Healing Void seems to trigger the event UNIT_BUFF_CHANGED every time Healing void ticks. The event is supposed to be triggered when Healing void is first activated or when you don't have the buff anymore. This bug might lead to Healing Void slowing down the game every time you use it.
Healing Void and UNIT_BUFF_CHANGED event (lua)
- Aaskar
- Closed
Changed the title of the thread from “Healing Void and UNIT_BUFF_CHANGED event” to “Healing Void and UNIT_BUFF_CHANGED event (lua)”. -
Other skills like the druid/champions mechanisms do the same I believe. I think this is necessary to allow players who enter the affected area to frequently recieve the buffs and those who leave the same area to lose the buffs.
Indeed this has a noticeable negative impact on performance, especially in bigger raids. I dont know though if there is any solution to this while keeping those skills functionality as it is.
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Bug reports to forum wbb.board.board79.