Hello there,
I was asked a bunch of times about how to play a knight or which knight subclass might be the best. Well, I don't think there is one "best" class existing, because the core mechanic of a knight is always the same. The difference is just the utility or support the subclass brings to the knight. But however, I just want to show you the very basics about the Knight class as a tank.
0. Introduction
In this guide you will learn how to play the knight on different ways. I played that class on several servers for quite a lot of years, mostly mid-content but also end-content. Today I'm Knight tank at Pulse in the very endcontent of this game/server.
Since the Chapter5 changes the Knight does not need to collect holy seals by whitehits anymore but by hitting the target with some specific skills like Holy Strike or Holy Seal. I will tell you later how to use them on the best way.
The following guide is my personal opinion, based on a long-term experience of successfully tanking operations. I never needed Physical Attack (Patt) for tanking, but this decision is up to you.
Also I know for the current content you might not need to follow all my mentioned tips, but this guide should be independant of the current content and any instances. I'm talking about the Knight as a tank in general. I also know, everyone plays differently, so I just want to share my playstyle and base this guide on that. If you have another way that works fine for you, this guide isn't helpful for you.
I. Attributes, Stats & Pet
Your main attribute is Stamina. So you need to choose stats which main attibute(s) is stamina. The other attributes might be Defense or HP. Some Patt attributes are also working for an easier way of trash tanking, but shouldn't be required.
1. Stats and Pet
I would recommend 2 different builds: Max-HP and Average.
Max-HP build takes 5 Protector (Sta/Sta/HP/Def) and 1 red Keeper (Sta/HP). If possible, use 6 Protectors. (but at this moment there are only 5 available)
Average build takes 4 Protector and 2 Endurance (Sta/Str/Patt/Def).
There is also the way of a budget build. For this you can use even yellow stats, but only use Protection (Sta/Def) to replace non-existing Protectors, because you need much more Def than HP for the current content as long as you don't go for a full Protector build.
In either way you should choose the highest possible stats you can get and effort. I would also recomment to use a Light elemtal Pet or magical Aurora (for additional wisdom). The more wisdom you have, the more is regenerated by Holy Power Explosion. But also a physical Aurora is possible for some more HP through the strength attribute.
Using a High-Patt-Build is nonsense in my opinion. No tank needs Patt to do its job right. It might be much easier but one day you come to a point to decide if you want to stand bosses or die because of too low defense. I saw tanks working with High-Patt but they always had been on a risk. And as a tank I do not take any risks. I would recommend not to go for a High-Patt build but the Average build with 2 Endurance stats is still okay.
2. Runes
2.1 Weapon Runes
- Wrath
- Fatal
- Raid
- Hatred
2.2 General Runes
- Ferocity
- Block
- Enchantment
- Tyrant
II. Skills & Cooldowns
1. Skills you always need:
1.1 Knight General
- Holy Strike: Your filler skill for main rotation
- Enhanced Armor: You always keep this buff up. If it runs out you probably die or take decent damage. Always take care of this!
- Defense Technique: Increases your parry which is very important. Parrys decrease input damage a lot and this is passive!
- Resilience: Since stamina is your main attribute, this is essential.
- Shield of Discipline: Your main defensive cooldown.
1.2 Knight Primary Only
- Holy Shield: Use this wisly. This blocks some event damage or protects the entire party (not raid!).
- Holy Seal: This stacks instantly 4 Seals on the target which can be used directly.
- Holy Power Explosion: This is used in burst and in combination with Truth Shield Bash
- Whirlwind Shield: Your priority 1 skill. This is your core skill for main rotation and trash as well!
- Devotion: Inceases your light damage and MP.
- Threaten: Always click this before Whirlwind Shield
for gain more aggro by it. You also want to activate this with 4 Seals on the target for the maximum debuff of 54% less Patt on the boss, which decreases his damage on you.
- Shield Mastery: More defense on shield (only white values, no stats/non-stats included!)
- Shield of Valor: Your secondary defensive cooldown which increases your parry by 50%.
- Truth Shield Bash: Only use it with Holy Power Explosion
. Without it does not generate any aggro!
- Holy Strength: One of your burst cooldowns. Inceases Light Damage -> Aggro.
- Hall of Dead Heroes: Decreases input damage and speeds up the party.
2. Skills you can use:
- Disarmament: Debuffs the target, but Sapping Arrows of Scout/Rogue (Lv30 Elite) will overwrite this just as Druid's Seeds.
- Shackles of Light: This roots some trash for 6 seconds. Can be used tactically for CC issues.
- Resolution: Inceases your maximum HP and restores some health. It's a good defensive cooldown but not a must-have.
- Charge: This stacks directly 2 Seals on the target and stunns it for some seconds. Do not use it to charge on mobs/bosses because you loose one global cooldown if you do.
3. Skills you never need:
- Punishment: Does some damage but you are tank, you don't deal damage. Also it consumes all sigils which is just bad. As Knight/Warrior with its Lv70 Elite, this skill becomes important for debuffing reasons.
- Shock: Same issue as Punishment
. Only stunns target (no bosses) and consumes all Seals. Maybe it can be used to stun a single target in trash or interrupt it. Otherwise you can use this for pulling mobs away from healers, because its damage is mostly higher than heal aggro.
(End of Part 1)