New here, could use some help

  • Okay so I spent the last 2 hours ocasionally asking for help ingame but nobody answered at all even in atlas city (I have some old alt there)

    And in between I tried searching the wiki or google but there's not much info on this game.

    I wanted to ask a few questions.

    1) What are some viable Magic dps class combos and their play styles?

    2) Where do you people usually talk? Is there a discord?

    3) should you power boost to 80, then level that class to max, or power boost to 80 but level your lvl 1 sub class first, OR not power boost at all and lvl normally?

  • 1) almost all mdps class combos are viable,
    2) i believe that most "social" part of game is on discord/ts/anything else?, of each specific guild. I didn't heard of global Arcadia voice channel
    3) depends, if you have $$ to buy diamonds to boost yourself, then why not, but doing Quests is not that painfull.

  • 1) What are some viable Magic dps class combos and their play styles?

    As deszcz2 wrote, the choice be yours. For starting up, I would recommend going for warlock/mage as a support or mage/warlock. As a full dps you can play what you want. There are only few classes that are useless right now, such as warrior/mage. But balancing is still going on for a while, so things might change.


    2) Where do you people usually talk? Is there a discord?

    This is not a 10 ppl server, we got tons of guilds in different native languages, multi-language guilds, groups, etc. Find a guild that has voice communication if you want I guess ;)


    3) should you power boost to 80, then level that class to max, or power boost to 80 but level your lvl 1 sub class first, OR not power boost at all and lvl normally

    Depends on how fast you wanna join the game I guess. With the current starter gear you're not able to catch up in the custom content, but it should be enough for a wl/m as a support I think. But afaik the free boost never expires. So you could save it for another class if you wish. Also, due to the exp/tp bonus of the server, it shouldn't take that long to reach 104 with the first 2 classes... btw you can have up to 10 classes on 1 character here. Only the fewer ppl are using alt chars for actively playing content.

  • Oh so you're telling me I can basically level all classes on 1 character and be able to have any class combo as long as I pay for the race change shop item? And that my starting class isn't that much of a problem even if I fail and produce some bad class combo?

  • Do you know why is it good? I looked at spells by switching my characters but i couldn't figure out why people take the class combos they do.

    Also, is there an online build maker for spells, class/combos?

  • there is addon called Charplan, where you can check all skills of all classes and combos + to plan your eq etc.
    m/d i good bec of nice spammable aoe skill "Magma Blade"? if i good remember so it is rly usefull in farming/killing mass pulls of mobs in ini

  • Are there any viable water spell magic damage focused builds after the rebalance? I remember asking a friend a few years ago and he told me only priest/scout and it was basically a troll build

    If not guess i can't go wrong with mage/druid and spamming that magma strike thing to start with. Then figure out a class i want later on.

  • Are there any viable water spell magic damage focused builds after the rebalance? I remember asking a friend a few years ago and he told me only priest/scout and it was basically a troll build

    Mage/Priest is a water damage class, but it's not that good I think. Priest/Scout was rebalanced but still isn't good enough by far. But you can have a try yourself ;)

    For beginners I would recommend Mage/Warden, it has a lower barrier of entry due to easier combos. M/D requires some specific buff stacking - the timing of this could be difficult at first.

  • KK guess i'll do mage - warden or knight then for a start instead.

    Btw how do i ride a mount? I swear the tutorial gave me one but I can't figure out how to summon it.

    Also, seems the only real way to level are these quests that give 10 mil exp. Killing mobs on their own gives pretty much nothing

  • If you play a priest/scout, you'd be better off equipping cloth mage items instead of priest(healer) items. Basically, you need two sets. One set being a healer set for when you group play as a healer (if you're going to play as a healer) and a mage set for when you solo play so you can actually kill some stuff.

    • Official Post

    Guess i dont have any mounts.. edit: i found an npc that sells 2 hour horse

    How do i go to atlantis city btw?

    You can obtain horses also from some minigames and events, as well as buy them in item shop (without need of spending real money).

    On Varanas bridge there is npc called Juno that will lead you to Atlas.


  • I reached lvl 20 on my scout and yet it's telling me I can't get any more classes? :(

    And i literally got a notification saying I can get an extra class..

    Edit; seems i need to do a quest, nvm

  • Is there a way to learn more gathering skils? I unfortunately found out I cant learn all 3 of them so my mining is stuck at 20 now.

    I do see crafting expansion items though but I assume those don't work on gathering skills?

    Edit: nvm I found explanation on wiki, seems to work on all

    Seems i'll need way more diamonds than i thought, I thought buying 4k diamonds will be more than enough haha. Seems i'll only be able to lvl my skills to max and buy a few bags

  • I have to say that people in this game really suck at helping others. Almost every single day I see someone post a question in global chat and nobody answers. I answer if I know the answer, which is not often. So others may be in the same position of just not knowing. This game is way too indepth. Nothing is easy to figure out. There are many out there that do know the answers though and they don't respond. People are better at helping here in the forums than in the game.

    We shouldn't have to go to google or global chat for every little thing in the game to find out what to do. Like the christmas item saying to go to the tree by phirius workshops to ask about it. Where the flip is that? So have to go to google or global chat to get help. Every last little thing in the game is like that. The game gives as little information as it possibly can and nobody wants to answer in chat.

    Then there's Atlas. Everyone and their mother posting looking for this or that character to help with Atlas. Yet nobody posts where the wanderer is. I have seen this go on all day. Not one person posts where the wanderer is. Since you're posting asking for certain class to help, it would behoove you to post where the wanderer is. You all act like it's some major secret that you can't afford to let anyone find out, but you want help with it. Lol.