How to lock SaveVariables.lua?

  • Especially in last two days, with clients being kicked out to the login screen a lot, SaveVariables.lua gets reset to the defaults very often. Maybe it's just me with a very slow computer but still. Ofc. I do have a backup of this file and I can always restore it but still this is really annoying: even with a little script restoring the latest backup, you have to log out in all clients first (or else they will overwrite it again with rubbish upon logout).

    In "the other" global version it was enough to make the file read-only and it was safe: no crashes or two clients exiting at the same time lead to this file being destroyed. In CoA it is not the case anymore - if I make this file read only it gets read-write rights after the client starts next time. ;(

    Is there any way to protect this file? Somehow make it admin-owned or something? I'm not MS Windows expert and the options I have tried did not work.

  • Hey,

    Not sure if this is the sort of solution you're looking for, but I've resorted to creating a local git repository because I was sick of manually restoring backups back and forth as well. Maybe you could look into this or a similar solution?

    • Official Post


    You can also use backup option from launcher settings.

    Anyway if your settings being restored it most likely means that they were never saved properly. You should logout and close game normally at least once after setting up everything, with just one game client opened.


  • Nah a few people are having this issue actually Grox, and the backup from launcher doesn't seem to stick either so we have to do it repeatedly etc. I'm sure it'll get fixed soon but the issue is there :P

  • Grox, the settings were saved correctly. I could log out and log in multiple times and things were fine. But then if like in the last days two clients get kicked out to the login screen at the same time the settings sometimes reset to defaults. This happens often enough to be quite annoying... (I'm not sure if it is just during logging out and two clients trying to write the the same settings file, or maybe I tried to log in in one client while the other was still writing its data and somehow a partially-written file was read and could not be parsed or whatever else it was - the settings got reset to defaults from time to time.)

    (But by the way: the post was not to ask for some fix in the client :P . The question was only if there is a way to protect settings file from being ever overwritten by the CoA client! "The other" global version had for me the same problem with resets, it is not CoA specific. But it did not touch SaveVariables.lua if I made it read only - CoA client is nasty ;) , it still overwrites this file. )