Make full screen mode on one monitor practical for computers with 2 monitors

  • Probably the way windows works but maybe you could look into this?

    My computer has two monitors, on one I play CoA, on the other there could be something else (say, browser with CoA forum :D or a youtube video or discord). On the first monitor I only run CoA. In windowed mode I get 5-15 fps, in full screen mode it fps grow to 40-50.

    So I would rather play CoA full screen, but is basically impossible: as long as CoA has focus the other screen can show something. Good. BUT at the moment any other window gets focus (say, I click in the browser on the 2nd screen) full-screen CoA on the first screen closes to task bar and I have to alt-tab to get it back (even worse with focus following mouse - it's enough to move mouse by accident to the other screen and CoA full-screen window vanishes to taskbar).

    Is there any way to prevent this behavior? It would be really cool to play CoA with more than 5-15 fps...

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    • Official Post

    You can't keep any "full-screen" windows on top while being focused on something else on Windows. Full-screen is about disabling rendering other applications beneath the actual window to increase render speed, so you cannot make it work like window/borderless window.

    If you find any workaround, we may consider implementing it to our game.


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    Closed the thread.