K/M Holy Light Domain deactivates after seconds in entitychamber

  • Hello there,

    Knight/Mage-Skill "Holy Light Domain" (ID: 491628) and its buff (sry, forgot to research ID) won't be active while beeing in combat and inside the zone of entity chamber/world boss. When the boss is immune to damage and my white hits are missing target, it will deactivate after some seconds. Can you enable it to be perma active while beeing in this zone or when boss is active?

    Best regards.

    • Official Post


    Holy Light Domain has an AFK timer to prevent farming overworld Monsters while away. We will look into the interaction in the Entity Chamber soon.

    Thank you for reporting,


  • That would be great. I understand the AFK timer, but I was also spamming Holy Strike and it still got deactivated. It might have something to do with boss beeing immune to damage and my attacks/skills are missing that might trigger your AFK algorithm.

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