Synchronize start timer/preparation time for Visdun Fortress

  • Hello there,

    I recently started to play some Visdun Fortress and kinda enjoy it, but there is just one thing that really annoys me. The preparation time (60 seconds before first wave, you can already set up some turrets) starts directly with the entrance of the first player! That means, the second player will always have a shorter preparation time, especially if he was doing some stuff while beeing in queue. A good example is: I enter queue and kill some mobs for Prestige-Pass, after a while (it can take up to hours if no one is queueing) the notification appears "Enter Visdun Fortress". But I am killing mobs and currently in combat, I need to wait a few seconds before I can finally enter it. Combined with loadingscreen, sometimes I enter Visdun and only have 30 seconds left for preparation. That is really a big disadvantage compared to the other player. Can you please synchronize the preparation time, e.g. wait for both players to enter, then start a short countdown BEFORE preparation time starts?

    Thank you very much.

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