Siege War issues

  • Language: TR

    Game Version:


    In a clan castle war, when I enter my own clan's door, my clan name should be written, but the enemy's clan name is written.

    Language: TR

    Game Version:


    I want to change the default costume in the clan castle war, but this is not possible. Costume and Magic Wardrobe do not work during the clan castle battle.

  • Language: TR

    Game Version:

    ID: 1249362 [Potion: Maid's Justiciar Brew]

    If this item is used before the clan castle war, we can go to war with this buff. If we do not have this buff on us and we try to use it during the battle, it says "Unusable. You cannot use this item on the battlefield." There is a problem here. If this item is not used in a Clan Castle war, it should also be prohibited to enter the war with it before using it.

    Language: TR

    Game Version:

    ID: 1244395 (Mystical Tambourine (30 Days)

    ID: 1244394 (Mystical Lute (30 Days)]

    I think this item is prohibited to be used in clan castle war, but we can sometimes use instruments in clan castle war. Sometimes we cannot use this. I couldn't figure out why we use it. I guess that's a problem because.

    Edited once, last by kleos: kleos tarafından oluşturulan bir mesaj bu mesaj ile birleştirildi. ().

    • Official Post

    Language: TR

    Game Version:


    I want to change the default costume in the clan castle war, but this is not possible. Costume and Magic Wardrobe do not work during the clan castle battle.

    Magic Wardrobe is intentionally disabled inside battlegrounds.

    It was reported before, but unable to be reproduced by team. If you find way to reliably reproduce it, we could investigate it.


  • Hello,

    I can't use instruments in the clan castle war but my opponent can use instruments as shown here. I guess this is a problem?


    I shouldn't be able to see the correspondence of the person I added to my block list in previous clan castle wars, but in the clan castle war, the correspondence is visible even though he is on my block list.

    Edited once, last by kleos: kleos tarafından oluşturulan bir mesaj bu mesaj ile birleştirildi. ().

    • Official Post


    Instruments is related to Bard Skill Defined Tablature(1491099), it's not planned currently to disable this due to being class skill.

    Disabling battleground chat when user is on blacklist will be implemented in future patch.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.