I am just curious since those epic hammers came out for k/m.... What about a bow with magic damage for classes like M/S P/S D/S ?
Of course it would have to have nerfed damage for the physical aspect but I am just curious : D

New hybrid weapon ? a magical bow?
- Calolim
- Closed
Need a medic to clean this up. Ty
back to topic:
i would really like to see a magical bow for my priest/scout and mage/scout
maybe even a +heal nonstat on it for priest/scout & druid/scoutYeah I think it would make another sub par mage class combo a little better and possibly viable ?
Not to mention it would be nice to have mdam +heal nonstat as you say for p/s and d/s : D -
I played M/S for years and absolutely loved it. I think it would be a great idea to get them a weapon that would make them viable again, I for one would go back to playing it. I switched to W/M because M/S became useless, but then made a S/Wdn, which I also love to play but for a Magic class I would love to be able to play M/S...
Do it pretty please
offtopics moved to a new thread so they can continue the discussion
I agree that some more hybrid type item can be nice, like 1h sword or hammer,shield give + damage or magic damage etc. We need more variety for our server .More viable class,more fun and player want to join
hello, i re-open this subject,
it should be nice to get new custom (x)bow with mdmg like calo said few years ago
i know, it exists some alrdy in dreamland, but mdmg are useless... as u did with tikal 2h sword... almost same mdmg than staff or 104 1h hammer !!!!!
ppl tried new classes and it was awesome to see new variety on our server
could we see new fun classes to play with a new (x)bow ?
legit to have some fun and dont see all ppl play same classes in ini ?
Yea can be realy nice. But we will see what the new ini and the class balancing brings to the game.
Even i hobe a new Sword is coming for K/M since the old one im think from Tikal is realy outdated.
Sadly you dont got final answer. But i think now is the time to think about it (again). -
It would be good for Mage/Scout, but think about other classes like healer priest/scout and druid/scout. They would become a massive maybe? unbalanced push if you have a bow with magical dmg like a staff.
Maybe let's see what the class balancing patch changes and then we can think about a magical bow
I dont see there a negativ point for priest/scout and druid/scout i mean most healer play D/Wr or P/Wl so maybe priest/scout and druid/scout get usefull again
There is no positive point either.
The only thing where a new, strong (x)bow would be an improvement for heals would be an increase in their healoutput per skill, by increasing the chars mdmg and/or healing bonus.
P/S and D/S are currently almost not played not becasue their healing capabilities are to low (any heal class will heal more than enough in this game atm), but because their utility skills are currently less useful than those of regularly played heal combinations.
So giving those two classes a new weapon would practicly change exactly nothing, unless there are other changes made to how healing works in this game or specific situations in instances or bosses yet to come will be made easier/more comfortable by utility skills P/S and D/S can offer. And in the latter case a stronger bow for them again wouldnt make any difference....
For mdps classes however there indeed might be some use for such (x)bows or melee weapons.
I got a statement from a teammember, that all such weapons are not planned at the moment and would only be considered at the same time as or after a class balancing, so they are obviously aware of the fact that such weapons would be a nice thing to have...all we can do is to wait for them to make a decision when class balancing has finally arrived on the top of their to-do list.
Healer cant be op, a one hit u cant heal. And Prist heals with quick heal around 500-600k and druid with regenerate 2kk+. So already more HP as ever dd has so it dosent matter at all if he get a slightly boost or not.
And like u say wouldnt make any difference.... so no point again and for mdps it can be used
U got statement from a teammember ? i cant find anything in forum etc. How u can get inside information without beeing in team. -
Exactly, so why even bother?
Basicly you just opposed your own point you made one post before...
Borther because of classes u cant play and with a current weapon u could play
and not a old lvl 102 one from Tikal
nope i just made it clear that is no problem for such weapons for healer it dosent matter and the weapons are not needed for healers. so for mdps is it nice without making healer op. -
I dont see there a negativ point for priest/scout and druid/scout i mean most healer play D/Wr or P/Wl so maybe priest/scout and druid/scout get usefull again
Sounds different...
But maybe its just a language problem.
Concerning mdps, you should carefully reread my post.
And you can get info from the team just by asking them - ever heard of PMs?
...as this thread obviously already went offtopic once and I have the feeling this is happening again, I am done here.
P/S and D/S are currently almost not played not becasue their healing capabilities are to low (any heal class will heal more than enough in this game atm), but because their utility skills are currently less useful than those of regularly played heal combinations.
I have to disagree, we use p/s in every run.
...and that is why the word "almost" is in there!
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Suggestions to forum Closed Discussions.