Changes in Master of mini-games tittle.

  • Hello, i suggest change this title (ID 532092).
    In general effects title 10% move speed -> 30% move speed.
    In title system 1% wis and p. defense -> 3% all attributes and 5% move speed.

    This changes should increase attention for all classes (not only healers or tanks). Also we need a big time to receive this, its increase interest for mini-games.

  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
    • Official Post

    Hello, i suggest change this title (ID 532092).
    In general effects title 10% move speed -> 30% move speed.
    In title system 1% wis and p. defense -> 3% all attributes and 5% move speed.

    This changes should increase attention for all classes (not only healers or tanks). Also we need a big time to receive this, its increase interest for mini-games.


    Thank you for your Suggestion.
    There are no plans to alter this Title.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.