Cost of runes exctraction

  • Hi I would like to propose to remove the gold cost of extracting runes from the equipement, for me this is a kind of unfair mechanic cause you already pay for the rune, its like yours and you have to pay to move it to another weapon or armor, feels very weird to me and the cost of removing a XIII rune is almost 100 diamonds on gold that is kinda crazy to me. So wolud be cool if that prize get completly removed or lowered to the point that its insignificant.

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    • Official Post

    We are not planning to do so, it's intended.

    This is part of how gold is removed from the server.

    Removing such aspects, will end up with higher supply of gold.

    With the same demand, the price of diamonds against gold would increase faster.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.