Gear slots are changing constantly

  • Hi there,

    I have an issue with my gear slots. Every day I log into the game, my 2 equiped gears (plate and cloth) change the slot on my char (see screenshot below). Yesterday my plate gear was at Slot 3, today it's at Slot 4, same happens to my Cloth gear. Sometimes even after a simple relog the slot changes.

    This is pretty annoying, if you need to change your gear asap (bcz tank dies or whatever). If you hit an empty slot in a fight, you loose almost all your hp (bcz you are naked) instead of just changing the max hp which results in a gearless death sometimes.

    This issue is existing now for a while, even on the offi server it always has been a thing, but there was no solution available yet.

    I think, this just happens, if you have more than the default 3 (?) slots enabled.



  • I would LOVE to see this change too.:thumbup:^^

    I play m/w and my macro always uses the same slots so i have to swap both gears in the right slot everytime i want to play the class.....


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