Insights about Champion and its subclasses as DD?

  • Hello there,

    I recently started to play champion (mainly as support with ch/d), but the further i progress, I want to try it out as a DD. Is any experienced player willing to share some insights and advices on how to play champion as dd and which subclasses and skills are good?

    I have my eyes on combinations like ch/s, ch/wl and ch/w. As far as now, I realized, that some classes (for example ch/w) need to be played with specific weapons (axes in this case) and I have read, that 1h-hammer + talisman outperfoms 2h weapos, but want to know more about this class. :)

    Would be nice, if a player has time to give some information here or just whisper me ingame. Thank you very much. :)