Universal Gathering Tool

  • Hello, with one of the latest Patches we got new Crafting Tools to make crafting more interessting,while at the same time the bag loot from instances like fa,idk,sok got nerfed significantly.

    Those new crafting tools coast 5million gold each, the problem rn is if we want to gather we always need to change between all 3 tools 30 times a minute,that realy is annoying tbh and could be changed.

    My suggestion would be a multitool that combinds all 3 gathering tools while the price would be 15million instead of 5 million. This would be a massiv QoL update while not changing the way the system should work,but would be way easier for players to use then having so switch the tool every 10 seconds. Ty for all the work :saint:

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    • Official Post


    With future patch, utensil slot will be expanded to contain 4 slots, allowing you to use all 3 gathering tools simultaneously.


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