Suggestion for Pet Transformation Potion -> Scaling with Pet LvL

  • Hi today I maxed out my Pet and realised a thing while looking into it,

    If a Pet gets a Transformation Potion special skills will be Granted.

    Those Skills are fix and dont scale with the lvl of the Pet (+10/+4/+9/+9)

    That doesnt make a lot of seense in my opinion, upgrading the Pets LvL should influence the lvl of those Skills aswell or they should be upgradeable with Talent Points so that once the Pet reaches lvl 100 or 105 it comes out to have those Skills maxed aswell ( +10/+5/+10/+10)

    Maybe another way of solving this would be to make it so that the skills get maxed if the same transformation potion is used on a Pet more than once.

    Ofc this would be needed to be changed for all transformation Potions,- pictures show only one example.

    Here you can see some Pictures for better visual view:

    Greetings Miraiyu

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