Kegslayers (english speaking)

  • I've been around in game for a while and noticed a lack of friendly and active US/english based guilds with in this community. So today Protus, Icebreake, and Myself (SinfulTed), have decided to actively search for english speaking folks that play with in the US general time zones. It dont matter if your brand new to the game, returning to the game, or just looking for a better home in the community. Feel free to message one of the 3 of us ingame.

    We aint worried about your activity level, we will be glad to have you when your available.

    We actually do instance running for diamonds and power leveling frequently if you want to push your class faster then questing.

    Our Core people consist currently of one polish member and rest US based that are all fun loving, trash talking, country folk. We have next to no rules that will prevent you from having a great time while you grow with us.

  • Hello, currently looking to make a support character and join the guild, what are the classes people go for with supports usually, or what are you guys looking for exactly? Thank you and message Drydudthree in game.

  • i want to join a guild with english as language i am not new to the game i used to play runes of magic but enjoy this more i am skilled in alot in game if you are still looking for guild people