Wszystkie glowne skile , castowalne na wiekszosci polaczen magowych maja mnoznik od inteligencji . Jedynie płomień na magu wojowniku go niema i zadaje zauwazalnie mniejsze obrazenia w porownaniu do innych polaczen maga . Zarowno brak mnoznika , badz brak wiekszych obrazen od zywiolow w porownaniu do innych polaczen maga pomimo wiekszej ilosci ataku magicznego przeklada sie na zauwazalnie mniejsze obrazenia na bosach . Przy zmniejszeniu obrony -30% ze skila maga czarnoksieznika , -10% ze slabosci zywiolow , -18% z ziarenek z druida wieksza ilosc ataku magicznego nie przeklada sie na obrazenia

I support this suggestion
and already mentioned it before in the feedback thread. The mage/warrior is the only mage class without an int multi on his main cast and he has only a 10% elemental dmg buff. I also want to mention my latest post about a higher base cast time for a short time for increasing the massive lacking burst dmg compared to pdps classes (which is the case for all mage main classes)^^ I hope the people in the balancing team will look into this
currently on this class combination I have gained some magic damage at the cost of 700,000 permanent magic attack. this character is likely to benefit from bosses as long as there is a sorcerer in the party(-30%def) , but I think he will lose on trash . it was enough to add to "fire protection" 20-30% fire damage ( nothing else ).
(google translate)
mage-knight's also unplayable at the moment. little magic attack. depends on the knight, preferably 2 knights (k-w + k-r) . actually his aoe is shit .... on 5 target , every 2 seconds ...
thunderstorm . changed to deal fire elemental damage. mage - the warrior does not have increased fire damage, so this change is only in the description because it does not contribute to anything
someone who does the so-called class balance, could play a little bit of this game. I have the impression that no one changes are based on the principle: stone, paper, scissors .
the skills: wisdom and power have been unnecessarily changed. as I wrote above, it was enough to increase the damage from the element of fire by 30%...
currently it's not a combo that encourages a second set of items. changing potions before using the swap, 2nd set of equipment, and it is comparable and even worse than other mages . especially when the tank attracts 10-15-20 monsters at once
proposes that a meteor shower works in the same way as a thunderstorm. so that it could be placed on the ground.CD 8 sec . and x0.2 int from x0.41