I'm not mistaken , the ring that cost 2850 PoM have both Titan and Colossus possible stats on it. It would be better if there is one item for Titan stats pull (that would cost half of actual price one, so 1400 PoM) and the actual one at 2850 that only drop colossus.

    • Official Post

    Hi, could you please seperate world boss pull from npc to 2 different items. If I'm not mistaken , the ring that cost 2850 PoM have both Titan and Colossus possible stats on it. It would be better if there is one item for Titan stats pull (that would cost half of actual price one, so 1400 PoM) and the actual one at 2850 that only drop colossus.

    It is intended and not planned to be changed, it was not wanted to make Colossus stats as frequent by separating them.


  • Can you just remove the hp regen on wb ? This is just a waste of time tbh , even with 2/3 raids full , bosses stay at 100% until few minutes when %regen start to drop down. The damage reduction itself should already be enough and could also solve the pb for late night wb when there is not as many ppl as there is during the day.

  • Feedback about a non-functioning world boss system, ping beyond playable, players are constantly told it's getting better, but the ping is consistently over 1k-2k. If you look at the performance, it's simply terrible. Even in instances during world bosses there are lags. At the same time, you're told that it's your add-ons that are causing these problems. But that it's simply your changes is not possible? Loot via a crate, good idea, what's the point if you participate in the fight and get the answer, not qualified for the crate. Group, enough damage done and scored as afk. Respect. Leads to endless discussions with GM/DEV's or support every time. The simple fact is, since the introduction of this worldbos system, only problems have arisen. Cooldown system, backports (I am not affected, but experience it too often with other players.) Reward system that has simply lost the connection to the game (rewards from the game only for already achieved game content, that's how it should be). What you give away from your store is your decision. But the fact that everything can be in there by luck is simply laughable. Where is the incentive to achieve anything in the game?

    • Official Post

    At the same time, you're told that it's your add-ons that are causing these problems.


    Addons are often reiterated as causing problems in the game, because it's been proven many times that addons are large causes of UI issues, drastically reduced FPS, and interfering with intended game functionality. As a team there are many false reports about same issues always that are very often caused by addons, and whilst team is often conscious of addons when updating game, it's not always possible to retain original addon functionality, especially considering that most addons at this point are 10-15 years old, unmaintained, and using outdated API functionality/methods.

    As an example, with your addons installed which you sent to team yesterday, I currently receive 32% less FPS on average than using very basic addon package.



    Obviously it is expected that users will install addons, but it is important to really only addons that you need, and understand that addons can and will break over time, as well as drastically reduce performance (especially poorly coded combat engines, of which has been seen countless times), especially when many addons are edited by people specifically and shared about, which when maintaining client means they can easily be not compatible with current versions tested by team(FSlimUI as example with most recent patch).
