Gorge Awakened

  • Hello,

    I think it would be great to have an awakened version of Gorge. I think that right now, Gorge is still one of the hardest, if not the hardest, ini (regarding events, teamplay etc.) and also the most fun ini I ran in a long time. So a version where bosses had the original events (pre-nerfs) and more stats sounds really good to me.

    Since this would be really hard I think the rewards should be really good as well, so that it's worth to run the instance.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
  • I agree with you Gorge awakened would be very nice but at the same time after the recent nerf in AC it isn't worth doing it at all even as awakened instance, they would need to add sth other than cores or AC or just take back the ac change in order for your post to work out Q.Q

    Will Still do a video Guide for Gorge and other instances in the future to encourage players to clear it but yeah those changes hurted alot...

  • Already mentioned this in one of my further posts.. Sadly never get a response of a Dev or GM meanwhile many other players supported this ideas.

    RE: Nostalgia instances Buff

    At some point in a discord conversation I think a dev mentioned that it would be pretty hard and a lot of work to rebuild instances with a awakened mode but not 100% sure anymore it was like idk 2 or 3 months ago I think